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Spread the Word

atormal letteris an official letter. It is written to someone w
something can be read
may be written to an "When
effort has gone
We familiar. Formal letters
are not
without effort, great
individual or to an organisation. The purpose oul into its
its writing."
into w -Enrique Jardiel Poncela
ToaPply for leave/to request something (application

to complain about something (complaint letter)

(persuasive letter)
TO persuade an idea or to make suggestions

to inform about something (informative letter)

to request information (ernquiry letter)

with whom we are o n formal terms, it uses
ASit is written to someone
Its tone is always
language which is crisp, precise and to the point.
or a complaint.
polite, whether w e are making a suggestion
Please note how the content is written next to the margin, leaving a line clearly between each component
and paragraph.

Remember, the body is divided intoparagraphs

State the purpose of the letter
clearly after you introduce yourselt.
The main content reasons/arguments/
gives relevant details about the
the topic along
along with supporting
u t
with suppor

Concude by repeating the request/complaint/suggestion and ask for prompt de

Some useful
phrases/sentences for the opening while writing a formal
1 am writing to complaint about a toaster bought from....
I am
writing in response to your company's advertisement for the post of engineer
of India...

This is to request you to leave from

grant me

I am
writing with reference to/in response to
For the conclusion:

look forward to hearing fronm you soon/I look forward to receiving your reply.

I would like thank you in advance for


Feel free to contact me for further information.

Hope to receive a complete refund.
Kindly grant me leave and oblige.
To link your ideas and paragraphs, make use of connectives:
Firstly, secondly, finally
However, although, nevertheless
In addition to, moreover, furthermore, besides
Express your opinion by using phrases like: In my opinion; according to me; personally, I think; it
seems to me.

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