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Assignment of Pharmaceutics – I Theory (BP103T)

Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, JIS University

Session- 2023-2024

Unit I: (Short Question: 5*2)

1. Define Pharmacopoeia.
2. Define Caplets.
3. Define Linctuses.
4. Define Monitoring error.
5. Define Cowling’s rule.

Unit II: (Logic Base Question: 2*5)

1. Discuss the role of double wrapping of powder.

2. Discuss the role of pH modifier and buffering agents in liquid dosage form.

Unit III: (Multiple Choice Question: 10*1)

1. Emulsifying agent is –
a) Water
b) Chloroform
c) Cod liver oil
d) Acacia
2. Size of droplet in emulsion is –
a) 0.1 um
b) 1.0 um
c) 10.0 um
d) 0.01 um
3. Castor oil emulsion is used as –
a) Purgative
b) Laxative
c) Pharmaceutical aid
d) None of these
4. The size range of the particles of the suspension –
a) 0.5-5 mm
b) 0.5-5 nm
c) 0.5-5 µm
d) 0.5-5 cm
5. For an ideal suspension, the sedimentation volume is –
a) =1
b) <1
c) >1
d) 0
6. Stoke’s law expresses –
a) Rate of flow
b) Rate of deflocculation
c) Rate of reaction
d) Rate of sedimentation
7. Stabilizers are used in elixirs –
a) As colouring agent
b) As preservatives
c) For stability
d) For solubility
8. Lotions are applied on skin –
a) With friction
b) Without friction
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of these
9. Label of lotion consists –
a) Shake well before use
b) For external use on
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of these
10. Syrup consists of sucrose in concentration –
a) 76.60%
b) 66.70%
c) 67.60%
d) 76.70%
Unit IV: (Online Platform Question: 10*1)

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