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My Philosophy of Education Statement

As an educator, I see education as the backbone of society. It molds humans into vital
components that keep the world running. My philosophy of education is that all students should
have access to an education that both challenges them and caters to their needs in order to
prepare them for their future and set them on a path towards success. I will always strive to
provide my students with the proper education and classroom environment that is needed to
achieve their goals and dreams while still encouraging them to achieve beyond those aspirations.
I believe all students should be challenged in school. One way I challenge students is
through classroom discussion. When a student provides a simple response to a discussion
question, I ask them to give me more. I want them to practice thinking on their feet and
communicating deeper than surface level. By giving them the opportunity to be challenged, they
are able to see that they are capable of doing hard things. This is preparing them to have the
persistence they will need as they move forward in life.
As much as I like to challenge students, I also value balance in the classroom. This is
why I am adamant on meeting students where they are. I have a knack for noticing the students
who are struggling and finding ways to accommodate them. Some of the accommodations I
make for these students include extended time on tests and assignments, modified tests and
assignments, resources that help them complete tasks easier, and more guidance with
independent assignments. I recognize that every student is different and learn differently. It is
important to me that I tailor my classroom to every one of my student’s needs.
Due to my belief in every student being different, student choice plays a big role in my
classroom. I do not believe that there should always be only one way for a student to show what
they have learned. When it is appropriate, students should be given a choice. One way I give
students a choice is with projects, but specifically final projects for a novel. When reading a
novel, students are more likely to focus on different things in the novel. Why have them write an
essay on a topic or idea from the novel that did not resonate with them while they were reading?
This is why I like to give them a choice on how they show me what they learned from the novel.
There may be artistic options, written options, creative options, technology-centered options, or
even options that involve public speaking. I want to give my students a chance to show me what
they know in the way that is most comfortable for them.
As an English teacher, I find assessments, both formative and summative, important. It
provides me with the information that I need in order to reflect, re-teach, and move forward. I
understand that assessments can sometimes be difficult. This is why I allow retakes on all
assessments. However, my policy is that the student must come to me and request to try it again.
If they are not happy with a grade they received, they need to come to me about it, and I will
absolutely give them the opportunity to try again. As much as I want my students to succeed,
they need to learn how to take initiative when it comes to their education.
In addition to these things, I also like to create a safe and welcoming classroom
environment through my classroom management style. I like to create a tone of mutual respect
between my students and I. This helps implement the classroom management style I strive for. I
establish this mutual respect by showing my students that I understand them and care about their
interests. I try to relate to my students by choosing texts that mirror them and their lives, or by
creating lesson plans that take an educational spin on something in pop culture. Once students
see that I am relatable and making an effort to understand their world, they are more likely to
respect me. This creates this level of mutual respect that is necessary. Furthermore, I strongly
believe in addressing situations in the classroom with a firm yet calm tone. This contributes to
that tone of mutual respect. Yelling only heightens situations. Being firm yet remaining calm is a
more productive way to handle issues. Creating mutual respect and upholding that through my
classroom management style ensures a healthy and safe classroom environment where students
and their path to success remain the top priority.

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