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All you need to know about Compression Stockings/Socks

Healthy workers who stand for prolonged periods show enhanced production of reactive oxygen
species (ROS) in their systemic circulation. Oxidative stress is thought to be a risk factor for chronic
venous insufficiency and other systemic diseases. Research shows enhanced oxidative stress in
patients with varicose veins and in healthy workers standing for ˃6 h during working time.

Also did you know, study shows a significant increase in circumference and volume of the legs may
be observed in women not wearing stockings which disappears when elastic compression stockings
are worn during the day

Compression socks / or compression stockings – are specialized socks that apply gentle pressure to
your legs and ankles. They can help improve blood flow from your legs to your heart.

The mechanisms of action of compression stockings

The stockings work by exerting the greatest degree of compression at the ankle, with the level of
compression gradually decreasing up the garment. The pressure gradient ensures that blood flows
upward toward the heart instead of refluxing downward to the foot or laterally into the superficial
veins. The application of adequate graduated compression reduces the diameter of major veins,
which increases the velocity and volume of blood flow.2 Graduation compression can reverse
venous hypertension, augment skeletal-muscle pump, facilitate venous return and improve
lymphatic drainage.

Benefits of compression socks

 Improve circulation
 Relieve pain and fatigue
 Prevent blood clots in the legs
 Prevent and soothe venous ulcers, varicose veins, and spider veins
 Reduce swelling in the legs and ankles
 Promote and support vein health

Contraindications to graduated compression stockings

 Suspected or proven peripheral arterial disease, including history of peripheral arterial

bypass grafting
 Severe peripheral neuropathy or other cause of sensory impairment
 Allergy to stocking material
 Massive leg oedema or pulmonary oedema from congestive cardiac failure
 Local skin or soft-tissue condition, including recent skin graft, fragile “tissue paper” skin,
gangrene, oozing dermatitis and severe cellulitis
 Extreme deformity of the leg, or unusual leg shape or size preventing correct fit

Answers for your questions:

1. WHAT TYPE OF STOCKINGS HAVE TO PICK? Graduated compression stockings

2. WHAT LENGTH SHALL I GO FOR? Either below knee or thigh length
3. COMPRESSION STRENGTH TO GET PICKED? Compression of 15–20 mm Hg


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