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cultural and social explore how daily issues have an impact on our daily, lives, relationships, customs,
beliefs, etc.

ethical explore an issue at a moral level, consider human rights, laws

political explore an issues effect on govt decisions and consider the background

environmental explore the effects on the environment/surroundings

economic explore the economic impact of the issue

scientific explore an issue using research-based data and medical students

lens a narrowed filter through which to examine your topic/issue

Identify the lenses and justify your opinion.

1 In the debate over the construction of a new highway through a pristine forest area, various
stakeholders hold contrasting viewpoints. Some argue that the highway would devastate the ecosystem,
leading to deforestation and habitat loss for endangered species. On the other hand, proponents of the
highway, including some local businesses and government officials, emphasize the benefits it would
bring to the country by boosting tourism and creating jobs. (2)

2 As we look at the issue of healthcare reform, it's crucial to consider the lenses through which it can be
analyzed. First of all, we must assess the cost-effectiveness of proposed reforms and their impact on
healthcare spending. Also, we need to ensure that healthcare is accessible and equitable for all, regardless
of socio-economic status. We must examine the feasibility of implementing reforms in a politically
divided climate, taking into account the interests of different parties and stakeholders. (3)
3 Recent advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) have revolutionized the way we interact with
technology. AI algorithms are being used in various fields, from healthcare to finance, to improve
decision-making and automate processes. Additionally, it has sparked discussions about the potential for
AI to address complex challenges, such as climate modeling and drug discovery, by processing vast
amounts of data and identifying patterns that were previously impossible to detect. (2)
4 Climate change is a topic of growing concern worldwide. An extensive research has shown that the
Earth's climate is warming due to human activities, particularly the release of greenhouse gases. This
warming trend has led to a rise in global temperatures, melting ice caps, and more frequent extreme
weather events. Scientists emphasize the urgency of addressing climate change through emissions
reduction and sustainable practices. Different countries have varying stances on climate policies, with
some nations committed to international agreements like the Paris Agreement. Political leaders must
navigate the cultural and political nuances of their constituencies to make progress on this pressing global
issue. (4)
5 In the age of social media, privacy concerns have become increasingly prevalent. The widespread use of
platforms like Facebook and Instagram has raised questions about data security and the ethics of personal
information sharing. Technological advancements have enabled companies to collect vast amounts of user
data, leading to debates about the responsible use of technology. Balancing the convenience of online
interactions with the need for ethical data practices has become a pressing social issue. (3)

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