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16 – Nervous System

I am successful today if I can…

Explain the primary functions of the nervous systems in animals

The Neuron (Nerve Cell)

Neurons are the specialized cell that mostly comprises the nervous system
Nerve impulses move from the dendrites, down the axon to the axon terminal.
The axon terminal might connect to another neuron, a muscle cell, or a gland.

Nervous System
Network of neurons throughout the body.
Controls and coordinates the activities of the entire body.
Detects changes in the environment and responds.
Two parts: central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral nervous system (PNS).

Nervous System (4:45)

Human Nervous System

CNS – consists of the brain and spinal cord and analyses incoming information,
stores it, and issues instructions.
Relay neurons (interneurons) allow sensory and motor neurons to communicate with
each other, and connect various neurons within the brain and spinal cord

Human Nervous System

PNS – has peripheral nerves that transmits signals between the CNS and the rest of
the body.
Sensory neurons are found in sensory organs and detect stimuli (receive
information), which it then sends to the CNS.
Motor neurons control the movement or response to the stimulus. They relay
information from the CNS to either the somatic nervous system (controls voluntary
movements) or to the autonomic nervous system (controls involuntary responses).

Human Nervous System

Reflex Arc

The Brain
What are the functions of the different parts of the brain???

The Brain
Frontal - voluntary movement, expressive language and for managing higher level
executive functions.
Parietal - processing sensory perception and integration
Occipital - visual processing area of the brain
Cerebellum - Maintenance of balance and posture
Temporal - processing auditory information and with the encoding of memory

Comparative Anatomies – Frog, worm, grasshopper:

What are some similarities and differences?

Check Your Understanding

Check Your Understanding

Putting it All Together:
We have learned about four animal organ systems in some detail: digestive,
circulatory, respiratory, and nervous. Choose a combination of two systems, and
explain how they interact (work with each other). For example: How does the
circulatory system interact with the respiratory system? In what ways do they
benefit each other?
Create 2-3 combinations. Challenge? Use the other organ systems that we have

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