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Reaction Paper

After watching the video titled “GOMBURZA” (NHCP Documentary) I witnessed how inhuman
the Spanish colonist are for their treatment with the Filipinos. Many Filipinos during the Spanish
period did not get an education because of lack of money that is why Spaniards insults some of
the Filipinos. Rizal was lucky because he was able to study despite of facing many obstacles.
Filipinos where often compared to Spaniards. The “Prayle” are very powerful, the church is the
most influential in the country at that time, the friars’ benefit from the hard-earned income of the
people. During the time of the Spaniards here in our country, we Filipinos faced many problems.
The only way of Filipinos to have some justice is to become a “tulisan” to get back to the
powerful “Prayle”. Many people witnessed the verdict of death. The judgement of the “Prayle”
are not fair. Filipinos have been silent for a long time and when they wake up, they will never be
oppressed again at the hands of other people. It is very difficult to imagine that time that instead
of us Filipinos ruling our own country and Filipinos seem to be deprived of our own land.
Politics during the Spanish period is very chaotic. The mutiny between the Filipinos and
Spaniards led to massive war in the Philippines that killed many Filipinos. Filipinos are naturally
brave indeed and willing to do everything for their homeland. During this period it showcase
how disheartening the situation is. GOMBURZA fought for the Philippines which resulted in a
conflict between religious and church seculars. GOMBURZA are a trio priest known as Mario
Gomez, Jacinto Zamora and Jose Burgos who considered now as martyrs to the cause of
Philippine Independence. The Katipunan used violence to achieve freedom. These events
imprinted in our History and gave us lessons that never be lost in the mind of every citizens of
the Philippines. The bravery of our heroes to achieve our freedom is truly wonderful.

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