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Past simple – Irregular verbs - Dominoes

told beat beat know

knew begin began leave

left break broke lose

lost build built make

made choose chose pay

paid do did read /rɪ:d/

read /red/ drive drove ring

rang fall fell run

ran feel felt say

said forget forgot see

saw have had sing

sang keep kept tell

How to play:
1. Have groups of three to four students play the game.
2. Give each student eight (groups of 3) or six (groups of 4) cards.
3. The one to get the “Starting card” puts his card on the table and reads the word aloud.
4. Option 1 (elementary): The student with the card that has the matching verb form puts it down
on the table (like in a Domino game).
Option 2 (pre-intermediate): The students have to make a sentence in the Past simple with the
Option 3 (intermediate): The students must do Option 1 + make a coherent story! It means that
students have think carefully and, if necessary, add one or two sentences to link the previous
“domino” sentence to the next.
5. And so it goes...

PS: Notice that the Starting card has the verb form matching the last card to be placed on the table.

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