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TIME-3:00 Hrs. MAX.MARKS-70

Answer key


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

17 (A)A group of individual organisms with fundamental similarities /A group of

interbreeding organisms/ A group of individual organisms which reproduce and give
birth of fertile offspring = 1M
(B) Systema Naturae =1M
18 Rodophyceae =1M
Floridean Starch =1M
19 Pinnately compound leaf Palmately compound leaf
The leaflets are attached to the common axis, The leaflets are attached at a common
called rachis. point on the leaf stalk.
Examples include neem and Cassia fistula( Examples include silk cotton (Bombax)
also called golden shower plant) and Cannabis.

One correct difference =1M

one example of each =1M
These are made of more than one type of cells and they work together as a unit. =1M
xylem -It is composed of 4 kinds of elements: tracheids, vessels, xylem fibres and xylem
phloem is composed of sieve tube elements, companion cells, phloem parenchyma &
phloem fibres. = 1M
20 Active and passive transport = 1/2M,
one correct difference = 1M
one correct example of each =1/2M
refer Ch- 08- 8.5.1 ( NCERT Text book)
21 Meiosis =1M,
Germ Cell/ Meiocyte/ Spore mother cell =1M
22 Ascomycetes = 1M
presence of sac like asci (sing. ascus). =1 M
Yeast(Sacharomyces) , Penicillium,Aspergillus, Claviceps and Neurospora.
( Name of any two members belongs to this class) =1M
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refer Ch- 04- 4.2.5 ( NCERT Text book)
23 Phylum- Ascehelminthese / Nematoda = 1/2M
Internal fertilization =1/2M
external development
indirect or direct development with correct examples. =1M
refer Ch- 02- 2.3.2 ( NCERT Text book)
24 In the life cycle of heterosporous ptredophytes . E.g. Selaginella & Salvinia.
- The megaspores & microspores germinate and give rise to female and male
gametophytes, respectively. The female gametophytes are retained on the parent
sporophytes for variable periods. - Within female gametophytes, zygotes develop into
young embryos. This event is a precursor to the seed habit. It is considered as an
important step in evolution of seed habit. =3M
25 International Code for Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN). = 1/2M
1. Biological names are generally in Latin and written in italics. They are Latinised or
derived from Latin irrespective of their origin. = 1/2M
2. The first word in a biological name represents the genus while the second component
denotes the specific epithet. = 1/2M
3. Both the words in a biological name, when handwritten, are separately underlined, or
printed in italics to indicate their Latin origin. = 1/2M
4. The first word denoting the genus starts with a capital letter while the specific epithet
starts with a small letter. = 1/2M
Mangifera indica = 1/2M
26 A= Hypogynous: Here, gynoecium occupies the highest position while other parts are
situated below it. The ovary is superior. Mustard/china rose/ brinjal
B= Perigynous: Here, gynoecium is situated in the centre and other parts are located on
the rim of the thalamus at the same level. Ovary is half inferior.Plum/rose/peach
C= Epigynous: Here, the margin of thalamus grows upward enclosing the ovary
completely and getting fused with it. Other parts arise above the ovary. The ovary is
inferior. Guaua/cucumber/ray florets of sunflower = 1M+1M+1M
27 Nucleotide is a building block of nucleic acids. = 1M
its distinct components are pentose sugar, Nitrogenous base and phosphoric acid/
phosphate. = 2M
28 A= Tonoplast = control the flow of water into and out of the vacuole, =1.5M
B= Cell wall = provide strength and protection against mechanical and osmotic stress
= 1.5M
They function as a catalyst that speeds up the reaction by lowering the activation
energy/ The enzyme accelerates a chemical reaction without changing its equilibrium, so
it is called as a biocatalyst. = 1M
1.They increase the rate of biochemical reactions in an organism.
2. enzymes are made by proteins./ enzymes are PH specific/ temperature specific
( Any four properties ) =2M
29 1. Leucoplast =1M,
2. Aleuroplasts =1M
3. Amyloplasts = 1M
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4. Because it generates energy by light reaction through conversion of light energy in to
chemical energy =1M
OR because plastid has its own genetic material( DNA) also =1M

30 1. When blood always flow in the blood vessels and blood capillaries so that it never
come in contact with tissues =1M
2. Regulate the flow of blood in the heart =1M
3. (d) all of the above 4. arthropods / molluscs =1M
OR its body temperature depends on the surroundings. =1M
31 (a) Haemocoel =1M
(b) Medusa =1M
(c) Nematocytes =1M
(d) parapodia =1M
(e) malpighian tubules =1M
For five correct differences between chordateds and chordateds non- =5M
refer Ch- 04- table no.4.1 ( NCERT Text book)
32 (a) ) Fate bodies= stores fat there =1M
(b)Testis= produce sperms =1M
(c)kidney= blood filtration =1M
(d)cloaca= is a small, median chamber that is used to pass faecal matter, urine and
sperms to the exterior. =1M
(e) Urinary Bladder= pass urine in to cloaca =1M
A. Name of the fruit= Berry or capsule = ½M
B. Type of inflorescence = Solitary, axillary or cymose = ½M
C. writes its floral formula = refer text book = 2M
D. draw the floral diagram = refer text book = 2M
33 (A) Mitosis is known as growth divisionit is responsible for growth and development in
organisms =1M
(B) Gametic Meiosis = 1M
(C) For any three correct differences =3M
(A) Proteins are the polymers of amino acids = 1M
because they are needed for growth and repair of our body. = 1M
(B) Collagen = 1M
(C) RuBisCO. = 1M
(D) Antibody. = 1M

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