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Name: Zambrano Figueroa Wagner

Date: August 26, 2023

1- En un documento de word transcriba estas oraciones y complete usando el
verbo modal SHOULD O SHOULN’T.
Should shouldn’t exercises. Choose the right forms of modal
verb should or shouldn’t to complete the following sentences in English.

1.You shouldn't smoke in bed.

2. You should go to the opera in London. It’s great.

3. You should tell her about it. It’s too depressing.

4. You shouldn't cross the street at red traffic lights.

5. The doctor told him that he should eat less. He’s too fat.

6. I think you shouldn’t spend less money on clothes. They’re too expensive. 7. That’s a
fantastic book. You should read it.

9. He is often late to work. You should get up earlier.

10. She shouldn't tell lies.

11.He’s fifteen. He shouldn’t drive a car.


Escriba 5 preguntas y responda (ver los ejemplos arriba explicados).

Ejemplo: Should Alex play soccer in the park? Yes, he should

Should the students study English? No, they shouldn’t

1. - Should Drivers be careful while driving.? Yes, we should.

2. - Should Teachers be on time to class everyday.? Yes, They should.
3. - We should respect other's opinion? Yes, we should.
4. - Everybody should keep the city clean.? Yes, we should.
5. -Should smokers use the ashtray.? Yes, they should

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