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Global Warming

By:Kenrick Dillon
Global Warming

The world as we know it has been changing since the time of the
first Industrial Revolution of 1760. The natural environment has
been changed significantly to accommodate human
activities,thus resulting in “Global Warming”.But the question
you're asking now is “What is Global Warming?”
What is Global Warming

Well global warming in my own words is that it is

the continuous increase of the earth's overall
temperature which is cause by the pollution Of
greenhouse gases such as Carbon dioxide,CFCs
e.t.c are being absorbed into the earth's
atmosphere and absorb solar radiation in which
decreases the strenght of our Ozone layer so it
doesn't protect is from much Solar radiation as
well as its heat.
The Green House Effect

Thus Global Warming Brings us to another topic:

The Greenhouse Effect
What is The Greenhouse Effect

Well The Greenhouse Effect is A completely Natural process

in which the Suns rays shine into the Ozone layer but the
Ozone layer absorbs the solar radiation from the Suns rays
which in turn eats up the earth. That is why The Greenhouse
Effect is related to Global Warming because is is a natural
cause of Global Warming.
Factors that Contribute to Global
1.Agriculture & Farming

Livestock like sheep and cattle, produce methane, a greenhouse

gas. When livestock grazed at a large scale, the amount of
methane produced is a big contributor to global warming.

2.Deforestation & Tree-Clearing

Plants and trees play an important role in regulating the climate

because they absorb carbon dioxide from the air and release
oxygen back into it. Forests and bushland act as carbon sinks.
Burning fossil fuels
When we burn fossil fuels like coal, and gas to create
electricity or power our cars,buses we release CO2
pollution into the atmosphere.
Impacts of Global Warming
1.Heatwaves and droughts
Despite downpours in some places, droughts and
prolonged heatwaves will become common.Rising
temperatures are not as surprising.
2. Melting Ice
Projectionist suggest climate change impacts within
the next 100 years, if not sooner, the world’s glaciers
will have disappeared, as will the Polar ice cap, and the
huge Antarctic ice shelf, Greenland may be green
again, and snow will have become a rare phenomenon
at what are now the world’s most popular ski resorts
Rising Sea Levels
Climate change impacts rising sea levels. Average sea
level around the world rose about 8 inches (20 cm) in
the past 100 years; climate scientists expect it to rise
more and more rapidly in the next 100 years as part of
climate change impacts.
Possible Solutions To Global
1.Upgrade your home with more renewable energies,
like solar. To don't waste energy and don't let the
sun's energy go to waste.
2.Try to save, store and eat all the food you buy.
Freeze foods if possible. Consume more easy on the
environment foods like rice, beans and wheat. They
are all cheap, healthy and environmentally-friendly.!
Meat, especially beef is creating a climate crisis all
over the world.
1. Travel smarter.
Transportation is now the largest source of carbon
emissions in the United States. No matter where you live,
travel by car or airplane contributes heavily to our shared
carbon footprint. Take public transit, biking, or walking
when possible – it’s good for your health, your wallet, and
the planet.
2.Use energy more efficiently. Unplug items when they
aren’t in use, buy goods with high energy-efficient
standards, and consider making the switch to renewable
energy. All of these can help to help reduce your personal

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