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This transcript was exported on Apr 11, 2019 - view latest version here.
Speaker 1: All right, this is one of the coolest, simplest tools on the planet and you're gonna want
to use this with every single mastermind, workshop, group training or community that
you bring together because it anchors in what they learn.

Speaker 1: I think the first time I used this tool was with, um, my buddy Joe Polish at his
mastermind. He was the first guy I cut a check for $25,000 to. And we're simply calling it
the Wrap Up tool. And it could be the Takeaway tool, the Greatest Moments tool, uh,
What's Worth Your Money tool, whatever you want to call it. We're calling it the Wrap
Up tool and basically ... and you'll see an example as well, this is where you're gonna
wanna remind them of everything they learned on your Zoom call or in person or being
a part of the group. You're gonna get them to look through their notes and pick the five
greatest insights, the things that had the potential for the biggest breakthrough and get
them to rewrite.

Speaker 1: So, in this section, you're gonna give them a moment, say, hey, if you're a virtual on a
Zoom call, say, "Go through your notes. Order the things you put the most stars next to.
What are the things you circled? What are the things that you learned today, you're like,
'Oh my God, I must do this, there's zero question.'" Extract that from your notes and lets
put it on the Wrap Up tool. When they write something down a second time it changes
everything. It shows the importance. In fact, I'd let them write, you know, three to five
down and then say ... give them a few minutes to do it. And then make them circle what
they believe are the top one or two.

Speaker 1: Because they're the things they must do. Remember I said through this entire training,
sometimes all I get out of a mastermind is one thing. But that one thing transforms my
life. You want them to get this one thing because if they implement that one thing,
they're gonna tell friends. They're gonna come back to you, they're gonna- they're
gonna brag about the value you got. Sometimes people get so much and there's no
clarity on what to do, they just go home more confused. The Wrap Up tool can eliminate
confusion and show them where to go.

Speaker 1: So, I'd let them take two or three minutes, write these down and then you go to the
next step which is the top three action items to put those breakthroughs or insights in

Speaker 1: So you have a breakthrough on how to advertise on Facebook, how to do the better
haircut, how to have more confidence in a relationship, how to do a hair better or be
better at photography, whatever the- the insights or the breakthroughs you had, what
are the actions you need to take? I need to hire somebody Monday, get a personal
assistant, buy the new camera, uh, start the advertising, start the Facebook, uh, uh,
page, whatever it is. What are the three actions? Give them a little time to write down
their actions.

Speaker 1: The next thing is, two connections I made today that can help me. If it's in person, they
can talk about, hey, uh, you know, Lisa was amazing, John was incredible, I wanna
communicate with them, I wanna contact them, they've already been where I wanna go.
I wonder if I could share something them and we can have reciprocity in this
268_0170 - M01 - L04 - P14 - The Wrap Up Tool (Completed 04/10/19) Page 1 of 2
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This transcript was exported on Apr 11, 2019 - view latest version here.
relationship. Even if it's on a Zoom call or at a part of the community, you can figure out
who can I help the most who simultaneously can help me. And always remember that. I
never ask for a favor unless I feel I could something for that person as well. That builds
real relationship, that builds reciprocity and that has somebody dying to help you with
your mission if you're there ready to help them with theirs.

Speaker 1: The next thing is what words can help you get back to your current action state of mind?
This is a part that I wanna tap into your emotions because you'll see it through all the
trainings that we've created is I like the tools. It's tactical. I- this is an insight I had, I must
do this on Facebook, I must do this to en- scale my business. I must hire a personal
assistant, there's musts, right? Then there's, what do I do to get this person or what do I
do to start the Facebook ads, right?

Speaker 1: Then it's, who can help me? A couple of connections. This is where you wanna be in an
action state of mind. So, these are words that can help, you know, abundance, warrior,
right? My dear friend Rachel Hollis, her word for this year is warrior. Every time she
wants to make something happen, she feels overwhelmed, she's like, "I'm a warrior, I
can do this. I'm relentless, I'm never ending. I want the next level." Like, what are the
things that can inspire you so this isn't just words on a paper for you and for them, this
is actually the blueprint of all the value they got out of what you shared for them.

Speaker 1: And the last part is, what pain will you feel if you don't take action? Again, I always love
to add an emotion. If you write down, I'll be in the same place a year from now. Ow,
that stings. I'll always be worried about money. Ow. I'll have the freedom to be the dad,
the mom I wanna be. Ow. Feel it. I'll be my dad. I'll be like my neighbors. I'll be the- the
dreamer, not the accomplished person that my friends said I was. Feel that pain. We
make decisions based on two things in life, moving towards pleasure or moving away
from pain. We might as well remind ourself every time we do a tool and every time we
do an action so we can get the momentum. This little tool can be their guide to extract
what you gave them, crystallize the important things, get home, take action, get results.
You make an impact on their life and in return they'll come back, pay you over and over
or tell friends they must do the same.

268_0170 - M01 - L04 - P14 - The Wrap Up Tool (Completed 04/10/19) Page 2 of 2
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