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Growth: Despite being one of the smallest seeds, the mustard plant eventually
becomes one of the biggest in the garden. The Kingdom of God develops from humble
beginnings into something significant. This story illustrates that although God's kingdom
may appear small or undetected at first, it has the ability to expand and have a great

Inclusion: The parable's mustard plant offers avian inhabitants shelter. This represents
how the Kingdom of God is open to everyone, regardless of background, and welcomes
them into a family of faith and love.

The mustard seed is sown with faith and confidence in its ability to flourish. Similar to
this, God's followers are urged to have faith and trust in God's Kingdom's development
and ultimate fulfillment, even when it may not be immediately obvious.

2. Founders of public institutions for health and education frequently possess a strong
feeling of compassion for the people they hope to help. Their commitment to serving the
community and advancing universal access to better healthcare and education is
motivated by their compassion. Establishing public service institutions frequently
necessitates getting beyond major difficulties and hindrances. To overcome these
obstacles and accomplish the intended objectives, determination and perseverance are
essential qualities.

3. Honor: This value frequently stands for the significance of honesty, integrity, and
ethical conduct in one's activities and character.

Respect for others, modesty, and the capacity to learn from experiences and interactions
are all highlighted by humility.

Harmony: Harmony represents the importance of cohesion, collaboration, and

collaborating with others to foster a positive and productive atmosphere.

4. Personal development: Having these principles helps people and pupils become more
well-rounded people. Honor inspires individuals to uphold moral standards and ethical
principles, humility stimulates intellectual and personal development, and harmony
improves social skills.

Character building: These principles aid in the growth of a solid, honorable character.
Honor makes ensuring that people are morally upright and uphold their principles.
Harmony encourages collaboration and interpersonal skills, while humility aids in the
development of empathy and compassion.

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