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The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a complex network of membranous structures

found in eukaryotic cells. The ER is divided into two types: the smooth endoplasmic
reticulum (SER) and the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER). Here are some
functions of SER and RER with points:

1. Functions of Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum (SER):

2. Lipid synthesis: SER is responsible for the synthesis of lipids such as phospholipids,
steroids, and triglycerides. These lipids are used for cell membrane formation and
for energy storage.

3. Detoxification: The SER is involved in the detoxification of drugs and other harmful
substances in liver cells. It does this by modifying these substances to make them
less toxic and more water-soluble, so that they can be eliminated from the body.

4. Calcium storage: The SER also plays a role in calcium storage and release. It
regulates the concentration of calcium ions in the cytosol, which is important for
muscle contraction and other cellular processes.

5. Carbohydrate metabolism: In some cells, the SER is involved in the metabolism of

carbohydrates, such as glycogen

6. Steroid hormone production: SER is involved in the production of steroid hormones,

which are involved in various physiological processes such as growth, development,
and reproduction.

Functions of Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (RER):

7. Protein synthesis: The RER is studded with ribosomes, which are involved in the
synthesis of proteins that are destined for secretion or incorporation into the
plasma membrane.

8. Protein modification: The RER is also involved in the folding, processing, and
modification of proteins, including the addition of sugars, lipids, and phosphate

9. Quality control: The RER has a quality control mechanism that ensures that only
properly folded and modified proteins are transported to their final destination.

10. Membrane synthesis: The RER is involved in the synthesis of membrane proteins
and phospholipids.

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