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Class Notes Class Notes Chapter 1

1. An efficient classroom is an "autonomous" classroom.

To achieve an efficient classroom, the premise and foundation must first realize the
“autonomous” learning of students. Without the “autonomous” learning of students, there
is no way to talk about an “efficient classroom”.Let students generate their own knowledge
and let students develop independently in the experience.Let students change from "passive”
to "active“. I think this is the same as the concept of ”life-based" that we advocate.Only by
mobilizing the enthusiasm of students can we achieve the efficiency of our teaching and achieve
the purpose of education.

2. An efficient classroom is an ”effectively organized" classroom.

It can be said that a teacher's class is very good. If there is no effective organization of teaching,
then this class must be a failed class.An effectively organized classroom teaching is the standard
for a good class.Any class must start with organizational teaching and run through the
course.Therefore, we must learn the various organizational methods and strategies of classroom
teaching, and in accordance with the requirements of the new curriculum concept, from the
height of paying attention to the lifelong development of students, we must continuously
optimize the classroom teaching structure, improve students' learning methods, and actively
create a democratic, equal, and harmonious teaching atmosphere, so that teachers can teach
effectively and students can learn effectively.

3. An efficient classroom is a ”humanistic and sincere" classroom.

Teachers' classroom teaching evaluation should be humanistic and sincere.In classroom teaching,
teachers should be familiar with the differences of students, think about problems from the
standpoint of students, and predict the diverse answers that may arise from multiple angles, so
as to know and accurately evaluate the various answers that students may have.Teachers should
also squat down and lower their height to listen to students' suggestions for learning, and adjust
their teaching methods in time.We must look at students with sincere eyes, educate students in a
cordial tone, guide students with a trusting attitude, tap students' potential with love, and wait
patiently for students' changes.

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