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Glauber Felipe Santos e Santos

Dr. Mark Cook

DCM 2301.02

3 November 2023

A personal reflection on life in college

During my time at Dallas Baptist University, I am going through a journey of self-

reflection and personal growth. This unique academic environment, grounded in principles, is

providing me with insights from books like "The Idea of a Christian College" by Arthur F.

Holmes and "Learning the Good Life" by Jessica Hooten Wilson and Jacob Stratman. As I look

at the person I am becoming and reflect on the changes and deepening that are necessary, I can't

help but recognize the profound impact of friendships on my college experience.

Starting with Arthur F. Holmes' book, "The Idea of a Christian College," it is playing a

role in shaping my perspective on education and personal development. Holmes emphasizes the

importance of integrating faith into our journey. This integration requires an approach where we

are shaped not just intellectually but spiritually as well. As a music industry major, I am not just

learning about the music business, but also about the moral dilemmas and responsibilities that

come with it. The concept of living a life, as presented in Holmes' book, revolves around seeking

purpose, meaning, and virtue.

During my time in college, I am realizing the importance of aligning my aspirations with

my values. However, this journey is also highlighting areas where I need to make changes.

One aspect that requires adjustment is my tendency to overly focus on career pursuits at

the expense of other important aspects of life. While striving for success is admirable, it

shouldn't come at the cost of neglecting my emotional and interpersonal well-being. In her book,

Holmes emphasizes that education is a pathway to transformation that goes beyond the confines

of the classroom. At times in college, I have found myself prioritizing grades and achievements

over fostering connections with my peers.

This is where "Learning the Good Life" by Jessica Hooten Wilson and Jacob Stratman

comes into play. The book reminds us to draw wisdom from a range of authors and thinkers who

advocate living a life and pursuing virtue while investing in meaningful relationships. One idea

that strongly resonates with me is the concept of self-sacrifice and selflessness. During my time

at the university, there have been moments when I have been too focused on myself, driven by

ambition. As I reflect on what makes a fulfilling life, I realize the need to change my perspective

and become more focused on others.

Friendship has played a significant role in shaping my university experience. It has

provided support and served as a mirror reflecting the person I am becoming. The friendships I

have formed at DBU have challenged me to grow in faith, be more compassionate, and prioritize

the well-being of others. They have encouraged me to deepen my commitment to values and

taught me the importance of balancing pursuits with personal development.

In their work, "Learning the Good Life," the authors emphasize how relationships impact

our journey towards a fulfilling life. They highlight the significance of community, unexpected

moments, and challenges in shaping our character. Through my friendships at DBU, I have come

to appreciate the power of community. My friends have stood by me during tough times,

celebrated my successes, and, most importantly, helped me recognize the value of shared

experiences and collective growth.

As I continue my journey through university, I am committed to aligning my approach to

education with the principles outlined in "The Idea of a Christian College" by Arthur F. Holmes.

It is important for me to deepen my understanding of living a life as described in "Learning the

Good Life" by Jessica Hooten Wilson and Jacob Stratman. This means shifting my focus from

self-centeredness to selflessness, placing emphasis on nurturing relationships rather than solely

pursuing academic and career goals, and seeking success within a community rather than in


Furthermore, I recognize the need to cultivate humility. Sometimes, in my pursuit of

achievement and fulfillment, I overlook the significance of humility in my interactions with

others. The Christian values emphasized during my education at DBU underscore the importance

of humility as a virtue. It is essential for me to embody humility not only when interacting with

peers but in all aspects of my professional endeavors. As I strive for a fulfilling life, I understand

that humility serves as an element on the path to excellence and purpose.

In conclusion, my time at Dallas Baptist University is truly transformative. It is making

me reflect on the kind of person I am becoming during my college years. Inspired by Arthur F.

Holmes and the insights shared in "Learning the Good Life," I have come to realize the need for

adjustments in my priorities and perspectives. Friendship is playing a significant role in this

journey, helping me navigate both the challenges and joys of university life. As I continue to

embrace the values of education, I am filled with excitement for the opportunities that lie ahead:

growth, meaningful relationships, and the pursuit of a fulfilling life.

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