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Ecological Approaches to Rural Development Projects

Article in Cadernos de saúde pública / Ministério da Saúde, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública · January 2001
DOI: 10.1590/S0102-311X2001000700030


21 187

2 authors:

Sandra Diaz Daniel M. Cáceres

National University of Cordoba, Argentina National University of Cordoba, Argentina


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Ecological approaches to rural

development projects

Enfoques ecológicos en proyectos

de desarrollo rural

Sandra Díaz 1
Daniel M. Cáceres 2

1 Instituto Multidisciplinario Abstract Most rural development projects include ecological considerations, and most conser-
de Biología Vegetal
vation projects include some reference to sustainable development. However, conservation pro-
y Facultad de Ciencias
Exactas, Físicas y Naturales, jects frequently fail because they do not incorporate local communities’ perceptions and needs.
Universidad Nacional de Many development projects are also unsuccessful because they are not based on adequate eco-
Córdoba, Casilla de Correo
logical assessment. We focus here on the most important ecological issues to be addressed in or-
495, Vélez Sársfield 299, 5000
Córdoba, Argentina. der to place development projects in an ecosystem context. Such projects should incorporate up- dated and precise ecological concepts and methods. Some key ecological issues in development
2 Departamento de
projects are the relationships between ecosystem functions, services, and sustainability, the con-
Desarrollo Rural, Facultad
de Ciencias Agropecuarias, cept of loose connectivity, the distinct and complementary concepts of ecosystem resistance and
Universidad Nacional de resilience, and the links between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. We claim that an eco-
Córdoba. Av. Valparaíso s/n o,
5000, Casilla de Correo 509,
logically sound development project maximizes the preservation and improvement of ecosystem
Córdoba, Argentina. services, especially for local communities. We pose a series of questions aimed at placing rural development projects in an ecosystem context and suggest ways of organizing this information.
Key words Rural Development; Sustainable Development; Ecosystem

Resumen La mayoría de los proyectos de desarrollo rural incluyen consideraciones ecológicas y

la mayoría de los proyectos de conservación hacen alguna referencia al desarrollo sustentable.
Una causa de fracaso frecuente de los proyectos de desarrollo es la falta de una evaluación ecoló-
gica adecuada. En este trabajo abordamos los aspectos ecológicos más importantes a considerar
en proyectos de desarrollo rural. Resulta necesario incorporar métodos y conceptos ecológicos ac-
tualizados y precisos. Conceptos ecológicos útiles en la evaluación ecológica de proyectos de de-
sarrollo rural son los vinculados a la relación entre funciones ecosistémicas, servicios ecosistémi-
cos y sustentabilidad, la conectividad laxa, la resistencia y la resiliencia ecosistémicas, y los efec-
tos de la diversidad sobre las funciones y los servicios ecosistémicos. Sugerimos una serie de pre-
guntas que deberían ser contestadas a fin de situar los proyectos de desarrollo en un contexto
ecológico y mencionamos algunos instrumentos para la organización y la sistematización de la
información recogida.
Palabras clave Desarrollo Rural; Desarollo Sustentable; Ecosistema

Cad. Saúde Pública, Rio de Janeiro, 17(Suplemento):201-208, 2001

202 DIAZ, S. & CACERES, D. M.

Introduction technology expert from an Argentine non-

governmental organization was concerned be-
In recent decades, the prevailing development cause the corn grinder used by a group of
model has entered a period of crisis (Rich, 1994; campesinos to feed their families was powered
UNDP, 1995). One of the main critiques is the by fossil fuels. According to his view, this was
model’s failure to combine economic growth environmentally damaging because the grinder
with both equitable wealth distribution and produced greenhouse gases. At the other end
environmental protection. Recent years have of the spectrum, some development officers
witnessed greatly increased awareness of the recommended using a wide range of agrochem-
threats posed by human activities to the conti- icals on the assumption that they are harmless
nuity of life on earth (Adam, 1994; Pretty, 1996). to the environment, providing farmers follow
In response to this increasing awareness, it has manufacturers’ instructions (Cáceres, in press).
become common to include ecological consid- Given this lack of integration between so-
erations in rural development projects. cial and ecological considerations, the current
On the other hand, most conservation pro- article focuses on two main questions: (1) What
jects are now expected to address social issues are the most important ecological issues to be
regarding peoples’ interests and to approach addressed in order to place development pro-
development in a sustainable way. It is now vir- jects in an ecosystem context? and (2) How can
tually mandatory to include ecological assess- development projects be improved by incorpo-
ment in rural development projects and issues rating an ecological dimension?
of sustainable development in conservation We begin by discussing the concept of sus-
projects. However, in many cases these explicit tainability. We then present some key ecologi-
intentions are not reflected in the projects’ cal concepts which can be readily and produc-
everyday practice and final outcome. Conser- tively incorporated into rural development
vation projects often fail because they do not projects, and propose a series of key questions
appropriately incorporate local communities’ that need to be answered in order to produce
perceptions and needs. For example, many eco- an ecological assessment of specific projects.
logically sound afforestation initiatives fail in Finally, we present a brief overview of sources
the medium to long term because local com- and tools to gather and organize information,
munities do not perceive trees as particularly helping to maximize its usefulness to all stake-
important. Poor farmers usually have other holders, and especially to local communities.
priorities and cannot wait until the benefits of
tree-planting programs become obvious. This
is the typical case in which environmentally Is sustainability “universal”?
sound projects encounter socioeconomic ob-
stacles, as illustrated by Pais (1997), who de- Criticism of the dominant development model
scribed a rural development project in North- has spawned a review of roles and strategies
ern Argentina which planted tree species for adopted by scientists and institutions working
timber, fuel, and fodder. The campesinos in- with development. As Kloppenburg (1991) sug-
volved in the project showed no interest in gests, institutions which have traditionally sup-
planting trees, even though most of the costs ported a conventional approach to agriculture,
were subsidized. The project failed to address such as the United States National Research
the felt needs of local people, who failed to see Center, are now moving towards the idea of
the importance of planting these tree species. sustainability.
However, the situation changed when the devel- The complex nature of interrelationships
opment agents proposed to change the species between nature and societies suggests that we
and plant orchards. The new proposal was bet- are far from knowing which methods and sys-
ter suited to their interests, needs, and expec- tems in diverse locations will really lead to sus-
tations, and the campesinos planted the trees. tainability (Youngberg & Harwood, 1989). Ac-
Ecological issues also tend to be poorly in- cording to Rigby & Cáceres (1997), there is a
corporated into development projects, and growing consensus that sustainability has dif-
some projects fail to incorporate them at all. In ferent meanings, implications, and conse-
other cases there is an explicit interest in tak- quences, depending on prevailing natural and
ing ecological aspects (e.g., impacts of devel- socioeconomic environmental conditions. This
opment actions) into account. However, eco- means that sustainability should be viewed as
logical assessment is usually based on superfi- a “situated” concept. This requires moving away
cial, sketchy, outdated, highly stereotyped, non- from definitions that deal in abstract terms,
situated ecological concepts. For example, a concentrating instead on approaches focusing

Cad. Saúde Pública, Rio de Janeiro, 17(Suplemento):201-208, 2001


on specific geographical and historical situa- Ecosystem functions and ecosystem services
tions. Therefore, it makes little sense to identify
either “sustainable” or “unsustainable” agricul- Ecosystem functions are processes that occur
tural practices or technologies. The sustain- in ecosystems, such as production of biomass,
ability of many technologies depends on the transpiration, or decomposition of dead mat-
peculiarities of the ecological, socioeconomic, ter. Ecosystem services are the benefits that
and historical context in which they are imple- human populations derive, directly or indirect-
mented. ly, from ecosystem functions (Costanza et al.
Cáceres & Rigby (1998) suggest that sus- 1997; Daily et al., 1997). Food and fiber produc-
tainability is a situated concept. This has two tion are major examples of ecosystem services.
implications: (a) what is sustainable for a cer- Some less obvious examples include tempera-
tain region, farming system, or type of produc- ture regulation, water purification, soil protec-
tive activity may not be sustainable for another tion, and recreation. The valuation of ecosys-
and (b) what is sustainable now for a certain tem services is not free from difficulties, uncer-
productive system may not be sustainable to- tainties, or even moral arguments (for discus-
morrow. The authors emphasize the temporal sion see Costanza et al., 1997 and references
aspect of the concept, since it is only in retro- therein). There is wide consensus, however,
spect that sustainable agriculture can be truly that the value of ecosystem services (including
identified. This is an important point, since no- both its market and non-market components)
body can guarantee that a certain practice will can be extremely high, even if the most conser-
remain “sustainable” forever. To argue this vative approaches are taken. For example, on
would imply that the situation in which agri- the basis of Costanza et al. (1997) and Stone et
cultural production takes place remains stable al. (1994), the ecosystem value of Latin Ameri-
and unchanged through time. Take the case of can tropical forests, rangelands/grasslands,
wind-powered electricity in the United King- and non-coastal wetlands taken together can
dom. A decade ago this alternative power gen- be estimated at US$ 1.8 trillion, an amount
eration source was widely endorsed as envi- higher than the region’s combined Gross Na-
ronmentally-friendly and harmless. However, tional Product. In the case of croplands, the
Harper (1996) suggests that this consensus has estimated per hectare value of ecosystem ser-
now vanished, with different environmental vices is very low as compared to the market
groups asserting that wind farms generate too value. In the case of natural and semi-natural
much noise pollution and destroy scenic land- ecosystems, the opposite is true: for exam-
scapes. These arguments against wind-power ple, the value of ecosystem services of tropi-
generation were very difficult to predict a decade cal forests and wetlands can be one or two or-
ago, and one may conclude that it is likely that ders of magnitude higher than their respective
we may now be overlooking crucial aspects of market values.
sustainability which will become apparent in Nevertheless, the value of ecosystem ser-
later years. Therefore, not only do the criteria vices is seldom taken into consideration in de-
regarding the sustainability of particular agri- velopment projects. Also, the asymmetry in the
cultural practices change, but also the very con- benefits and costs of ecosystem services has
cept of sustainability should be understood as hardly been acknowledged. This asymmetry
historical, dynamic, and involved in a perpetu- stems from the fact not all services provided by
al process of re-conceptualization. an ecosystem are equally important for all
stakeholders, and the costs of lost ecosystem
services are not shared equally. For example,
Some key ecological concepts the ecosystem service value of non-coastal wet-
lands is very high because of their key role in
Some ecological concepts, mostly developed in water purification, water-level buffering, and
the last two decades, can be applied usefully to biodiversity conservation. Some of these ser-
development projects. These include the rela- vices are not directly beneficial to local com-
tionships between ecosystem functions, ecosys- munities, who in turn may have to cope with
tems services, and sustainability, the concept the costs of increased risk of infectious disease
of loose connectivity, the distinct and comple- transmission. In the case of forests, the bene-
mentary concepts of ecosystem resistance and fits of some ecosystem services, such as timber
resilience, and the links between biodiversity production, are harvested mostly by outsiders,
and ecosystem functioning. whereas many of the costs of ecosystem service
loss, such as soil erosion, decreased tempera-
ture buffering, and decreased availability of key

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204 DIAZ, S. & CACERES, D. M.

medicinal species are “paid for” mostly by local This has important implications for ecolog-
inhabitants. ically-based development projects. It means
Based on the above arguments, it has be- that recognition of the magnitude and direc-
come increasingly obvious that an adequate tion of connections among subsystems is in-
assessment of the values of ecosystem services dispensable, and that not all components mer-
and a search for equity in sharing the costs and it the same attention. Considering that re-
benefits of those services should be an integral sources and time are nearly always limited, im-
part of any development project. Furthermore, portant components will inevitably receive too
from an ecosystem perspective, an ecologically little attention if priorities are not clear.
sound development project should maximize
ecosystem services, especially for local com- Ecosystem resilience
munities. Sustainable development should thus
include both the long-term preservation and Ecosystem stability implies a certain continu-
improvement of ecosystem services and the fair ity in ecosystem structure and dynamics
distribution of their costs and benefits. In the through time. Ecosystem stability and sustain-
following sections we discuss some key issues ability are strongly linked (Chapin et al., 1996).
directly linked to the preservation and modifi- According to Leps et al. (1982), ecosystem sta-
cation of ecosystem functions and services. bility has two components: resistance, or the
ability to avoid displacement in the face of dis-
Loose connectivity of ecosystems turbance; and resilience, or the ability of a sys-
tem to return to normal following a distur-
The first step in the assessment of ecosystem bance. Although both components are relevant
functions is often the analysis of major compo- to ecologically-based development projects,
nents (subsystems) and the flows connecting most of the following discussion will focus on
them. The concept of loose connectivity implies resilience.
that not all subsystems within a system are
equally connected to each other. Some subsys- Ecosystem functions and biodiversity
tems are much more connected among them-
selves than to others, and not all the connec- Having stated the importance of the nature,
tions between subsystems are symmetrical (see magnitude, and continuity of ecosystem func-
examples in Chapin et al., 1996). These ideas, tions for human welfare, it is now appropriate
developed mostly within the framework of hi- to discuss their links with a concept which has
erarchy theory (Allen & Hoekstra, 1982; O’Neill also gained the headlines of academic and
et al., 1987), represent an alternative view to non-academic publications in recent years: the
those still prevailing in some sectors of the concept of biodiversity. Biodiversity can be de-
conservation community. The concept of loose fined as the number and composition of geno-
connectivity goes directly against the idea that types, species, functional types, and/or land-
everything is inextricably connected to every- scape units present in a given system. It is now
thing else (O’Neill et al., 1987). widely accepted that both types and numbers
A corollary of this argument is that not all of species are important to maintain a given
components are equally important for main- ecosystem’s functions, and that within a certain
taining a system’s integrity. For example, in se- climatic envelope, different dominant species
mi-natural woodlands, the loss of some under- can drive a given system’s dynamics in very dif-
story species may have some negative biologi- ferent directions (Schulze & Mooney, 1994;
cal and cultural impacts, but the loss of the Chapin et al., 1997, 1998).
main tree species will certainly mean a drastic Changes in a species’ abundance and iden-
change in water and nutrient dynamics, accel- tity, especially those influencing biomass pro-
erated soil erosion, and dramatic increase in duction, water and nutrient dynamics, trophic
temperature, in order words, the collapse of the interactions, or disturbance regime, can heavi-
whole system. These “key” species have been ly affect ecosystem structure and dynamics
named “dominant species” (when they are both (Chapin et al., 1997). For example, intercrop-
very abundant and very important, like the tree ping may be highly successful in a Prosopis (al-
species in the example above), or “keystone garrobo or mezquite) woodland, since these
species” (when their importance is dispropor- trees do not cast dense shade, they have roots
tionately high in relation to their abundance, which capture large amounts of water and re-
e.g., a population of disease-carrying mosqui- tain soil, they symbiotically fix nitrogen, and
toes in a wetland area; see Begon et al., 1986, their nitrogen-rich leaves decompose quickly.
for further elaboration on the two concepts). Under the same precipitation and temperature

Cad. Saúde Pública, Rio de Janeiro, 17(Suplemento):201-208, 2001


regime, and growing on the same substrate, in- impact of the bird pests eared dove and monk
tercropping would be unfeasible if pines were parakeet on crops (Bucher, 1990; Navarro et al.,
to replace algarrobo as the dominant tree 1992). In the Amazonian rainforest, deforesta-
species. tion in small patches increases the border ef-
The idea that species-rich ecosystems are fect on tree mortality, thus producing a sharp
“better” (i.e., more productive, more stable, loss of above-ground tree biomass, which could
more desirable in general) than species-poor be a significant source of greenhouse gases re-
ecosystems is now common knowledge in de- leased upon decay (Laurance et al., 1997).
velopment circles (UNDP, 1995). There is some Although the conservation of the highest
empirical evidence in support of this idea. possible genotype, species, and landscape bio-
Species, genotype, and landscape diversity diversity seems to be the safest approach, these
maximize ecosystem resilience in the face of examples suggest that high biodiversity cannot
directional or stochastic variations in the envi- automatically and dogmatically be equated with
ronment or invasion by pests or undesirable high ecosystem performance and resilience. It
exotic species (Chapin et al., 1998). Particularly is therefore important to keep an open per-
in species-poor systems (such as agroecosys- spective and to avoid mechanical application
tems), diversity may increase biomass produc- of general principles to individual projects
tion and the efficiency of resource use (see ex- without careful evaluation.
amples in Chapin et al., 1998). Diversity can
thus be seen as an insurance policy against
radical ecosystem change. Keeping high-diver- Ecological assessment within the
sity systems may not be the best option in or- context of specific development projects
der to obtain short-term profit, but may pay off
in the medium to long term. For example, high Assessment of the system’s structure
genetic diversity of crops can reduce loss in the and dynamics
face of extreme climatic events (e.g., untimely
frosts) and reduce the impacts of insect and mi- How can the ecological concepts outlined in
crobial pests (see Matson et al., 1997, and ref- the previous section be applied usefully to spe-
erences therein). Intermixing crop and natural cific development projects? The above discus-
vegetation patches within a landscape mosaic sion may sound rather academic to those
usually decreases pest damage, since natural working directly in the field, and trying to make
vegetation provides habitat for natural ene- concrete – and often urgent – decisions. Rather
mies, thus promoting pest control in adjacent than a complicated conceptual system, we pro-
crop patches (Altieri, 1995). pose a set of very concrete questions to be an-
There is often a positive relationship be- swered by both development agents and local
tween biodiversity and ecosystem resilience. community members. The list of questions in
However, this is not a universal or thoroughly Table 1 merely illustrates the approach. Its
understood phenomenon. High species rich- length, content, and emphasis should be tai-
ness per se may not necessarily be desirable: lored to the needs of each specific development
highly disturbed areas tend to show high biodi- project.
versity, but this biodiversity is often related to
the presence of a highly unstable assemblage Sources of information
of weedy species. The invasion of some semi-
natural rangeland ecosystems in Latin America Both scientific and indigenous knowledge are
and the Western Mediterranean by tall tussock needed to appropriately address these ques-
grasses can initially increase their diversity, but tions. A thorough review of published papers
through dramatic increase of flammability can and reports related to the main issues arising
decrease ecosystem resilience in the long term from the above questions is important in order
(Baruch, 1996; Lloret et al., 1998). Similarly, al- to obtain a general background. Basic text-
though high landscape diversity is usually good book type ecological information is often very
for the maintenance of key ecosystem services general and does not consider “real” farming
in agricultural plots and plantations, some systems, although it can provide some useful
counter-examples have been reported. For in- concepts to develop a general framework (such
stance, in central Argentina, the existence of as those discussed above). Case studies or ap-
natural or planted wooded patches within agri- plied ecological work may provide more suit-
cultural areas, which appears as a sound prac- able information. Although this may seem ob-
tice from the point of view of biodiversity vious, it is not. Development officers frequent-
preservation, has been shown to increase the ly fail to thoroughly search the sources that

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206 DIAZ, S. & CACERES, D. M.

Table 1

Some key questions to be answered in order to evaluate the ecological dimensions of rural development projects.
Local-scale projects have been emphasized.

What are the system’s key components? Are they part of the problem or the solution?
What is the ecosystem mostly made of? What is most of the ecosystem doing?
What are the conditions needed for persistence of key (beneficial or harmful) organisms?
What are the main flows of matter and energy (e.g., water, food, shelter, fuel, labor force, medicine, money)?
Where does water, food, labor force, etc. come from, and where does it go?
What are the main factors that are driving/can drive the system beyond its present point of equilibrium?
What elements, processes, and places should be protected, and why?
How is the development action going to affect the key components and relationships between them?
What are the main ecosystem services and how are they going to be affected?
Who are the main stakeholders and how will changes in ecosystem services affect their interests?
What are the main conflicts (e.g., among human health, ecosystem health, and marketable production)?

could provide valuable knowledge. In addition, not help local communities to really internal-
consideration of local communities’ perspec- ize the information or to discover previous-
tives and knowledge is vital to understand key ly unseen connections among components,
issues related to the evaluation of ecological di- possible conflicts, or likely thresholds. Some
mensions in development projects. However, promising tools are flow diagrams, maps, and
we should highlight that local knowledge is not grids of ecosystem services by stakeholders.
infallible, since it has been eroded by accultur- When using diagrams, main components
ation processes generated by market penetra- and the flows between them are indicated. It is
tion, mass media, and modernization in gener- particularly important to describe the direc-
al. In many rural communities, a considerable tion and magnitude of fluxes between compo-
portion of traditional ethnoecological knowl- nents, since this is a powerful way of visualiz-
edge (e.g., medicinal plants for people and ani- ing relationships and potential impacts which
mals, wildlife management) has already been are not obvious at first inspection.
lost, as young people tend not to be interested Maps also provide a very useful basis for dis-
in absorbing knowledge from their elders. This cussion and interaction. Simple, not necessari-
is not to say that indigenous knowledge is su- ly high-tech, geographic information systems
perfluous or intrinsically less reliable than sci- can be built, in which each point in space has
entific knowledge. On the contrary, it must be many layers, corresponding to their basic physi-
taken into account if a deep understanding of cal features, social meaning, ecosystem service
some ecological processes is expected. A critical value, vulnerabilities, etc. (see Harmsworth,
analysis by development agents helps identify 1998, for a more comprehensive example).
its potential and limitations in specific cases. Finally, grids of ecosystem services by stake-
In short, and following Cáceres & Rigby holders can be jointly constructed by develop-
(1998), indigenous knowledge and modern sci- ment agents and local communities. In such
ence should not be counterpoised, because they grids, each ecosystem service and the benefits
do not represent mutually exclusive sources of and costs involved in each development action
information. They should not be viewed as are analyzed from different stakeholders’ per-
competing approaches, but as different and po- spectives. This provides a good starting point
tentially complementary ways of approaching for negotiation and conflict resolution.
the evaluation of rural development projects.

Some tools for systematizing information Final remarks

Once the information is gathered, or even dur- In order to increase their chances of success,
ing the information-gathering process, the ap- development projects need to be framed with-
proach to summarizing and systematizing in- in good knowledge of ecosystem dynamics, as
formation is not a trivial issue. Bulks of infor- well as within knowledge of strategies for social
mation which cannot be easily visualized do reproduction by local communities. There is no

Cad. Saúde Pública, Rio de Janeiro, 17(Suplemento):201-208, 2001


general recipe for conducting ecosystem as- ment of a development project is not the kind
sessment that is suitable for all rural develop- of tools employed. The key is rather what ques-
ment projects, because sustainability is a situ- tions are asked, and especially how they are an-
ated concept, and there is no development ac- swered. Sharp questions tailored to the specific
tion that is sustainable in all systems at all situation at hand, and precise answers by all
times. Still, some guidelines can be proposed, stakeholders, based on an honest view of the
including the need to incorporate updated and situation (sometimes expressed as “keeping
precise ecological concepts and methods. This open eyes and an open mind”) are probably
paper has outlined some of these concepts and the closest we can come to a recipe for an
methods. At this point we should stress that the ecosystem assessment of rural development
most crucial aspect in the ecological assess- projects.

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