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Letter 2023-11-18, 3:22 PM

Les Écoles juives populaires et les Écoles Peretz inc.

Secondary School Report Card
2023-2024 School Year

School Term
Les écoles juives populaires et les
Name of school: Écoles Peretz inc. (Campus Bialik,
section anglaise)
Institution code: 404503
Address: 6500, Kildare Ave Reporting term: Term 1
Côte-St-Luc, QC, H4W 3B8 Starting: 2023-08-28
Telephone: 514-481-2736 Ending: 2023-11-17
Fax: 514-483-6391
Principal: Avi Satov


Student Recipient
Student's name: David Atlas Recipient(s) of report card:
Perm. Code: ATLD85071003 Father ☑ Mother ☑ Legal guardian ☐ Other ☐
Date of birth: 2010-07-23 Name(s): Mr. Adam Atlas & Ms Michal Katz
Age on September 30: 13 Address: 4120 av Hingston
Year: Secondary 2 Montréal QC H4A 2J7
Tel. (home:) (514) 488-9012
Tel. (work:) (514) 842-0886
Tel. (other:) (514) 916-5886


634206 Français,langue seconde, programme de base Secondary 1 Secondary 2

Teacher: Dahan 1 2 3 Final 1 2 3 Final
Interaction orale 91 84 87 87 88
Compréhension écrite 81 85 69 75 70
Production écrite 65 60 65 64 67
Subject mark 80 77 75 77 76
Group average 72 70 72 76 76
Credits 6
Absences 1 1 2 4 2
David est un élève sérieux et consciencieux. Il est motivé et travaille très fort. À l'oral, David participe avec
enthousiasme aux activités de la classe. Aussi, il a une bonne compréhension de la langue. Cependant, j'encourage
David à revoir les concepts enseignés de grammaire afin d'améliorer son écrit. Tu es capable mon grand. Page 1 of 18
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Name: Atlas, David Page: 2

632206 English Language Arts Secondary 1 Secondary 2

Teacher: Weinberger 1 2 3 Final 1 2 3 Final
Uses language to communicate and to learn 80 75 75 76 91
Reads and listens to texts 77 68 65 68 92
Produces spoken, written and media texts 73 70 73 72 92
Subject mark 77 71 71 72 92
Group average 78 75 76 88 88
Credits 6
Absences 0 1 3 4 3
In their first term of Grade 8 English Language Arts, students focused on:
Novel Study: Analyzing "Of Mice and Men" for deeper literary understanding.
Literary Elements: Learning key elements like plot, character, and theme.
Grammar and Vocabulary: Strengthening language fundamentals.
Writing Skills: Improving writing proficiency and creativity.
Current Events: Exploring real-world issues and news.
Oral Presentations: Enhancing public speaking and communication abilities.
These elements combined to foster well-rounded language and communication skills.
Teaching a student like you is a joy, David. Your unwavering commitment, responsible behavior, and active participation
have a positive impact on the classroom environment. Keep using your class time wisely, and your growth in English
Language Arts will be nothing short of remarkable. It's a pleasure to have you in our class!

563226 Mathematics Secondary 1 Secondary 2

Teacher: Fremeth 1 2 3 Final 1 2 3 Final
Solves a situational problem NE 86 90 89 NE
Uses mathematical reasoning 76 70 87 81 78
Subject mark 76 75 88 83 78
Group average 68 76 74 79 79
Credits 6
Absences 0 1 2 3 1
David is an extremely hard working and motivated student. He is doing well in his Math class this year. David is having a
little difficulty with equations with word problems. He is encouraged to attend a lunch support session to review word
problems. Keep up the amazing effort David!

555204 Science and Technology Secondary 1 Secondary 2

Teacher: Cohen 1 2 3 Final 1 2 3 Final
Practical 85 NE 64 69 95
Theory 85 74 77 78 70
Subject mark 85 74 72 74 80
Group average 78 77 75 85 85
Credits 4
Absences 0 1 0 1 2 Page 3 of 18
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David is a respectful and attentive student in class. He needs more preparation before his evaluations. Good work
overall. Page 4 of 18
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Name: Atlas, David Page: 3

587213 History and Citizenship Education Secondary 1 Secondary 2

Teacher: Azoulay 1 2 3 Final 1 2 3 Final
Subject mark 75 80 80 79 75
Group average 82 84 83 86 86
Credits 3
Absences 0 1 0 1 1
This term in our Grade 8 History and Citizenship class, students embarked on a thought-provoking journey into the
heart of the Middle Ages. During this period, we delved into the multifaceted tapestry of historical developments,
exploring various aspects that shaped medieval Europe. Our focus extended to the social and economic dynamics of
the Dark Ages, the evolution of social hierarchies throughout the period, the profound impact of Christianity's diffusion
across the continent, the significance of the Crusades and the Black Plague, and the transformative emergence of trade
and commerce. These explorations were accompanied by students honing essential skills, including questioning and
interpreting social realities through the historical method, and analyzing primary sources. Assessments comprising
quizzes, primary document analysis, and a final test, were structured to ensure the effective application of these skills.
David consistently comes prepared to class and is usually focused and engaged during lessons, making him a valuable
participant in class discussions. Although he initially faced challenges on our first quiz, David demonstrated remarkable
improvement on the subsequent test, likely stemming from his enhanced study habits. He consistently keeps up with his
homework and exhibits a high level of organization. To further enhance his academic performance, it's crucial for David
to remember to maintain these study habits and focus in class. Avoiding distractions, such as playing games on his
laptop, will be key to his continued success. Keep up the good work, David!

595203 Geography Secondary 1 Secondary 2

Teacher: Azoulay 1 2 3 Final 1 2 3 Final
Subject mark 89 88 89 89 88
Group average 86 88 84 92 92
Credits 3
Absences 0 0 1 1 1
We commenced our studies in Geography with a fundamental exploration of world geography. Students learned to read
and comprehend world maps, gaining an understanding of the continents and their unique features.
As the term progressed, we began our second unit which focused on an in-depth study of metropolises and heritage
cities. This unit encapsulated multiple competencies including geographical knowledge, data interpretation, and
research skills, as students learned about the characteristics of different urban and suburban areas. Students explored
these themes through in-depth research projects, cultivating teamwork, collaboration, and communication skills as they
delved into heritage cities, uncovering their rich histories, geographic and demographic features, heritage sites, and
threats to them, and presenting their findings to the class. The term concluded with a short assessment of students'
ability to interpret demographic data, figures, and tables. This exercise enabled them to develop skills in data analysis
and interpretation, which are fundamental to their ongoing studies in geography as we continue to explore various
geographical regions and apply geographical concepts to real-world scenarios.
David's performance in Geography demonstrates commendable progress compared to his achievements in History. He
consistently arrives prepared for class, displaying a strong commitment to staying focused and engaged during lessons,
which further enriches class discussions. David's ability to overcome challenges and exhibit remarkable improvement
on quizzes, particularly stemming from his enhanced study habits, is noteworthy.
Throughout the term, David has excelled in keeping up with his homework and maintaining a high level of organization.
Additionally, his positive contributions to the group project showcase good collaboration skills, highlighting his ability to
work effectively with his peers. To continue enhancing his academic performance, it is crucial for David to maintain Page 5 of 18
Letter 2023-11-18, 3:22 PM

these study habits and remain focused in class. Avoiding distractions, such as playing games on his laptop, will be key
to his continued success.
Keep up the great work, David! Page 6 of 18
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Name: Atlas, David Page: 4

590244 Jewish Culture Secondary 1 Secondary 2

Teacher: Ullmann 1 2 3 Final 1 2 3 Final
Subject mark 83 85 88 86 84
Group average 84 85 86 84 84
Credits 4
Absences 0 0 1 1 2
David consistently applies effort and always comes to class prepared. He comes to class with a positive attitude and
participates very well. Keep it up David!

670204 Drama Secondary 1 Secondary 2

Teacher: Lepessec 1 2 3 Final 1 2 3 Final
Subject mark 95
Group average 91 91
Absences 2
David worked on a collaborative video this term. He works very well with his group members and always comes to class
with a positive attitude.

569202 Ethics and Religious Culture Secondary 1 Secondary 2

Teacher: Sculnik 1 2 3 Final 1 2 3 Final
Subject mark 70 74 85 80 81
Group average 82 84 84 87 87
Credits 2
Absences 1 0 1 2 0
This term the students have been exploring the Ten Commandments and uncovering the foundational principles they
contain. Instead of seeing them merely as a list of rules, we have been approaching them as essential truths that
resonate with us today. Through a deeper exploration, the students have been analyzing how these ancient laws can
have relevance and meaning in their modern Jewish life. The activities, discussions and reflection tasks are all aimed at
fostering a deeper appreciation for this profound wisdom and its applications in our contemporary world. The term mark
is based on in-class assessment tasks, formative assessments, exit tickets and reflections.
David has been working well in class this term. He engages in dialogue and takes the time to reflect on the essential
questions. Page 7 of 18
Letter 2023-11-18, 3:22 PM

Name: Atlas, David Page: 5

043202 Éducation physique et à la santé Secondary 1 Secondary 2

Teacher: Twomey 1 2 3 Final 1 2 3 Final
Subject mark 92 92 92 92 87
Group average 86 85 85 85 85
Credits 2
Absences 0 1 0 1 0
Dans le cours d'éducation physique et de la santé, nous demandons aux élèves de la classe de première année de
suivre les compétences 1 et 2 du Programme d'éducation du Québec. Au cours du premier terme, nous nous sommes
davantage concentrés sur la première compétence. La compétence 1 veut que les élèves apprennent à développer des
compétences de mouvements dans différentes activités physiques. Par conséquent, votre enfant travaille fort afin de
développer un répertoire de connaissances et des compétences motrices qui lui permettront de pratiquer diverses
activités physiques sans problème, de lui-même, que ce soit au gymnase ou hors de l'école. Votre enfant s'exerce aussi
à comprendre les concepts du temps et de l'espace ainsi que les principes de l'équilibre et de la coordination.
David a bien commencé l'année en cours d'éducation physique. Il communique bien avec ses coéquipiers et fournit un
effort constant à chaque cours. David ne doit pas oublier d'apporter sa tenue d'éducation physique à chaque cours.


Term 1 Term 3
Organizes his/her work: Works in a team:
The criteria for the cross-curricular competency "Organizes
his/her work" require that each student: identifies the task and Exercises Critical Judgment:
uses available resources, perseveres within the task, broadens
and adapts his/her work habits according to the task, completes
the task, and evaluates the effectiveness of the method chosen.
David demonstrates these criteria most of the time and
in a manner that rarely requires teachers' prompting
and/or help.

Communicates effectively:
The criteria for the cross-curricular competency "communicates
effectively " require that each student: becomes familiar with a
variety of modes of communication, analyzes a situation, chooses
one or more modes of communication suited to the situation and
to the target audience and uses appropriate language, syntax and
symbols .
David demonstrates these criteria most of the time and
in a manner that rarely requires teachers' prompting
and/or help. Page 9 of 18
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Name: Atlas, David Page: 6

Various comments, such as other learning that has taken place during class or school projects
Term Averages
Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Overall
85% 85%

Principal's Comments:

Dear Bialik Community,

This is the first report card consisting of numerical grades, comments and cross-curricular competency grades for the
current school year, 2023-2024. It is important for students and parents to review this report card carefully and to
discuss its attributes and any concerns that may be indicated.

The student's overall average for the term appears in Section 4. The average takes into account all courses, including
Jewish Studies courses with a letter grade. All courses are weighted equally.

Students were required to complete a portion of their community service hours for this year by November 3. The
number of hours required for the year as well as the schedule for completion of these hours is provided on page 11 of
the Student-Parent Handbook.-

Each term, students who have an overall average of 85% or higher will be recognized on the school's Honor Roll.-As
well, students who have an overall average of 90% or higher will be recognized on the school's Principal's List.

Mazal Tov to all our students for their commitment to their studies and consistent hard work and academic successes.

Avi Satov
Principal, Bialik High School
Co-Head of School, JPPS-Bialik


Promotion to the Next Year
☐ The student will move on to the next year.
The student will continue in the same year in accordance with the conditions set out in her individualized

education plan (IEP).

Avi Satov Date Page 11 of 18
Letter 2023-11-18, 3:22 PM

Les Écoles juives populaires et les Écoles Peretz inc.

Secondary School Report Card
2023-2024 School Year

School Term
Les Écoles juives populaires et les
Name of school: Écoles Peretz inc. (Campus Bialik,
section anglaise)
Institution code: 404503
Address: 6500, Kildare Ave Reporting term: Judaic Studies Report Term 1
Côte-St-Luc, QC, H4W 3B8 Starting: 2023-08-28
Telephone: 514-481-2736 Ending: 2023-11-17
Fax: 514-483-6391
Principal: Avi Satov

Student Recipient
Student's name: David Atlas Recipient(s) of report:
Perm. Code: ATLD85071003 Father ☑ Mother ☑ Legal guardian ☐ Other ☐
Date of birth: 2010-07-23 Name(s): Mr. Adam Atlas & Ms Michal Katz
Age on September 30: 13 Address: 4120 av Hingston
Year: Secondary 2 Montréal QC H4A 2J7
Tel. (home:) (514) 488-9012
Tel. (work:) (514) 842-0886
Tel. (other:) (514) 916-5886


Jewish Traditions Secondary 1 Secondary 2

Teacher: Orlov 1 2 3 Final 1 2 3 Final
Subject mark A A A A B
Absences 2 0 2 4 2
Consistent effort and solid results throughout the term. Keep it up, David!

Spiritual care & guidance & community involvement

Secondary 1 Secondary 2
Teacher: Orlov 1 2 3 Final 1 2 3 Final
Subject mark C B B B B
Absences 0 1 2 3 0
David demonstrated a good grasp of the material in Kings I taught this term. Keep it up! Page 13 of 18
Letter 2023-11-18, 3:22 PM

Name: Atlas, David Page: 8

Grade Range Comment
A 90 -100% The student is making very good progress.
B 80 - 89% The student is making satisfactory progress.
C 70 - 79% The student is making progress, but with some difficulties.
D 60 - 69% The student is experiencing significant difficulties.
F 0 - 59% The student is not meeting the course criteria.

Community service Secondary 2

Teacher: Administration 1 2 3 Final
Hours completed 3 3
Hours remaining 7
David has completed the required community service hours for this term. The next deadline for community service
hours is January 27, 2024.

Hours to be
Secondary 1 & 2 10 hours
Secondary 3 15 hours
Secondary 4 & 5 20 hours Page 15 of 18
Letter 2023-11-18, 3:22 PM

Name: Atlas, David Page: 9

SMARTS: Executive Function Marking Rubric

Strategies, Motivation, Awareness, Resilience, Talents, Success

Secondary 2: 2023-24

SMARTS Secondary 2
Teacher: Lustigman 1 2 3
Subject mark A
At the start of the year, students reviewed key executive function skills that were discussed in Secondary 1. This
included weekly planning and agenda skills. In collaboration with Virginia Klinkhoff, JPPS-Bialik's Educational
Technology Specialist, students were also trained on how to use the Studyo platform. Next, there was a focus on note-
taking during a lecture, as well as from a text. Some of the strategies that were shared include using abbreviations,
visual note-taking and Cornell Note templates. Students participated in a session focused on study schedules - why
creating one is helpful, how to go about it, and how to use one as a management tool during busier times. They will
continue to prepare for exams with a look at research-based study skills and helpful test/exam taking tips. In the coming
weeks, students will also review exam-related protocols and policies, designed to remind them about the basics of the
official exam period. Please note that the whole class SMARTS lessons conclude in December 2023. We are very proud
of the students' effort and dedication to learning how to improve and apply their executive function skills. In May, all
students in Secondary 2 will participate in an exam preparation/time management workshop. David is engaged in the
lesson and behaves in a respectful manner towards both adults and peers. David completed homework assignments. Page 17 of 18

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