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Education at all level, primary, secondary

and further education by the government

should be sponsored .

As we know, education is the backbone of a

nation, therefore, it is a basic right of each
and every individual to have the
opportunity to obtain it. It should be free of
cost so that everyone must have the access
to it regardless of the level of the education.
It can be seen that the number of students
had declined over the years when it comes
to higher levels of education like post
graduation in different specialties. Due to
the lack of money their budget is
constrained and many high caliber student
do not even get the proper opportunities.

People must understand importance of

proper management of the educational
sector by the government. Many times
government took some initiatives to make
the education free and affordable for all, like
in the government had made education free
in all government school and also provided
us with scholarship programs and
sporsorships for the students at higher level
of education. And it had been beneficial for
many students who come from
economically backward backgrounds by
providing them good quality education at
higher levels through scholarship given to
them on the basis of their merits. Also by
providing free primary level education to all
the students.

In conclusion, I agree that education should

be free at all levels. By providing
opportunity of education for many students
at higher levels and to make use of their

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