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4 Empathic Listening


Which of these dialogues is the better example of empathic listening? Support your choice and
try to make reference to the empathic dimensions in your answer. Post your response to the
discussion board.

In reading the two dialogues I think that it is more apparent that Joan’s conversation with Eve
presents more of an empathetic listening mediation. As a guidance counsellor I believe it is
important to create a safe and open space where students feel they are being listened to and
heard. Richard Salem mentions that ‘listening is a learnable skill’. I think when we are younger
as adults we are sometimes over burdened with life and all of the different factors that comes
with day to day life, but as I have grown older, I have learned to take my time and focus on the
relationships that are important to me. Becoming a good listener and being able to show
empathy is something that I feel like I have developed and continue to foster.

In the conversation with Joan, Eve seems to be much more relaxed and willing to share her
deeper emotions more openly. In doing so, Joan is able to make Eve feel comfortable and
heard, which is very important in establishing a good relationship. Joan allowed Eve to
dominate the conversation, she was attentive and sensitive to Eve’s emotions and she allowed
Eve to reflect back to her sentiments towards her mom’s situation. Overall, I think that Joan
was much more empathic in the conversation and gave Eve the opportunity to share her
emotions and feel safer in knowing she is not out of line for feeling the way she does.

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