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Daffa Al Maarif

The Big Family in the Little House

Vladimir does not know what to do. He has a big
Noun verb adverb verb pronoun preposition verb pronoun verb adjective

Family. And the lives in a little house. He is not

Noun conjunction ale verb preposition adjective adjective pronoun verb adverb

Really happy. One day he goes to town. He talks

Adverb adjective adjective noun pronoun verb preposition noun pronoun verb

To a wise woman. “Please help me , ” he says.

Preposition article adjective noun verb verb pronoun pronoun verb

“My wife and I have six children. We live in

Pronoun noun conjunction pronoun verb adjective noun pronoun verb preposition

A very little house. Eight people in a few

Ar adverb adj noun adjective noun preposition cladj

Rooms! We cannot live this way!” The wise woman listens.

Noun pronoun verb verb pronoun noun art adjective noun verb

She closes her eyes for a minute. Then she asks,

pronoun adjective pronoun noun preposition artic noun adverb pronoun verb

“How many animals do you have?” “We have eight

Adverb adjective noun verb pronoun verb pronoun verb adjective

Animals. We have a horse, a cow, two pigs, and four

Noun pronoun verb article noun noun adjective noun conjunction adjective

Chickens,” says Vladimir.

Noun verb noun

“Good. Go home now,” says the wise woman. “Take all your
Adjective verb noun adverb verb adjective noun verb adjective pronoun

Animals into the house with you.”

Noun preposition article noun preposition pronoun

“Our animals!” says Vladimir. He goes home and does what

Pronoun noun verb noun pronoun verb noun conjunction verb pronoun
The wise woman tells him. The next week, he goes back
Article adjective noun verb pronoun a adjective noun pronoun verb adverb
To the wise woman. “This is very bad!” he says. “The
Preposition article adjective noun pronoun verb adverb adjective pronoun verb article

Animals eat our food. They fill all the rooms. They sleep in
Noun verb pronoun noun pronoun verb adjective noun pronoun noun preposition

Our beds.”
Pronoun noun

The wise woman closes her eyes again. Then she tells Vladimir,
Article adjective noun verb pronoun noun adverb adverb pronoun verb noun

“Now go home. Take the animals out of the house.”

Adverb verb noun verb article noun adverb preposition article noun

Vladimir goes home. He takes the animals out of the house.

Noun verb noun pronoun verb arti noun adv preposition article noun

The next day, he goes back to the wise woman. This

Article adjective noun pronoun verb adverb preposition adjective noun pronoun

Time he is happy.
Noun pronoun verb adjective

“Thank you, thank you,” he says. “It is very different without the
Verb verb pronoun verb pronoun verb adverb adjective preposition article

Animals. Now we can eat. Now we can sleep. Now we like

Noun adverb pronoun verb verb adverb pronoun verb verb adverb pronoun adjective

Our house. Thank you for your help. You are a very
Pronoun noun verb preposition pronoun verb pronoun verb article adverb

Wise woman!”
Adjective noun

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