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Formulating a Search Strategy






Formulating a Search Strategy


WEEK 2 – Module 2

Step 1

Pico Question

Effective Weight Management

Search Term: Effect of regular exercise maintain weight

Keywords Synonyms

Patient/Population: Pregnant Women’s Expectant Women

Intervention: Regular activity Regular activity


Outcomes: Reduce Weight Slim

Step 2

Limiters are used to define the search when searching for evidence on effective weight

management. These limiters include the publication date. Search on Effective weight

management has been limited to a specific framework to ensure recent search. Language is

also considered when articles with specific language are used (Wohlin et al., 2022).

Characteristic of the patient population is ensured by considering population characteristics

like gender and health condition. Lastly, in choosing the Pico question, age is ensured since it

is only pregnant women will be used in this search.

Step 3

Formulating Pico question

Patient/ Population: Pregnant Women’s

Intervention: Does Regular exercise

Comparison: Effective ways of weight loss


Outcome: Reduce weight

Conducting search

In conducting this search, articles with publication dates of the past three years are to be

used. The study duration should take approximately three weeks. Age is considered because

only married women are preferred in the study. However, the patient is considered since is

only pregnant women are conducted for the study.

After searching, the results were, that regular exercise results in weight loss. Other effective

ways of maintaining and reducing weight are diets whereby, in weight loss, patients should

avoid food rich in starch.

Looking at detailed articles on effective weight management, the standard terms are seen

under the relevant abstract (Wohlin et al., 2022). Physical exercise, which includes activities

that are essential in weight management, is identified. Weight loss management, which

describes strategies for reducing weight, is also illustrated. Nutritional guidance, which gives

guidelines for weight loss, is also shown.

Step 4

In the second Cinahl search on effective weight management, search terms such as

effective weight management strategies are used. Effective eating g habits are also illustrated

since it is essential in maintaining weight. Lastly, exercise and obesity treatment are also

encouraging to maintain weight. However, limiters are also used in this stage of search

(MacFarlane et al., 2022). These limiters include, sample size, whereby a specific number of

interested participants are included; study type is also considered, whereby systematic

reviews based on the goal of reducing weight are used.

After this search, the results show that eating habits are essential in maintaining weight in

pregnant women. Obesity treatments are essential since patients can determine nutritional

guidelines for marinating weight. Lastly, patients following effective weight management

strategies are essential in overcoming this weight issue.

Step 5

The above results are relevant since when pregnant women follow all these results, and

they can maintain their weight effectively. However, the results are current because the

publication date has been considered in choosing the current article of the past three years

(MacFarlane et al., 2022). The results are also essential in EBP projects since, patience to

follow these results and achieve weight loss.

Step 6

Using the final search keywords, limiters, and synonyms in PubMed search, we can get

four relevant weight management results. These results show that exercise, physical

activities, eating habits, and nutritional guidelines are essential in weight management in

pregnant women (Wohlin et al., 2022). Since current articles are used, current data of good

quality is ensured. This PubMed search is relevant to the EBP project because its results

answer the EBP question.


Wohlin, C., Kalinowski, M., Felizardo, K. R., & Mendes, E. (2022). Successful combination

of database search and snowballing for identification of primary studies in systematic

literature studies. Information and Software Technology, 147, 106908.

MacFarlane, A., Russell-Rose, T., & Shokraneh, F. (2022). Search strategy formulation for

systematic reviews: Issues, challenges, and opportunities. Intelligent Systems with

Applications, p. 15, 200091.

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