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Climate Change: Effect on Earth’s Water and to World’s Population

(Word count: 462)

Climate Change is one of the significant issues our world is currently facing, and

almost all countries worldwide experience climate change. Climate change has many

effects, including the condition of Earth’s waters. Water has many uses and is essential

for all humans as it is the source of our life; it purifies our bodies so that we won’t be

dehydrated. Due to the issue of climate change causes our Earth’s water to change and

might affect the standard of living of humans. According to NASA (2022), the National

Aeronautical Space Administration, also known as NASA, and the French space agency

came up with a plan to launch a mission to survey the Earth’s water to identify the

effects of climate change on Earth’s water, such as lakes, rivers, and oceans.

In recent news by NASA on December 2022 about launching an international

mission to observe the Earth’s water is related to the global population as this mission

that the SWOT launched helps determine the effects of climate change on the Earth’s

water. So, therefore, its impact on humans, as we all know that water is one of our basic

needs in our everyday lives. In the article by United Nations (2022), the world’s total

global population as of today has now reached approximately 8 billion. Climate change

can change our world’s ecosystem, bringing enormous problems such as drought, heat

stress, flooding, and even health problems. These problems we face also affect the

living conditions of humans, which potentially cause the world’s population to decrease

because of several causes of illnesses and deaths. This mission relates to the global

population because it helps survey our Earth’s water condition. This allows us to have a

vision of our water condition and how climate change impacts our water. Knowing this

information also allows us to devise solutions and study its cause and effects on

humans. According to Fecht (2019), one example of climate change is the rising sea

levels across communities, especially in coastal areas. Because of the warmer

atmosphere, it starts to melt glaciers which allows the surface water to rise and flood

communities, which can cause damage to the people nearby or who live within the area.

Other effects, such as water pollution and droughts, can also be determined with the

help of this mission.

To sum it all up, the mission incorporated by NASA on surveying the Earth’s

water condition is beneficial in preventing these problems. It can be interconnected to

the global population as it allows communities to gather information about the height of

the sea level around their area and is also a way to create solutions to reduce

casualties in this crisis. Additionally, it enables people to visualize the effects of climate

change on the condition of our water.

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