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Soe&tvof PetroleumEnaineers

SPE 35971

Tripod-BETA: Incident investigation and analysis

J.A. Doran and G.C. van der Graaf, SPE, Shell International Exploration and Production B.V.

Copfight 1S9$, .Sccii c4 Petroleum Engmesrs, Inc concepts of the Hazard and Effkcts Management Prwess
7him wpar was pmparsd for prewntat!on at the Internatmnsl Conference on Health safety & (HEMP) and the Tripod theo~. When anomalies and
Endronmant hold in NW Ofleans, Loukiana, 9.12 June 1006 omissions have been resolved, a dratl accident report can Lx
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acknovdadgement c1 Mare ●nd by vhcsn the pawr was pfesanted Wrke L!brarmn, SPE, P Incident investigation is an important source of feedback
0 SW n= R+chards.m TX 7S033-3.930, U S A Fax 01.214-952.9435
on the effectiveness of HSE management systems. It can
Shell wmpsniw hava their own sepamts Identities In this papsr the collectwe expressmms
‘Shel~ and ‘Group’ and ‘Royal OtitcMShall Group d Companms’ may M used for corwsmence
provide managers with evidence of system failures, their
where rsterence IS made to ths wmpanfies d the Royal DutchlShell Group m general Those actual consequences and, more importantly, the potential
expfsssions are ●lso ussd vdwre no usahd purpose IS sewed by !dentlfymg the particular
mxnpany w cmnpanmm consequences, so that remedial actions can be prioritised in
relation to business risk.
Abstract A comprehensive investigation will identi~ the active
Tripod-BETA is a methodology for conducting an failures: immediate causation factors that are otlen the result
incident analysis in parallel with the investigation, supported of human error. Also the underlying or latent failures that
indicate system defects will be identified. Although the
by a PC based tool. Interaction between these two processes
provides the investigators with confirmation of the relevance remedies for latent failures often take time to implement they
of their fact gathering and highlights avenues of investigation have wider implications in terms of incident prevention.
leading to latent failures. The benefit to the analysis process is In a Company culture where HSE management is clearly a
that logical anomalies can be highlighted and resolved while line responsibility, the lead in incident investigation will
the investigation is still active. naturally be taken by the line, and the ‘customer’ for the
Tripod-BETA focuses initially on the accident mechanism - investigation findings and recommendation is line
management. Investigation using entirely internal resources
the physical process of the accident - and uses it as a structure
can have drawbacks such as lack of independence and the
to identify the controls and defences that should have been in
relatively amateur status of line statT as investigators. A line
place. For the incident to happen these controls and defences
either were missing or failed. The investigation then supervisor may only be involved in a complex incident
investigation a few times in his working life. Tripod-BETA
examines the immediate and latent failures behind each
missing or failed defence. following the Tripod theory of was developed to provide a structure for investigation that
will enable investigators to apply their technical know-how
accident causation,
and knowledge of HSE management systems to best effect,
Tripod-BETA software provides the means to collect and
assemble investigation facts and manipulate them on screen Background
into a graphic representation of the evem and its causes - an
Tripod is an approach to safety aimed at the underlying
incident tree. The logic of the tree swtrcturc (Iabclling and
problems that lead to incidents. The Tripod theory, and the
connections) can be tested to ensure that it conforms to the
applications that have been developed from it, are the result

of research by the Universities of Lciden and Manchester, Investigations should not be limited to incidents resulting in
sponsored by Shell. Incidents are seen as multi-causal events, harm or damage. Elimination of incidents with the potential
having immediate causes many of which are of human origin for injury or damage should be a matter of HSE Policy, and
and underlying causes that are system failures, generally incidents should be investigated at an appropriate level to
hidden, or known and tolerated. and otlen long lasting, develop remedial measures in pursuit of this objective. HSE
(Figure 1) management measures undoubtedly have the potential to
reduce the frequency and consequence of incidents, but it
The Tripod Theory and its pro-active application to measure
would be naive to assume that all mistakes can be eliminated.
failure states in eleven General Failure Types (GFTs) was
initiatly presented at the 1991 SPE conference on HSE 1,2, Mistakes are part of the human condition and a ‘safe’
and a follow up paper on the pro-active application, Tripod- operation will need to be mistake-tolerant. The broad
DELTA was presented at the 1994 conference’. The Tripod objective of an incident investigation is to learn lessons from
l%eay in combination with the elements of HSE the incident - to feed back the causes of failure so that they
management systems, especially the hazards and effects can be properly addressed. In an operation where HSE
management process has led to the development of Tripod- management has been successful at reducing injury and
BETA. damage frequency and severity to an extremely low level,
near misses will continue to provide a valid source of
HSE-Management Systems feedback on system failures. Near misses provide an equal
opportunity for improving. However, investigating all near
The mechanism of an HSE Management system can be
misses could result in an overload of information and loss of
described as a hierarchy of tasks, with a plan - do - check -
effectiveness when no differentiation is made between serious
feedback loop at each level. In the absence of check and
incidents and near misses.
feedback the activity can drift outside its dctined bounds,
either through internal changes or changes in the external It is therefore necessmy to assess the risk of foreseeable
environment, and become an ineffective element of events, by determining the probability of different scenarios
management. Audit and inspection, performance reporting Occurnng to cause the ‘hazardous event’ and the consequences
and incident investigation are all valid feedback mechanisms, arising. It is possible to represent the risk graphically using a
each having its place in HSE management. Risk Assessment Matrix (Figure 2),
Audits and inspections provide feedback on non-conformance The matrix is used to estimate the highest credible potential
and system failure, and pro-active operational ‘health checks’ outcome of an incident, the true measure of its ‘seriousness’.
can identi~ areas of weakness. Incident investigations, A given incident - release or exposure of a hazard, can have a
however, provide evidence of failure together with a measure number of potential outcomes ranging from a ‘near miss’ to
of the actual consequence and a possible indication of more catastrophic damage or fatalities. If an incident is examined
serious consequences. This ‘smoking gun’ evidence provides in the light of its highest credible potential, lessons can be
compelling support to the recommendations for remedial learned from near misses that will help avoid repeats with
action. Because a direct cause-effect relationship is described, more serious consequences.
incident findings are oilen easier to understand, and
Another benefit of looking at the highest credible potential at
recommendations more difficult to ignore than, for example,
the beginning of an investigation is that appropriate resources
those of audits. Incidents therefore present valuable
can be deployed. Identification of system failures is a primary
opportunities for improvement.
objective of an investigation. A low level team investigating
Operational incidents imply failure to manage hazards of a an incident is unlikely to have insight into systems outside the
business. Involvement of senior management in incident team’s immediate experience, and in a high potential incident
investigation is an opportunity to demonstrate their is unlikely to achieve the right scope or depth of
commitment to HSE and to send a strong signal that hazard investigation. A high level team investigating a low potential
management is a fundamental part of the business. This incident may be seen as wasting time and effort, diminishing
involvement, to be credible, must include resourcing remedial the credibility of the investigation policy.
actions and follow up. In this way, it is an effective
implementation of the E&P Forum statement on commitment: Tripod based tools

The foundation of an HSE A{S is leadership and Two applications have been developed using the Tripod
commitment from the top management OJ the company, and research insights, Tripod-DELTA and Tripod-BETA.
its readiness to provide adequate resources for FISE matters.
Tripod-DELTA is a proactive ‘diagnostic’ tool that works on
Particular attention is drawn to the importance 0$ senior
the premise that there is usually some detectable evidence of
management providing a visible expression of commitment.
latent failures in an organisation or operation. The evidence
The E&P Forum4 takes the form of minor deviations from the desired state,
perhaps individually tolerable but, when aggregated, indicate

that serious latent failure may exist. These ‘tokens of failure’ The principles of ‘identi@’,‘assess’,‘control’and ‘recover*are
can be identified by a questionnaire-based tool that uses a the basis of HEMP:
database of predetermined indicators. ● Identi$ hazards and potential effects
The indicator questions for Tripod-DELTA refer to individual ● ASSCSS risks
General Failure Types (GITs), classifications that provide ● Define control and defence measures
some indication of the area where the problem (and its ● Establish recovery measures in the event of control
solution) lies, e.g Communications, Procedures, Maintenance failures
Management. A diagnostic exercise, uses a questionnaire that
has an equal numtxx of questions per GIT, The ‘undesirable An incident is a manifestation of failures of some kind in the
state’ answers are presented in the form of a ‘GFT profile{ - HSE management system, therefore an investigation into
the taller the profile bar of a GFT, [he more concern should these failures should make some reference to the system itself.
be in that area of latent failure. Tripod-BETA provides a structure underpinned by the HEMP
model, so that the incident is investigated and analysed in the
The GFf profile is not a precise identifier, but the evidence of context of a hazard management failure,
a number of failure tokens is used as a rationale to develop
remedial actions in that particular area. This methodology is A common way of understanding the possible threats or
particularly useful in an activity where there is a low rate of causes that could lead to the unplanned release of a hazard is
incident occurrence and other feedback is required in order to to present them diagrammatically using a fault tree. In a
focus HSE management efforts. A profiling exercise can be similar way after the release of a hazard an event tree may be
held at any time, and thus scheduled to avoid conflict with used to determine and display the potential outcomes or
other priorities. consequences.
Tripod-BETA is a retrospective application. The incident is Fault Tree Analysis is used to show the sequence of possible
the initiating event, usually giving little choice in the timing threats or causes that could lead to the release of a hazard.
of the exercise, but providing more tangible evidence of active The fault tree leads to a single point where the undesired
and latent failure. Avoiding all incidents is a laudable target, event has taken place or where the hazard has been released,
but if incidents do happen, an organisation should be termed the Top Event. The Event Tree is made up of nodes
prepared to extract the maximum lessons from them so as to which correspond to the different stages in an escalating
avoid recurrence of the same scenario or other scenarios with incident sequence from the Top Event.
the same underlying clauses. An incident is characterised by a sequence of causes leading
One of the deliverables of an investigation is identification of to an event and the subsequent sequence leading to the
the latent failures. Tripod-BETA has the facility to assign consequence, It can be thought of as a section through the
GFT categories to latent failures, providing a cross-reference fault tree and event tree defined as a sequence of events and
to diagnostic information. conditions having a probability of 1.0 - they have occurred.
This is the core of the Tripod-BETA structure - the incident
Incident analysis is a retrospective application in the context mechanism. (Figure 3)
of the incident being investigated. but application of incident
recommendations outside the domain of a particular accident From HEMP to incident analysis tool
is pro-active HSE management, Latenl failures will by their
nature usually impact on a broad t’ron[: addressing them The Tripod-BETA incident model has an incident ‘event’
should bring wider benefit. Also, actions addressing active as its core. The event is considered to be the point at which
failure may have lateral applications in other operations, the hazard becomes ‘active’ - it is released or exposed, and
gaining the benctit without having gone through the harms or threatens to harm a ‘target’.
experience of the incident. In an industrial context, the Hazard - Event - Target model is
too simple. Hazard management is about recognizing and
HEMP (identify, assess, control, recover) assessing hazards and establishing appropriate controls as
The Hazards and Effects Management Process (HEMP) was well as containment or protection measures should those
originally developed to provide a structured approach to the controls fail. The basic model of the accident should also
analysis of HSE hazards throughout the life cycle of an show the controls on the ‘hazard trajectory’ that must have
installation. The process is applicable to all business failed if the event occurred, and the defences that must have
processes in the life cycle of an operation from inception to failed if a Target was harmed. In HEMP terms, these were set
abandonment. Arrangements identiticd as necessary to up in order to prevent the release of the hazard or, in the
manage assessed threats and potential consequences and event of the hazird being released, to mitigate its effects. For
effects are incorporated in the design phase and into the the purpcxs of accident investigation the hazard controls and
procedures and practices of the operation, victim/target dcfenccs can be considered together. Each in its

way serves to keep a hazard separated from its potential The initial task of the investigation is to establish the incident
victims or targets. mechanism, the hazard(s), event(s) and target(s). This is a
logical approach - find out what happened - and the
The Tripod theory identifies active failures as the ‘trigger
effectiveness of subsequent investigating activity can be
events’ of the incident. The real trigger event of the incident
strongly irdluenced by the quality of this part of the exercise.
is, of course, the last control or dcfence to fail, but the
This may seem extremely obvious, but without a systematic
concern of the investigation is to identi~ also the other
review of all the controls and defences on the hazard
controls and defences that had been rendered ineffective
trajectory, the scope of the next phase of the investigation will
beforehand. Aprerequisite of any dcfcnce-in-depth system is
be inhibited.
the combination of defence failures all situated on the hazard
trajectory (Pigure 4) In the next phase of the investigation, the causes behind each
control and defence failure are examined. The Tripod theory
This is the first part of an accident ‘model’,a representation of
of accident causation postulates that the active failures caused
WHAT happens inan incident. A hazard has been released
by people errors (unsafe acts) are likely to have been
(or exposed) due to failure in control and somebody or
influenced by organisational or environmental preconditions.
something has been or could have been damaged due to
Each failed control or defence represents a unique
failure inmitigation orprotcction. In broad terms, it usually
investigation lead, although it is possible that there will be
describes circumstances at the site of the incident.
some common preconditions or latent failures. The Tripod
Knowing what happened is only part of the investigation. To causation model, whilst acknowledging that human error
make recommendations to avoid the incident recurring, it is often features as a trigger to incidents, indicates that
necessary to find out WHY the various failures occurred, organisational deficiencies may have contributed to these
tracing backward to identi~ the underlying or latent failures. errors or magnified that consequences. This avoids the
implication of blame that is characteristic of investigations
Active and latent failures.
that limit their scope to the worksite.
The Tripod theory emphasises that aclive failures, e.g.
The construction of a BETA Tree does not require any
people’s errors (unsafe acts), do not occur in isolation but are
specialised or sophisticated equipment. A BETA-Tree can be
influenced by external factors - organisational or
drawn on a whiteboard, or ‘post-it’ stickers used. What is
environmental preconditions. Many of these factors
required is a good understanding of the structure of a BETA
themselves originate from failures e]scwhcre in (he business -
tree, so that accident facts can be correctly classified and
latent failures - often in decisions or actions taken by
phrased in a concise manner. Many narrative accident reports
planners, designers or managers rcmolc in time and location
obscure the essential facts in a wealth of descriptive narrative.
from the front line of operations, This generates an
Building a Tripod-BETA tree promotes the identification of
investigation lead for each active failure to one or more latent
essential points only, so that the logic of the cause and effect
failures (Figure 5).
connections is more transparent. A typical Tripod-BETA tree
Preconditions and GFTs. The Tripod-BETA ‘cause and resulting from an investigation is shown in Figure 7.
effect tree’ and its elements (Figure 6) is the combination of
the WHAT and the WHY models. Computerisation & benefits

The model is a simplification. designed to give an Development of a structure for investigation and analysis has
investigation team a mental picture that helps them recognise lent itself to a PC application, In addition to providing the
relevant facts and likely sequences of events. Accidents are facility to create and manipulate tree elements graphically,
rarely so simple and Tripod-BETA allows for a large number the logic of the connections can be validated, Additional
of variations on this central theme. For example. there can be descriptive narrative can be attached to each tree element
more than one hazard involved, or a barrier mny have been entry, and a forcing function prompts completion of entries.
inadequate from the time it was established - in which case it Interim report drafts and tree diagrams can be printed for
would be meaningless to identify more than a Latent Failure team discussion. The data can be printed into a drafl report
cause. that highlights all salient points, and includes a copy of the
final tree. The report can be farther edited using a word-
The use of Tripod-BETA processing package.
The first stage of an incident investigation using Tripod- Report generation. The draft report centres on the tree
BETA would be very similar to the way in which most elements, and even if further narrative is attached, the
investigations take place. A typical investigation approach elements highlight the relevant issues,
was presented at the 1994 SPE Conference on HSES. The
Many operating units have outline specifications for incident
selection of the team would be made based on the potential of
report subjects, but free-form narrative reports have the
the incident as initially reported. with the possibility of
tendency to reflect different reporting styles and sometimes
reviewing the team composition if the potential is revised.

different Icrminology, Tripod-BETA presents the information Availability. Tripod-BETA has been developedprimarily for
in a standard layout, with[ent wcc clement the benefit of Shell operating units, and as such the initial
terminology. This makes comparison of different incidents a documentation and software is being issued under Group
simpler matter. copyright. It can be expected that members of the contracting
community will come into contact with the methodology in
The objective of an investigation report is 10 demonstrate to
the context of Shell contracts. Ways are being examined in
the ‘customer’ - the Company marurgcmcnt, that the
which interested third parties can obtain the benefit, in line
investigation has been thorough, that a good understanding
with Group policy on making HSE know-how available to the
has been reached of the circumstances leading up to the
wider community.
incident and its consequences. and (hat recommendations for
remedial action are pertinent and likely to be cffcctivc, Unless Ongoing research. Tripod research in the contribution of
the investigation team member arc good report writers, this human actions to incidents is still in progress. Further
phase of an investigation can prove to be onc of the most research on incident analysis will possibly result in direct
difficult. A draft report with a standard content and layout is enhancements to Tripod-BETA. Other research has the
probably adequate for internal circulation. although a report objective of providing practical tools for measuring key
destined for extcmal issue could require more explanatory factors influencing human behaviour and tools for modifying
narrative, adverse factors once identified. Identification and
measurement of these factors would certainly be pertinent to
Structuring, Although irwcstigation trees have been a
incident investigation. Interfaces with the current tools will be
recommended methodology in Shell Operating Units for a
made as appropriate.
number of years. the cause-effect connection bc(~vccnvarious
tree elements has not been emphasised. with a result that
some trees add little to an understanding of the incident.
Providing a structure for the investigation brings the analysis Incident investigation and analysis remains an important
process forward, enabling the investigation to concentrate on element in the feedback process and identification of latent
leads to the Ia(cnt failures rclclant to the incident, failures provides the means to apply the lessons from
incidents proactively, The tindings of an indepth
The software forces complctcncss of action recommendations
investigation and analysis have a high “face validity”
by flagging tree clcmcnts that have not been vcriticd or
compared to other feedback sources, as they provide concrete
contain incomplete information. c,g, every idcntiticd active
evidence of cause and effect, linked with potential for injury,
failure must have a remedial recommendation attached,
damage or loss.
The advantage of a Wuclurcd investigation is that the
Supporting incident investigation gives management the
presentation of the outcome dcrnonstratcs Ihc imcstigation
opportunity to demonstrate commitment to HSE performance.
By following incident leads to latent failures, an investigation
Efficiency. The methodology has been developed with the
avoids misapportioning blame at the worksite level.
concept that an investigation tcmn will only require one
Tripod-BETA analyst, who \vill interact t~ith the other Tripod-BETA tool provides a structure for incident
members of the team during the investigation process in a investigation and analysis that helps to achieve the above
two-way communication. The analyst will need 10bc familiar objectives efficiently and consistently.
with the concepts and terminology of the rncthod, and will
convert the raw data of ‘accident facts’ into the structure of the References
BETA tree, feeding back to the rest of the team to ensure a
] Hudson, P.T, W,, et al, Applicationof TRIPODto measurelatent
common understanding of the incident mcclmnism and the
errors in North Sea gas platforms: validity of Failure State
investigation lead paths, Only a limi[cd rrumbcr of such Profiles, paper SPE 23293 presented at the SPE First
resources need to be trained as analysts, who will probably be International Conference on Health, Safety and Environment, The
located in the HSE advice and services group, Hague Nov. 1991

2 Hudson, P.T. W,, Enhancing safety in Drilling: implementing

Future developments
TRIPOD in a desert drilling operation, paper SPE 23248,
Field experience. Tripod-BETA has been dcvciopcd widl presented at the SPE First International Conference on Health,
participation by operating companies. The field trials of Safety and Environment, The Hague Nov. 1991
Tripod-BETA have demonstrated the utility of the tool and 3 Hudson, P. T.W., et al, Diagnosis and target setting in Drilling and
produced a number of intcrcsling suggestions for Engineering operations using Tripod-DELTA, paper SPE 27294
enhancement, but it is preferable d~at the basic model is given presented at the SPE Second International Conference on Health,
a broader airing in ticld conditions follot~cd by a formal Safety and Environment, Jakarta, Jan. 1994
review later on this year,

4 E&P Forum: Guidelines for the dmwloprncnt and application of
health, safety and environmental management systems, report no
6,36/210, July 1994

5 Waterfall K. W., et al, Incident investigateion and analysis for

exploration and production opemt ions. paper SPE 27233
presented at the SPE First International Conference on Health,
Safety and Environment, Jakarta, Jan 1994

Figure 1 Tripod Causation Model


[ I I
Latent Failure Active failure

0’) Figure 2 Risk Assessment Matrix



Severity Peoplo Aaeeb Environment Reputation A B c D E
Nmver Incldmtt H8pperu mm
heard of occurred has aeveml Baveral
n EP ‘n EP occurred tlma per llnn8 per
Industry nduetry In OpcO year In ysor In
Opco oc.tlon
7 No No No No
inlury dwnaqe efiect impact
1 Sliiht SIQht Sliiht Slight Manage for continuous
injury (image effect
T Minor WKn Mincf Limited
injury dmsga effect
3 Majrx LocaBaeC Localised Considerable ‘.,,.,’,.,,,:,.,:::,.
injury dame@ elkt impact
7 Singie t@cM Major National
fatality damage effect
5 M.dtiple Extensbe Massive International ‘;,:?’ .:’’” ““ ““::” ::”
fatalities damqe effact impact , ,,,,
Figure 3 The Incident Sequence

~mg~ Failed “““$~~
recovery ,$gg~
measure(s) -

Figure 4 Failed Controls & Defences



Figure 5 Active Failures to Latent Failures

Figure 6 Tripod-BETA Basic Tree

Figure 7 Tripod-BETA Tree

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