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Turn Torah into Prayer

Day 5- Learning from Daily Life

Opening Instructions for Practice:

1. Set a time and place for your Hitbodedut sessions.

2. Make sure you will not be interrupted for the 25-30 minute session.
3. Create an opening ritual and intention. This can include ritually washing hands and thanking God
for the opportunity to connect.
4. Read the prompt for today about learning from life.


Scan the past month and find something that happened to you personally or occurred in the world that
taught you something about yourself. What did it teach you about yourself or about life?

Continuing Instructions for Practice:

5. Make a prayer out of something you learn in your reflection. Express how much you want to
integrate the teaching into your life. Just say your prayer out loud, or spend 10 minutes writing your
prayer and 10 minutes saying the prayer, adding any elaborations that occur to you as you speak.
6. At the end of the session engage in a closing ritual. One tradition is to say, “May the words of my
mouth and the expressions of my heart be acceptable to you, Holy One, my Rock and Redeemer.”
(Psalm 19)
7. Optional: write down any insights in a practice journal.
8. As always, remember to post on the discussion thread in response to the prompt listed in the

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