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Douglas Waters’ Guide to Feedback Symbols and Codes (in his courses)

Symbol or Code Meaning Examples of Errors and Corrections

underline There’s a problem. I don’t think Incorrect: We livein Bogota.

or highlight you need my help to solve it. Correct: We live in Bogota.
word Incorrect: He can to speak French.
Delete this word or sentence.
or D Correct: He can speak French.
ꓥ Add a word. A word is missing. Incorrect: They like play tennis.
or ADD If you see ꓥ ꓥ, add two words. Correct: They like to play tennis.
Incorrect: I live whit my family.
SP Fix the spelling mistake.
Correct: I live with my family.
It’s a subject-verb agreement Incorrect: She have a pet.
error. Fix it! Correct: She has a pet.
It’s a verb tense mistake. Incorrect: They go to Melgar last year.
Change the verb tense. Correct: They went to Melgar last year.
It’s a verb form error. Use a Incorrect: You have has many boyfriends.
different form of the same verb. Correct: You have had many boyfriends.
It’s a word form error. Use a Incorrect: The company is very success.
different form of the word. Correct: The company is very successful.
It’s a word choice error. Choose Incorrect: He has 21 years old.
a different word. Correct: He is 21 years old.
It’s a word order error. Change Incorrect: It’s a day beautiful.
the order of words. Correct: It’s a beautiful day.
It’s a sentence structure and/or Incorrect: We made dinner, it was delicious.
sentence punctuation error. Correct: We made dinner, and it was delicious.
It’s a punctuation error. Delete, Incorrect: We studied all night
change, or add punctuation. Correct: We studied all night.
It’s a Spanish-transfer error. Incorrect: I didn’t assist class yesterday.
Your Spanish causes problems. Correct: I didn’t attend class yesterday.
Your idea is illogical, difficult to Incorrect: She hates calculus, so she chose to major in math.
understand, or hard to read. Correct: She loves calculus, so she chose to major in math.
It’s not an error, but you can Incorrect: They think that I am brilliant.
( something )
remove it or improve it. Correct: They think I am brilliant.
There are many problems. Incorrect: Exist many information of the conferencia.
< something >
Rethink or rewrite it. Correct: There is a lot of information about the conference.
I can’t believe you made this Incorrect: He is agree with me.
same error again! Correct: He agrees with me.

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