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Monday, September 11, 2023 9:27 PM

Carl Rogers asserted that self-concept has 3 different components:

1.Your self-image or the view you have of yourself influenced by external factors
Actually, Carl Rogers, the influential humanistic psychologist, believed that self-image or the view one
has of oneself is primarily influenced by internal factors rather than external ones. According to Rogers,
the self-concept, which refers to an individual's perception and understanding of themselves, is shaped
by their own subjective experiences and interpretations.

Rogers emphasized the importance of self-actualization, the innate tendency for individuals to strive
toward realizing their fullest potential. He believed that individuals have an inherent drive for growth
and self-improvement, and that their self-concept develops through a process of self-exploration and

However, it is worth noting that external factors, such as feedback, social interactions, and cultural
influences, can also play a role in shaping an individual's self-image. Rogers acknowledged that people
seek validation and acceptance from others, and the responses they receive from their social
environment can impact their self-esteem and self-worth. Nevertheless, Rogers emphasized the
significance of internal experiences and self-perception in shaping one's self-image.

2.Your self-esteem or self-worth is the value you assign to yourself;

it is how you perceive and evaluate your own abilities, qualities, and overall worth as a person.
According to Rogers, self-esteem is shaped by a person's experiences and interactions with others,
particularly in childhood. If a child receives unconditional positive regard and acceptance from others,
they are more likely to develop a healthy self-esteem. On the other hand, if they are judged, criticized,
or rejected, their self-esteem can suffer. Rogers believed that self-esteem is a crucial aspect of mental
health and personal growth, and that individuals with low self-esteem may struggle with feelings of
worthlessness, anxiety, and depression. He emphasized the importance of g creatina supportive and
accepting environment for individuals to foster positive self-regard and develop a healthy sense of

3.The ideal self is what you desire or expect of the self.

According to Carl Rogers, the ideal self is the person that we would like to be, the person that we strive
to become. It represents our aspirations, goals, and dreams. It is influenced by our values, beliefs, and
societal expectations. The ideal self is a source of motivation and guides our behavior as we work
towards actualizing our full potential and becoming the best version of ourselves . However, Rogers
emphasized that there can be a discrepancy between our ideal self and our actual self, which may lead
to feelings of incongruence and dissatisfaction. He believed that a healthy self-concept is achieved
when there is congruence between the ideal self and the actual self, where a person's thoughts,
feelings, and behaviors align with their true desires and values. Rogers believed that therapy should
focus on helping individuals bridge this gap and align their self-concept with their true feelings and

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