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Secretory trafficking in neuronal dendrites

April C. Horton and Michael D. Ehlers

The neuronal secretory pathway represents the intracellular route for proteins involved in synaptic transmission and plasticity, as
well as lipids required for outgrowth and remodelling of dendrites and axons. Although neurons use the same secretory
compartments as other eukaryotic cells, the enormous distances involved, as well as the unique morphology of the neuron and its
signalling requirements, challenge canonical models of secretory pathway organization. Here, we review evidence for a
distributed secretory pathway in neurons, suggest mechanisms that may regulate secretory compartment distribution, and
discuss the implications of a distributed secretory pathway for neuronal morphogenesis and neural-circuit plasticity.

One hundred and six years ago, the Italian anatomist Camillo Golgi was inferred from studies of non-neuronal cells. This review addresses
announced the discovery of an ‘internal reticular apparatus’ in nerves how the spatial organization of neuronal secretory organelles both mir-
of the spinal cord ganglia1, a finding from which a century of organelle rors and differs from other cell types. We consider what signals regulate
biology has emerged. Golgi’s student, Adelchi Negri, proceeded to the distribution of neuronal secretory organelles, particularly the Golgi,
show that the internal reticular apparatus (at first dismissed as a possi- and how secretory trafficking contributes to dendritic outgrowth,
ble artefact) was, in fact, a universal structure present in almost all cell synaptogenesis and synaptic plasticity. Although the proper localization
types. Since then, the Golgi apparatus has been shown to be crucial for of membrane proteins may involve the targeting of mRNAs to dendrites,
the processing of proteins and lipids along the secretory pathway. For this review focuses exclusively on trafficking events that occur after pro-
the most part, the structure, subcellular distribution and functions of tein synthesis. Readers are referred to recent reviews of mRNA traffick-
the Golgi apparatus (and associated secretory compartments) have ing and protein synthesis in dendrites2,3.
been uncovered experimentally in relatively simple cells such as fibrob-
lasts. Ironically, the cell whose Golgi apparatus has received the least Spatial organization of neuronal secretory compartments
attention is the one in which it was first discovered — the neuron. The primary organelles of the secretory pathway include the endoplasmic
The lag in understanding the neuronal Golgi, and neuronal secretory reticulum, the Golgi apparatus and the trans-Golgi network (TGN;
trafficking in general, is understandable given the problems inherent in Fig. 2). As in non-neuronal cells, the neuronal endoplasmic reticulum is a
studying neuronal cell biology. Neurons have an extremely complicated continuous endomembrane that extends throughout the cell, function-
geometry, with axons extending great distances from the cell body and ing as both an intracellular calcium signalling compartment, as well as the
pleiomorphic dendrites full of intracellular membranes with poorly site of synthesis for membrane proteins involved in neuronal signalling4.
understood functions. An additional complication comes from the sheer The surface expression of a number of important neuronal proteins5–10 is
scale over which this pathway must operate. Neurons are immense, with known to be regulated by endoplasmic reticulum retention/retrieval or
surface areas up to 10,000 times greater than most other cells (Fig. 1). export signals. A subset of these regulatory signals functions at endoplas-
The precise localization of membrane proteins over this vast surface area mic reticulum exit sites9 — specialized ribosome-free subdomains of
is essential for formation of elaborate neural networks. Similarly, synthetic endoplasmic reticulum membrane where cargo is concentrated
secreted soluble proteins that are important for regulating neuronal sur- into vesicles that bud from the endoplasmic reticulum and are trans-
vival and morphology, must also proceed through these secretory path- ported to the Golgi11. Much like endoplasmic reticulum exit sites visual-
way compartments before being released. Furthermore, lipids ized in non-neuronal cells12,13, neuronal endoplasmic reticulum exit sites
synthesized along the secretory pathway must be inserted into the are evident at the microscopic level as stable, stationary puncta distrib-
plasma membrane at specific locations to allow dendritic outgrowth and uted on the endoplasmic reticulum membrane throughout the cell,
branching to respond to local signals. Secretory trafficking is involved in including throughout dendrites (Fig. 3)14,15.
a number of highly specialized neuronal functions; nevertheless, until After exit from the endoplasmic reticulum, secretory trafficking in
recently almost everything known about neuronal secretory trafficking neurons diverges from the canonical secretory pathway organization.
In most cells, cargo buds from endoplasmic reticulum exit sites
April C. Horton is in the Department of Neurobiology, Duke University Medical extending throughout the cell and is transported inwards to a perinu-
Center, Box 3209 Durham, NC 27710, USA. Michael D. Ehlers is in the clear Golgi apparatus (Fig. 2), a requisite station for processing and
Department of Neurobiology, Department of Cell Biology, Department of
sorting16. From the Golgi, cargo is directed back to its final cellular des-
Pharmacology and Cancer Biology, and the Neuroproteomics Laboratory, Duke
University Medical Center, Box 3209 Durham, NC 27710, USA. tination. In this way, the subcellular location of the Golgi dictates the
e-mail: directionality of both pre- and post-Golgi secretory trafficking.


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Plasma membrane

Trans-Golgi network

Epithelial Nucleus
ER–Golgi intermediate

ER exit sites


40 µm

Neuron Figure 2 Secretory pathway components. (a) The endoplasmic reticulum

(ER) — a mesh-like endomembrane that is continuous with the nuclear
Figure 1 Neurons have an immense and complex plasma membrane. A envelope — extends to the cell periphery and is the site of lipid and
pyramidal cortical neuron labelled by the Golgi reaction shows the membrane protein synthesis. Both secreted and membrane proteins, as well
remarkable size and complexity of the neuronal plasma membrane. This as lipids, exit the ER at specialized ribosome-free sub-domains, termed ER
neuron has an elaborate and polarized dendritic arbor (red arrow), with both exit sites. These exit sites are coated with COPII components such as
apical and basolateral dendrites. These dendrites have hundreds of Sec23–Sec24 and Sec13–Sec31 (red). After exit from the ER, cargo is
protrusions, called spines (inset), which function as sites of excitatory segregated into ER–Golgi transport vesicles characterized by components of
synaptic contact. Furthermore, the neuron has a specialized axon (blue the COPI coat (blue) in the ER–Golgi intermediate compartment. From the
arrow) that can extend many hundreds of microns to carry action potentials to ER, cargo is transported inwards towards the Golgi apparatus. Cargo
targets far from the cell body. Such exquisite morphological and functional continues through the Golgi and the TGN en route to the plasma membrane.
specialization demands mechanisms of secretory trafficking that may differ
substantially from those in much smaller and simpler non-neuronal cells,
such as the typical epithelial cell depicted. Adapted from ref. 100.
informed by examples of Golgi dispersal in non-neuronal cells. In
many cell types, there is precedent for the growth and redistribution of
In contrast to the typical central or perinuclear distribution of the the Golgi during times of peak secretory activity. For example, in the
Golgi in most non-neuronal cells, neurons have both somatic and den- protozoan parasite Giardia lamblia, the Golgi apparatus is not evident
dritic Golgi compartments (Fig. 4)14,17,18. Dendritic Golgi elements for much of the cell cycle22. During differentiation and secretion of
have been visualized both ultrastructurally17, 18 and by live-cell imag- cyst-wall components, however, specialized secretory organelles
ing14. These dendritic Golgi (termed ‘Golgi outposts’) are discrete termed encystation-specific vesicles (ESVs) appear23. These ESVs rep-
compartments that are discontinuous with somatic Golgi18, although resent a primitive Golgi that has hypertrophied to meet the secretory
they share the same molecular markers. For example, presumptive demands of the organism24. Given that Golgi outposts are present in
Golgi membranes in dendrites have been immunogold-labelled for the only a subset of dendrites14, one interesting possibility is that the dis-
Golgi proteins TGN3817, α-mannosidase II, giantin, and rab6 (ref. 18). persal of Golgi into dendrites increases and decreases depending on
Moreover, both dendritic and somatic Golgi process secretory cargo14. local secretory demands.
Despite the many similarities between somatic and dendritic Golgi, Cell division represents one physiological process requiring the for-
important differences exist: for example, dendritic Golgi characterized mation of new Golgi elements. During mitosis, each daughter cell
by immunogold electron microscopy occur within dendritic spines18, inherits a Golgi complex, or at least the material for constructing one.
whereas those identified by live imaging are evident mainly in den- Exactly how this occurs depends on the cell type (Fig. 5). In the intra-
dritic shafts14. In addition, live-cell imaging experiments have shown cellular parasite Toxoplasma gondii, the Golgi grows with the cell and
that pre-Golgi carriers trafficking in dendrites occasionally bypass undergoes lateral fission during cell division (Fig. 5a)25. In mammals,
dendritic Golgi and are transported instead to somatic Golgi14, high- the Golgi breaks down into vesicular fragments during mitosis
lighting the intriguing possibility that dendritic Golgi could, in fact, be (Fig. 5b)26–28. Numerous signalling events are implicated in this frag-
specialized to handle a subset of secretory cargo. However, there is no mentation, including phosphorylation of structural proteins of the
direct evidence that dendritic Golgi outposts have a specific functional Golgi matrix and vesicle tethering proteins, resulting in the breakdown
significance. In either case, the dispersed Golgi in dendrites identifies a of Golgi superstructure29. Golgi proteins then pass between the daugh-
novel secretory pathway organization that may underlie the ability of ter cells in a process regulated by microtubules at the centrosome28,29,
isolated dendrites to glycoslyate newly synthesized membrane pro- and the membranes re-stack into a recognizable Golgi minutes after
teins19, and to synthesize and express exogenous membrane proteins at cytokinesis27,30. This re-stacking is accompanied by a rapid reversal of
the plasma membrane after dendrite transection20,21. Important ques- the phosphorylation events preceding metaphase31. Neurons do not
tions remain about these compartments — such as how do they origi- undergo mitosis; however, given the robust and dynamic nature
nate, what regulates their dispersal, and what secretory abilities do they through which numerous kinases regulate Golgi structure, we propose
confer upon dendrites? that phosphorylation cascades may regulate Golgi dispersal in the neu-
ron. In this scenario, a phosphorylation event would result in the dis-
Regulation of dendritic Golgi dispersal persal of Golgi matrix into dendrites, either by diffusion through the
The question of how Golgi outposts originate in dendrites may be cytosol or transport along microtubules32. Just as the proteinaceous


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a dendritic Golgi form de novo around dendritic endoplasmic reticulum

exit sites? To test this model, an examination of the spatial relationship
between dendritic Golgi and dendritic endoplasmic reticulum exit
sites, as well the microtubule-dependence of dendritic Golgi outposts
will be required.

Cytoskeletal influences on Golgi organization

Golgi structure and localization are also intimately related to cytoskele-
tal organization38. The typical perinuclear localization of the non-neu-
ronal Golgi is heavily dependent on endoplasmic reticulum-derived
cargo moving inwards to the Golgi via the minus-end directed micro-
tubule-based motor, dynein. Disruption of microtubules results in
Golgi fragmentation and dispersal39,40, as does functional disruption of
cytoplasmic dynein41,42. In addition to accounting for steady-state
localization of the Golgi, microtubules can also control its dynamic
rearrangements, as occurs when secretory flux becomes orientated in a
Sec13 particular direction. For example, in migrating fibroblasts, the Golgi
becomes orientated towards the leading edge of the cell43,101. This Golgi
re-orientation occurs concomitantly with a re-organization of micro-
tubules, mediated by the microtubule-binding protein adenomatous
polyposis coli (APC) and the Par6–aPKC polarity complex44. In this
way, cytoskeletal organization and directed secretory flux are simulta-
neously controlled to allow directed addition to the plasma membrane.
Because of the close relationship between microtubule organization
and Golgi location, it is intriguing that microtubule organization in
neurons is quite distinct from that in non-neuronal cells. Rather than
having microtubules with plus ends projecting outwards in a radial
array from a central microtubule organizing centre, microtubules of
mixed polarity are found throughout dendrites45,46. However, axonal
microtubules are orientated exclusively with the microtubule plus ends
distal45. This neuron region-specific microtubule organization scheme
Figure 3 ER exit sites are distributed throughout neuronal and non-neuronal has important implications for the directionality of both polarized
cells. (a) A high-magnification view of a HeLa cell stained for the COPII post-Golgi secretory trafficking47 and dynein-mediated endoplasmic
protein Sec13 identifies punctate ER exit sites (red, representative reticulum-to-Golgi trafficking. Whereas endoplasmic reticulum-
examples are indicated by arrowheads) associated with ER membrane derived transport carriers are transported exclusively inwards in non-
throughout the cell, including the cell periphery. Scale bar represents 10 neuronal cells48, post-endoplasmic reticulum carriers are transported
µm. Reproduced from ref. 12 © 2000 by permission of Mol. Biol. Cell and
the American Society for Cell Biology. (b) Staining for Sec13 (red, top) or
bi-directionally in dendrites14 to allow their eventual fusion with den-
expression of yellow fluorescent protein–Sec24 (green, middle) shows that dritic Golgi elements14.
neuronal ER exit sites are present in dendrites. Colocalizing puncta are Although microtubules are responsible for the gross localization of
yellow in the merged image (bottom), and representative examples are the Golgi, there is also emerging evidence for a role of the actin
indicated by arrowheads. Scale bar represents 5 µm. Reproduced from ref. cytoskeleton in maintaining Golgi integrity and directing secretory
14 © 2003 with permission from the The Society for Neuroscience. trafficking. Members of the myosin I (ref. 49), myosin II (refs 49, 50),
and myosin VI (ref. 51) families of actin-based motors have all been
found on Golgi membranes in mammalian cells. Indeed, myosin II is
Golgi matrix functions as a template for Golgi construction33, this dis- required for budding from the TGN49,50. In addition, the myosin V gene
persed matrix might then function as a template for the formation of a product Myo2p is important for polarized secretory trafficking in bud-
dendritic Golgi outpost. ding yeast52. These motors may link cargo-containing membranes
Finally, the origination of Golgi in dendrites might be explained by directly to the actin cytoskeleton, as well as provide the force necessary
the fact that endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi membranes exist in a for membrane budding and the power for movement of post-Golgi car-
dynamic equilibrium34. Numerous proteins cycle between the endo- riers. A link between Golgi structure and a regulator of the actin
plasmic reticulum and Golgi35, implying a constant flux of vesicular cytoskeleton was also identified with the recent discovery of citron-N as
traffic from the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi and back again. a neuron-specific, Golgi-localized, Rho-binding protein53. Interference
The co-dependent relationship between endoplasmic reticulum and of citron-N expression, or microinjection of antibodies to citron-N,
Golgi membranes has led to the hypothesis that Golgi elements could results in Golgi dispersal; similarly, expression of a mutant form of cit-
derive de novo from the endoplasmic reticulum36. Indeed, this does ron-N that is unable to bind Rho also results in dispersal53. In relation
occur in the yeast Pichia pastoris, where discrete Golgi fragments coa- to Golgi structure, however, these experiments should be interpreted
lesce around endoplasmic reticulum exit sites (Fig. 5c)37. Golgi frag- with caution because of the number of Golgi-localized proteins that
ments can form around mammalian endoplasmic reticulum exit sites can cause Golgi fragmentation when overexpressed or sup-
when cells are treated with nocodazole to disrupt microtubules pressed41,54–57. Nevertheless, the possibility that local actin remodeling
(Fig. 5d)12. In neurons, both endoplasmic reticulum and endoplasmic regulates neuronal Golgi dispersal, possibly leading to the formation of
reticulum exit sites extend far into the dendrites14,15. Could it be that discrete Golgi outposts in dendrites, is an exciting new development.


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a b 1 2 3




Figure 4 Neurons have both somatic and dendritic Golgi. (a) One of Golgi’s µm. Reproduced from ref. 18 © 2003 with permission from Elsevier. (c) Live-
first drawings of the internal reticular apparatus of a cerebellar Purkinje cell cell imaging experiments with cultured rat hippocampal neurons highlights
(adapted from ref. 1). (b) Immunogold labelling of rat hippocampal neurons both somatic and dendritic Golgi structures positive for cyan-fluorescent-
highlights structures in postsynaptic dendritic spines (‘S’, panels 1 and 2) protein-labelled galactosyltransferase (GalTase, green). Less than 20 min after
labelled for the Golgi proteins α-mannosidase II (frame 1) and giantin (frame release from the ER, the secretory cargo protein vesicular stomatitis virus
2). Red arrowheads indicate gold particles. Membrane-bound structures along glycoprotein (VSV-G; red) is transported to both the somatic (left) and dendritic
dendritic shafts (‘D’, panels 2 and 3) were also labelled for Golgi proteins, (right, arrows) compartments. Scale bar represents 5 µm. Reproduced from
such as the rab6-labelled compartment in frame 3. Scale bars represent 0.25 ref. 14 © 2003 with permission from the The Society for Neuroscience.

Secretory trafficking and neuronal morphology of the secretory pathway influences neuronal morphology. Could den-
As neurons differentiate and their surface area increases dramatically, dritic Golgi allow secretory flux to respond to local cues, and thus
dendritic and axonal outgrowth requires the transfer of large amounts underlie dendritic branching and outgrowth patterns during neuronal
of membrane from intracellular stores to the plasma membrane58. development? Indeed, Golgi outposts are present in only a subpopula-
Directed axonal outgrowth requires the selective addition of mem- tion of dendrites and are most prevalent in primary dendrites14, sug-
brane to particular regions of the growth cone59, a process that must be gesting regional differences (for example, proximal versus distal
responsive to local guidance cues60. In an analogous fashion, dendritic dendrites) in the transport of membrane and cargo through the secre-
branching most probably involves the regulated addition of lipid to the tory pathway. Finally, how does the secretory pathway maintain neu-
plasma membrane, a process that may also be regulated by local sig- ronal morphology in the face of the continual endocytosis in dendrites
nals. A critical role for the secretory pathway is implied in these and at synapses72? Answers to these questions will be central to advanc-
processes, although neuronal morphology has primarily been viewed ing our limited understanding of neuronal membrane homeostasis,
through the mechanistic lens of cytoskeletal rearrangements61–63 or and may hold the key to understanding how neurons take their shape.
genetic programmes64,65.
In non-neuronal cells, there are numerous examples of directed Secretory trafficking, synaptogenesis and synaptic plasticity
secretory flux underlying vectorial addition to the plasma membrane. The formation of a new synapse requires the delivery of both pre- and
In yeast, secretory traffic is directed towards the growing bud66. In post-synaptic membrane components to the site of axo-dendritic con-
mammals, the Golgi apparatus in activated natural killer cells becomes tact73, a process that necessarily begins along the secretory pathway. We
re-orientated towards the target cell67,68. Similarly, in migrating now discuss recent evidence regarding the role of the secretory path-
fibroblasts, the Golgi becomes orientated to direct secretory flux in the way in synaptogenesis and in the dynamic trafficking events that
direction of migration43,69,101. In his later studies in gastric mucosal underlie activity-dependent synaptic plasticity.
cells, Golgi himself noted that the apparatus was directed towards the Presynaptic differentiation requires that the protein machinery nec-
secretory surface, and most probably served a secretory function70. essary for neurotransmitter vesicle release and recycling, as well as for
Each of these examples highlights a role for directed secretory flux in cytoskeletal components of the active zone, be transported to the
dynamic cellular events. Certainly the morphological changes accom- presynaptic nerve terminal. At least two distinct types of carriers
panying neuronal migration, differentiation and process outgrowth responsible for transport of these presynaptic elements have been
also involve highly dynamic changes in cyto-architecture. Unlike characterized. Green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusions with the presy-
fibroblasts or yeast cells, which have largely stereotyped morphologies, naptic vesicle proteins synaptophysin and VAMP, are transported in
neurons adopt literally thousands of different shapes, each highly spe- approximately 1-µm pleiomorphic organelles74,75. In contrast, the
cialized for various signalling functions and for incorporation into neu- cytoskeletal proteins Piccolo and Bassoon (as well as the synaptic
ral circuits71. However, it is unclear whether and how the organization plasma-membrane-associated protein SNAP25, Rab3-interacting


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a b through association with the neural cell adhesion molecule N-CAM86.

Additionally, TGN-derived organelles labelled by prolonged exposure
to the dye FM1-43 undergo calcium-dependent exocytosis in den-
1 4 drites87,88. Together these experiments suggest a model in which postsy-
Prophase naptic signalling proteins are packaged into carriers localized at nascent
synapses through contacts with N-CAM. These carriers have the poten-
tial to undergo calcium-dependent exocytosis, delivering the earliest
components of the postsynapse to sites of axo-dendritic contact.
2 5
As in synaptogenesis, postsynaptic delivery of neurotransmitter
receptors occurs during certain forms of synaptic plasticity, specifically
long-term potentiation (LTP)89,90. Activity-dependent strengthening
Anaphase of the postsynaptic response is caused largely by the exocytotic delivery
3 6 of AMPA receptors to the postsynaptic membrane91–93. The synaptic
delivery of AMPA receptors during LTP occurs minutes after the LTP-
inducing stimulus91, raising the question of which cellular storehouse
c d holds functional AMPA receptors for insertion into synapses. One
potential intracellular organelle is the TGN. In support of this notion,
brefeldin A (which disrupts Golgi trafficking by inhibiting guanine
nucleotide exchange factors for Arf GTPases) decreases NMDA-
induced synaptic potentiation and prevents an NMDA-induced
increase of AMPA receptor expression in synaptic membranes94.
Intriguingly, LTP is a calcium-dependent process95, and calcium-
Figure 5 Examples of Golgi biogenesis and dispersal. (a) Golgi biogenesis in dependent exocytosis of TGN elements has been demonstrated in den-
T. gondii occurs by growth and lateral fission. When the cell prepares to
drites87,88. However, Golgi outposts are readily detectable in only a
divide (1), the Golgi (red) hypertrophies (2) and undergoes lateral fission
(3). This occurs again, resulting in multiple Golgi fragments (4). Each subset of neuronal dendrites14, and the number and availability of
daughter cell inherits two Golgi fragments (5), which coalesce into a single TGN elements in dendrites is uncertain, suggesting that compartments
Golgi (6). (b) During mammalian mitosis, the Golgi ribbon breaks down in outside the secretory pathway may contribute to AMPA receptor traf-
metaphase, and is completely vesiculated by anaphase. The vesiculated ficking during synaptic plasticity. The use of more specific reagents or
Golgi is then partitioned into each daughter cell. (c) In P. pastoris, discrete molecular tools to selectively block defined stages in secretory traffick-
Golgi elements (red) arise de novo around ER exit sites (blue). (d) In the
ing, as well as more detailed high-resolution immunogold electron
presence of an intact radial microtubule cytoskeleton (grey lines), the
typical mammalian Golgi (red) has a perinuclear distribution. In the absence
microscopy studies, will be required to definitively establish the role of
of microtubules (as with nocodazole treatment), the Golgi becomes secretory trafficking in LTP. Nevertheless, determining the source of
fragmented into mini-stacks that are scattered throughout the cytoplasm. AMPA receptors for LTP remains a critical issue in understanding the
cellular mechanisms of learning and memory, and the secretory path-
way may have an important function in this process.
molecule, Munc18, Munc13 and N-cadherin) are transported to the
presynapse by 80-nm dense-core vesicles that exclude synaptic vesicle Secretory trafficking and neurological disease
proteins such as VAMP2 and synaptophysin76. Although these carriers The lack of information on the most basic questions regarding the
transport distinct sets of proteins, both seem to be derived from the localization and regulation of neuronal secretory organelles has hin-
Golgi apparatus76,77. It is important to understand how proteins are dered the thorough understanding of neurodegenerative diseases,
segregated into these carriers, as well as to understand the mechanisms many of which involve the faulty processing of membrane or secreted
that target these carriers to specific axonal locations. proteins96. This is highlighted by Alzheimer’s disease, in which patho-
Postsynaptic differentiation requires the delivery of neurotransmit- logical secretion of Aβ peptides depresses excitatory synaptic transmis-
ter receptors and other membrane proteins to the postsynaptic mem- sion97 and may be involved in the cognitive decline associated with this
brane, although how this occurs is not as well understood. Live disease. Aβ secretion requires association of the integral membrane
imaging experiments have suggested that in developing cortical neu- amyloid precursor protein with the γ-secretase complex (which
rons, glutamate receptors are transported by transport ‘packets’ of includes presenilin, another membrane protein)98. The physical asso-
unclear origin78. However, photobleaching experiments in neurons ciation of these integral membrane proteins is thought to occur early
expressing GFP fused to the NR1 subunit of the NMDA-type gluta- in the secretory pathway, but exactly how or where this protein com-
mate receptor highlighted a gradual accumulation of the protein at plex formation occurs within the cell, remains poorly understood99.
synapses, rather than quantal vesicular delivery79. Therefore, exactly Advances in determining the pathogenesis of this and other neurode-
how membrane proteins are targeted to synapses remains an open generative diseases will require an understanding of the core secretory
question, but probably involves a combination of directed post-Golgi machinery in dendrites.
transport combined with diffusion within the plasma membrane and
selective retention at synapses80, 81. Proteins such as microtubule- Unresolved questions
based motors82, molecular scaffolds83 and the exocyst complex84,85 Much work remains in understanding neuronal secretory trafficking,
associate with vesicular cargo in neurons. Vesicular trafficking may be its unique organization and regulation, and its specialized functions in
a general mechanism for the delivery of membrane components to nas- these highly complex cells. Regulating Golgi dispersal throughout den-
cent synapses, as suggested by the observation that vesicular elements drites or axons may represent a means for regulating secretory capac-
characterized by the Golgi proteins β-COP and γ-adaptin are recruited ity. Simple questions regarding the nature of Golgi outposts, such as
to sites of axo-dendritic contact in dendrites, where they are anchored whether they are complete Golgi stacks with cis- and trans- faces, await


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Golgi dispersal into neuronal dendrites

How? Why?

• Phosphorylation events resulting in release of • Allows local synthesis of membrane

somatic Golgi matrix and transport into dendrites and secreted proteins

• De novo biogenesis resulting from the cycling • Regulates secretory membrane flux
of Golgi proteins through dendritic ER exit sites underlying polarized dendritic outgrowth

• Transport via microtubule • May be specialized for processing and

or actin-based motors sorting a subset of dendritic proteins

• Hypertrophy of existing secretory • Proximity to synapses confers possibility for

elements in response to local cues input-specific control over secretory trafficking

Figure 6 Potential mechanisms for dendritic Golgi formation and proposed cellular functions.

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