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Climate issues

In the modern world, we are facing a lot of issues due to
global warming, climate change and natural disasters.
Earthquakes have increased than ever before. Not much
time has passed since the 2004 Indian ocean
earthquake and tsunami which affected the archipelago
of Indonesia. About two months ago, there was an
earthquake in Turkey which might be less powerful than
the 2004 Indian ocean earthquake and tsunami, but
things like these are happening constantly.
My aim is to share you about the climate issues.
We humans are doing things that are destroying the
nature. Things such as:
1. Deforestation
2. Exhaling Carbon Dioxide through the means of
transportation and factories.
3. Consuming too much resources.
4. Burning of fossil fuels.
5. Bad waste management etc.

Health problems:
Most health issues are caused by the heat waves of the
sun. The health effects of these disruptions include
increased respiratory and cardiovascular disease,
injuries and premature deaths related to extreme
weather events, changes in the prevalence and
geographical distribution of food, water-borne illnesses
and other infectious diseases and threats to mental
Avoiding these issues:
We can avoid climate change and global warming by:
1. Saving energy at home.
2. Walk, cycle or take public transport.
3. Throw away less food.
4. Reduce, reuse, repair & recycle of items being used
on a daily basis.
5. Change your home's source of energy by using solar
panels and wind turbines.
6. Switch to an electric vehicle like Tesla Cybertruck.
7. Plant more trees.
Our world is our home. We are meant to protect and
care it. Trees gives us fruit as a gift, but what should
we give them? That is care! A tree gives us oxygen,
we give them carbon dioxide. Let us not give a tree a
pain of a chainsaw or a machete.
"Nature is not a place to visit, it is home."
Gary Snyder

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