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Lengua y Civ B2 - Week 3 Activities

Match the definitions and examples, then complete the missing example and definition yourself.
Try to guess the meanings of the examples you don’t know.

Type Example Definition

1. Free morpheme a) Cat i. one of a set of forms that a morpheme
may take in different contexts
2. Derivational b) Catfish (v) ii. Can only exist/only has meaning as
morpheme part of a complex word
3. Inflexional morpheme c) Cat-ty iii. Combination of two or more free bases
as a single lexical item
4. Affix d) Cat-s, box-es, iv. Can stand on its own as a word
5. Compound e) Pseudo-cat v. Morpheme that changes the word class
or basic meaning by attaching to a
6. Bound morpheme f) Semi-cat-ty vi. a grammatical element that is
combined with a word, stem, or phrase
to produce derived or inflected forms.
7. allomorph g) Cat-s vii.

Colonizers: The leaders were men so conspicuous and so convinced of their right to direct and dominate that it has been
easy to write the colonial epic in terms of these few. Yet they were a handful only. With them were the hewers, the planters,
the builders, humbler people driven westward by hard necessity; landless men of the lower middle class hungry for land;
farmers and artisans; small traders; resourceless people who had to come as the servants of others and here work out their
servitude. Their religious dissent was a weapon against the church-state caste in Europe, just as their respect for hard work,
their insistence upon honest dealing, their shrewdness, and their temperance were virtues essential to survival, to the
grasping of political power and social recognition. These were the rather stiff backbone of the American experiment, and
most of them were not only Protestants but Calvinists—the Huguenots of France, the Dutch Reformed churchmen, the
Scotch-Irish Presbyterians, the Puritans of England. When the Lutherans came later, and the Quakers, they differed from the
earlier men in no essential way in moral earnestness, in hard thrift, in private ambition and stubborn individualism. It was
these craftsmen, farmers, and small-scale businessmen, together with the more desperately poor of Europe, who not only
built colonial America but sifted out, among Old World values and procedures, what was relevant to the undertaking.

5 inflectional, 5 derivational. Function of inflectional? (See slides).

Derivational: analyse into prefix, base and suffix. Note any compound lexical items you find. Can you
guess what they mean from the combination and context, or do you need a dictionary?

1. in the second column, write all the definitions you know or can find in dictionaries for the words in
the first column.

Words Out of context In context

Luchas 1. f. Pelea en que dos personas se abrazan con el intento de derribar una a otra.

Confesional 1. adj. Que pertenece a una confesión religiosa o la defiende.

Justo 1. adj. Que obra según justicia y razón.

Ocupación 1. f. Acción y efecto de ocupar u ocuparse.

Saldo 1. m. Cantidad positiva o negativa que resulta de una cuenta.






1. Read the following text carefully. When was it written? Where was it published? Why was it
2. Tell your neighbour what the text is about in English.
3. In groups of three or four, decide (a) which of your definitions are appropriate for the words that
are underlined in the text and (b) which is the best definition for the context. Then translate those
phrases into English.

El País, el 13 de noviembre de 1985.

40 muertos en luchas entre musulmanes y cristianos en el sur de Líbano
La batalla confesional entre milicias cristianas y musulmanas anunciada para inmediatamente
después de la evacuación israelí de Sidón ha empezado con más de un mes de retraso, justo antes de
una segunda retirada del Ejército de ocupación. El saldo provisional de los combates en las últimas 24
horas es de 40 muertos y un centenar de heridos, según el alcalde de la ciudad, Admed Kalash.
Primero circunscritos a choques entre las Fuerzas Libanesas (milicias cristianas y unificadas), apostadas
en los barrios cristianos del este de Sidón, y el Ejército regular, los combates han degenerado
rápidamente con la participación al lado de las fuerzas armadas, de milicias musulmanas y de fedayin de
la resistencia palestina.
Por otra parte, el Ejército israelí llevó a cabo ayer en una zona colindante su tercera incursión desde su
evacuación de Sidón contra pueblos shiíes.

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