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Forest Hydrology and Recovery of

Degraded Spaces
Climate Resilience: By studying hydrological processes in forested ecosystems, the course
equips students with knowledge and tools to understand the impacts of climate change on
water resources. They learn to assess and manage water stress levels, estimate flood flows, and
evaluate environmental flows. This understanding helps in building climate resilience by
developing strategies to adapt to changing hydrological conditions and mitigate the risks
associated with extreme weather events.

Carbon Sequestration: Forests play a crucial role in carbon sequestration, which helps mitigate
climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The course emphasizes the
conservation, protection, and restoration of forest and natural environments. By restoring
degraded spaces and promoting sustainable land use practices, students contribute to
increasing carbon sequestration capacity, thus addressing climate challenges.

Sustainable Land Management: The course focuses on the design criteria for actions related to
the conservation, protection, and restoration of forests and natural environments. By
integrating environmentally impactful projects into natural, forested, urban, and peri-urban
systems, students learn to manage land sustainably. This approach helps address climate
challenges by promoting sustainable land use practices that enhance ecosystem health, reduce
land degradation, and contribute to climate change mitigation.

Ecosystem Resilience: The subject recognizes the importance of preserving and restoring
ecosystems to enhance their resilience to climate change impacts. By addressing water erosion,
conserving soil, and implementing bioengineering techniques, students contribute to
maintaining and restoring the health and functioning of forest and natural ecosystems. This, in
turn, supports their resilience to climate challenges, such as increased precipitation, changing
hydrological patterns, and increased frequency of extreme weather events.

Overall, the subject highlights the alignment with climate challenges by fostering climate
resilience, promoting carbon sequestration, encouraging sustainable land management
practices, and enhancing ecosystem resilience. By equipping students with the knowledge and
skills to address these challenges, the course prepares them to contribute to climate change
mitigation and adaptation efforts.

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