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The Business Model Canvas Designed for: Self service laundry Designed by: Mohammed Osman Date:12/10/2021 Version: 2

Key Partners Key Activities Value Propositions Customer Relationships Customer Segments

Key Resources: Water, Electricity, washing machine, drying machine, electricity generator, delivery bicycles. Channels:

Cost Structure: Water, electricity, washing machine, drying machine, electricity generator, delivery bicycles. Revenue Streams: Washing coupons, waiting
services (providing tea and simple snacks), providing cleaning products (Soap, bleach), ironing services.
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DESIGNED BY: Strategyzer AG

The makers of Business Model Generation and Strategyzer


Value Proposition
1.Availability, always available for all residence
2. Self-efficient machine, which does not need human support.
3. Cheap to the local standards.

Customer Segments:
1. Students
2. travelers
3.other residents

Customer Relationships:
1. automated customer service

1. delivery

Key Activities:
1. washing
2. drying
3. ironing
4- managment

Key Resources:
1. Water
2. Electricity
3. Equipment

Key Partners:
1. washing machines engineers (Sony)
2. insurance company (pasha insurance0
3. place keepers

Revenue Streams:
1. Washing coupons
2. ironing services.
3. providing cleaning products (Soap, bleach

Cost Structures:
1. Electricity cost
2. Water cost
3. machines insurance cost
4- Reparation cost (annually)

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