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2021 XIl (2021-22) SRE(OBT) Biology-Google Forms


Choose correct answers

1. In animals, juvenile phase is followed by. oints

O(a) reproductive phase

O b) senescent phase

O oldage
O (d) vegetat ve phase

Add answer feedback


2.There is no natural death in single celled organisms like Amoeba and bacteria because

O(a) they cannot reproduce sexually

Ob) they reproduce by tinary fission

Oe)parenta tody is distr buted among the offspring

O(d) they are mcroscopic

3. Identify the correct sequence of events points

O a) GametogeneaisSyngamy Embryogenesis Zygote

O(b) Gametogenesis Zygote Syngarmy Embryogenesis

O (c) Gametogenes s Embryogenesis2ygote Syngamy 1QqCCbOsSWLDyV9GRKT2cFQwR3u6 NOuFSIR6ig9ol7ciedit[27-05-2021 0141:07 PM]

03.06.2021 XIl (2021-22) SREOBT) Biology - Google Forms

(a) Garmetogenesis Syngarny Zygote Emtryogenesis

4 Match the asexual reproductive structures in Column I with the organisms in

Column .

Column I Column II

A. Conidia 1 Chiamydomonas

B.Gemmules 2. Hydra

C. Zoospores 3. Penicillium

D. Buds 4.


(a) A-3, B-4,C-1,D-2

O )A-3B-1,C-4D-2
O A-4.B-3c-1,D-2
O A-3B-4C-2D-1


5. Name the organism and the mode of reproduction represented in

the diagram given below.

Parent cel

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03.06.2021I XIl (2021 -22) SRE(OBT) Biology-Cioogle Forms

O(a) amoeta - budding

O(B) amoeta- bnary fssion

C)Yeast- Budding
O (d) hydra- buddng

6 Mark the odd one Turkey, Honey bees. Camels, Rotifers


Oa) Tukey
O b)Honey bees

Oc) Cames
O ) Rot fers


7. Identity the picture and mention the vegetative part that heips it to


Ola) Germinat ng tud acpears from the eye of the stem tuter

b ) Cerminating bud appears from the node of the rh zome

( c ) Germ nat1ng bud appears from the notch of the eaf marg n.

8. Which one of the follawing statements is true of Cucurbits?

L ponts

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03.06.2021 XII (2021 -22) SREZOB) Biology -Googie Foms

O (a) tismonoecous proauc ng both staminate and pist late flowers in the same p ant

O D) it is monoec ous produc ng staminate and pistilate fiowers ntwo different plants

( c ) it s dioecious producing staminate flowers in one plant and pistlate t owers n another

9. Cffspning formed by sexual reproduction exhibit more varation than those formed by Asexual
reproduction because

O(a) sexua reproduction is a lengthy erocess

b ) gametes of parents have qua itatvely diferent genetic compost on

O () genet c mater a comes from parents of two different species

Ofd) greater amount of DNA S nvolved in sexual reproduct on

10. The terms heterothalic and dicecicus are used to denote points

f a ) un sexua condition

O (b) bsexual cond t on

c ) staminate flowers
( d ) p stllate f owers

11. ASSERTION: Gametes are always haploid REASON Gametogenesis involves only meosis and no


O A) Both the Assert on and the Reason are correct and the Reason is the correct explanat on of the Agsertion

O (B) The Assertion and the Reason are correct but the Reason snot the correct exp anat on of the Assertion

(C)Assertion is true but the Reason s false

O (D) The staterment of the Ascertion is fa se but the Reason is true

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03.06.2021 XII (2021 - 22) SRE(OBT) Bsology -Googlc Forms

2. Fill 1in the blanks a and b 'Zygote a Globular embryo Mature embryo

( a ) A- pro embryo, B - heart shaped embryo

O (b) A -heart shaped embryo B -pro emtryo

O (c)A- heart shaped embryo B-d amond shaped embryo

O (d) A -damond shaped embryo, B - heart shaped embryo


13. Match the terms in Column I with the descriptions in Column IL.

Column I Column II

A. Pericarp |1. Coyledon in the seeds of grasses.

B. Pollen grains of Vallisneria 2. Remains of nucellus in a seed.

C.Perisperm 3. Mucilaginous covering

D. Scutellum 4.Wall of the true fruit.

O(a) A-4,B-3,C-2, D-1

O t) A-3 B-1.C-4D-2
O c)A-4, B - 3 C - 1 D

d) A-3B-4C-2.D-1

4. In an embryo sac. the cells that degenerate after tertilisation are


O (a) Synergids and prmary endosperm ce

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03.062021 XII (2021 - 22) SRE(OBT) Biology -Google Foms

(b) Synergids and antipodals

O C) Antipodals and primary endosperm ce

(d) Egg and antpodals

15. Choose the correct statement from the folowing points

fa) Ceistogamous flowers always exhib t autogamy

( b ) Chasmogamous flowers always exh tit ge tonogamy

Oc) Clestogamous f owers exh tit both autogamy and gettonogamy

O(d) Chasmogamous tlowers never exhibit autogamy

6. The number of meictic divisions, requred to produce 400 seeds in a pea plant, is( hint recollect
ametogenesis in male and female)


O b) 200

O (c) 400

(d) 500

7Howmany microspore mother cells are requred to produce 1000 mcrospores/pllen grans?

Oto) 150
Oc) 200
(d) 250

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03.06.2021 XII (2021 - 22) SRE(OBT) Biology - Google Forms

8 Which ot the following represents the temale gametophyte in angiosperms?


O a) Embryo

(b) Embryo sac

O (c) Synerg d

O (d) Endosperm

9. In a rertilised embryo sac, the haplod, diploid and triploid structures are

Oa) Synergic, zygote and primary endosperm nucleus

O b) Synergid antipoda and polar nucle

O (C Antipodal synergid and primary en dosperm nucleus

O (d) Synergid polar nucle and zygote

20. Which of the following floral parts forms the pericarp after fertilisation

O(a) Nuceus
O(b) Outer ntegument

( c ) Ovany wall

O (a) Inner integument

21. The following statements (0. (0) and (n) seem to descrbe the water-polinated submerged plants.
Which one of these statements is incorrect?

O The fowers do not produce nectar

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03.06.2021 XII (2021 -22) SRE(OBT) Bology - Cioogle Forms

O () The pol en grans have muci aginous covering

0 ) The brightly-co oured female fowers have long stalks to reach the surface

22 What is the function of the filiform acparatus? Oints

O1.Gude the entry of pol en tube

02 Recognize the su table pollen at the stgma

O 3 Produce necta

O 4 Stimu ate d vis on of the generative ce

23 Which of the following is not a water polinated plant Oints

O(a) Zostera

O (6) Vallisner a

O (c) Hydr la

O d) Cannab s

24. The anther wall consists of four walayers where oints

O(a) Tapetum Les Just inner To Endathecium

(3 M ddle LayersLe Between Endothecum And Tapetum

O (C) Endothec um Lies Inner To Mdd e Layers

O (D) Tapetum Les Next To Epidermis

25. Even in absence of pollinating agents seed-setting is assured in


O(a) Comme ina

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03.06.2021 X (2021-22) SREOBT) Biciogy Gioogke Forms

O B) Zostera

OC) Salva

O D) Fig


26.. Identify the figure given and the part labelled "A".

( a ) Blastrula And Trophoblast

O(B) Blastrula And inner Cel Mass

O (C) B astru a And B astoceo

O O) Bastrula And Out er Cel

27. After the release of the secondary oocyte, the Graafian follicle develops into


f a ) Corpus Ca osum

(B) Corpus Albicans

C) Corpus Luteum
O(D) Primary Flice

28 There iS no cell divisIon involved in nts

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3.06.2021 XIl 2021 22) SREOBT) Bialogy-Google Forms

O a) Spermatogenes s

O(B) Cogeresis

O(C) Embryogenesis
( ) Scermiogeness

29. Proliferative phase of menstrual cycle, is also called ponts

O(a) Fllcular Phase

O B) Lutea Phace

O C) Seretory Phase

O(D) Ovuatory Phase

30. How many functional sperms and how many ova will be formed by a primary spermatocyte and a

orimaryoocyte, respectively?

O a) One, One

b) One Four

c ) Four, One

O (d) Four. Four

31. Seminal plasma, the flud part of semen is formed by nts

f a ) sem nal ves cle and bu bourethral gland

O(b) bulbourethral g and and prostate

c ) erostate and semina vesice

O(G) semina vesic es, prostate and bu bourethra gland

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32. Which of the following hormones prepares the uterus for imclantation?

O(a) Progesterone

O(b) FSH
O(c) Estrogen
O(d) LH

33. The process of delivery of the foetus, is called ponts

O(A) Menstruat on

O B) Mcturt on

O D)Lactation

34. ASSERTION: Oxytocin, necessary for parturition, is secreted by the fully-developed foetus and the
placenta.REASON: It is due to neuro endocrine mechanismm

(A) Both the Assert on and the Reason are correct and the Reason is the correct explanat on of the Assertion

O (3) The Assertion and the Reacor are correct but the Reason not the correct exp arat on of the ASsertion

O(C)Asertion is true but the Reason s false

O (0) The statement of the Ascertion is fa se but the Reason is true


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03.06.2021 XII (2021 - 22) SRE(OBT) Biology - Gocogle Forms

35. Match the terms in Column I with the descriptions in Column .

Column I Column II

A. Acrosome 1. Motility of sperm towards the egg

B. Head 2. Powerhouse of the sperm; contains a

number of mitochondria.

C. Tall 3. Contains the genetic material.

D. Middle plece 4. Contains enzymes to dissolve eg8


(a) A-4 B-3.C -2,D-1

O ) A-3 B-1.C-4D-2
(c) A-4,B-3 C-1, D-2

Od) A-3B-4.C-2,D -1

36. Select the correct sequence of stages of spermatogenesis in a human male


(a) Spermatogon umSpermatidsSpermatocytesSpermatozoa

( b ) Spermatogon um SpermatocytesScermatids Spermatozoa

O c) Spermatids SpermatogonumSpermatocytes Spermatozoa

( d ) Spermatocytes Spermatogon umSpermatids Spermatozoa

37.The gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) from the nitates spermatogenesis at puberty


O a) Pitu tary

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03.06.2021 XIl (2021 - 22) SRE{OBTh Biology - Google Forms

O(B) Ovary
O(C) Hycothalamus
O (D) Uterus

38.The method of directly injectinga sperm into ovum in asisted reproductive, technology is called

(d) ET

39. Which of the following is hormone releasing? oints

O(a) Multiload 375

O o) LNG-20

O c)Lppes loop
(d) Cu 7

10. In which of the following ARTs, does in vivo fertilisation occur?



O d) iVF farms'd/1QCCHO»SWLDyVIGRKT2¢FQw RJu6NOuFSIR6ig9ol7ciedit|27-05-2021 0141:07 PM

03.06.2021 XI (2021-22) SRE(OBT) Biclegy - Google Forms

41. Saheli is a/an Oints

f a ) oral contracept ve for females

( D ) surgical/steri sat on method for fernales

O(c) daphragm for females.

O(d) surgcal/steri sat on method for ma es

2 Intensely lactating mothers do not generally conceve due to the

( a ) supcression of gonadotrop ns

O(b) hyper secret on of gonadotropins

O (c) suppression of gametic transport

O(d) suppression of fertlisation

43, Emergency contraceptives are effectve f used within oints

O(a) 72 hrs of co tus

O o) 72 hrs of ovulation.

O(c) 72 hrs of menstruation

O d) 72 hrs of mplantation

44 The oral contraceptive pils manly contan the hormones oints

O (a) estrogen and lute nis ng hormone

O(b) progestercneand estrogen

O (c)estrogens and fo licle-st muat ng hormone

O(d) progesterone and fo icle-stmuat ng hormone

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) What is ART

(a)assisted reproductive technique

O (D) assisted repratory technicue

C c) assisted auditory technique

46. Name the technique shown in the image

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03.06.2021 Xl (2021- 22) SREOBT) Biology- Google Foms

O a) zIFT

(c) ICSI

O (d) IVF

47ASSERTION.. GOvernment ot India has raised the marrageatle age of female to 18 years and of
males to 2l years. FEASON: Its a measures adopted ty Government to control population

A Eoth the Assert on and the Reason are correct and the Reason is the correct explanat on of the Assertion.

O (E) The Assertion and the Reasor are correct but the Reason snot the correct exp anat on of the Assertion

O (C) Assertion is true but the Reason s talse

O (D) The staterment of the Assertan is fa se but the Reacon is true

48. Diaphragms are the contraceptive devices used by temales. Choose the correct option atout them


O (a) They are reusab e

O (b) They block the entry of sperms

O(e They are placed to cover the cerviIx

O d) All of these

49. MTPs are considered relatively safe during the first -weeks of pregnancy

O (a) 8

O (o) 10

(c) 12

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3.06.2021 XIl (2021-22) SRE(OBT) Biclogy-Google Forms

O (d) b

50. The milk produced during the tirst tew days ot lactation is called-

(a)a ostrum

O (b) holostrum


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