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NIM. : 191010201481 HARI TGL : Senin 13 Juli 2020


1. Questions in the form of verbal past tense using did +s + v1. Example:

Did you go to the school yesterday?

did he buy a new book yesterday?

did they play football last week?

Did your dad give you money?

2. Basically there are 5 types of adverbs in English namely Adverbs of Manner, Adverbs of Place, Adverbs
of Time, Adverbs of Frequency, dan Adverbs of Degree.

- Adverbs of Manner is a type of adverb in English that describes how something happens or is done
Example adverb of manner quietly, slowly, quickly, noisily, happily, sadly, fast, well, terribly, carefully,
badly, bravely, beautifully, loudly, patiently, lazily, politely, neatly, angrily.

- Adverbs of Place is a type of adverb in English that describes where the event took place or where the
activity was carried out. Example here, there, nowhere, somewhere, everywhere, out, in, above, below,
inside, outside, downstairs, upstairs.

- Adverbs of Time is a type of adverb in English that describes time. Example tomorrow, yesterday, last
year, last week, next week, next month, then, now, lately, recently, yet, soon, early, later.

- Adverbs of Frequency is a type of adverb in English that gives an explanation of how often an activity is
carried out. Examples of Adverbs of Frequency are, never, daily, weekly, monthly, seldom, rarely,
normally, usually, sometimes, frequently, usually, often, always, once, twice.

- Adverbs of Degree is a type of adverb in English that gives an explanation of how much, at what level,
or to what extent something happened or was done. Examples of Adverbs of Degree are almost, quite,
nearly, too, enough, just, hardly, simply, so, extremely, very, fairly, entirely, completely, fully, perfectly.

3. - For adverbs that end with -ly, we must use more to form comparative and use most to form

The teacher speaks more slowly to help us to understand.

Could you sing more quietly please?

- For short adverbs that don't end with -ly, the comparative and superlative forms are the same as the
adjectives: add -er to form comparative and -est to form superlatives. If the adverb ends with e, remove
e before adding the suffix.


Jim works harder than his brother.

Everyone in the race ran fast, but John ran the fastest of all.

4. Type modal auxiliary

Modals (Present) Modals (Past)

Can Could

May Might

Will Would

Shall Shoul

Must Ought to

modals are "Verbs that are used with another verb, eg can, may, should". So it can be concluded that
modal auxiliary verbs are auxiliary verbs that function to add special meaning to the main verb (main
verb),such as to show what will happen (futurity), ability (ability), licensing (permission), the possibility
of something (possibility), and so forth.

5. Present.

- Simple Present

Aktif : S + V1 + O

Pasif : O + tobe + V3

Example: a.I eat that cake. That cake is eatean (by me).

b.She breaks the vase. The vase is broken (by her).

- Present Perfect
Aktif : S + Have/Has + V3 + O

Pasif : O + Have/Has + been + V3

Example :

a.You have taken the pencil.The pencil has been taken (by you).

b. He has written a letter.A letter has been written (by him).

- Present Continuous

Aktif : S + tobe + V-ing + O

Pasif : O + tobe + being + V3

Contoh :

a. They are destroying that big building. That big building is being destroyed.

b. He is eating a huge cake. A huge cake is being eaten.


- Simple Past

Aktif : S + V2 + O

Pasif : O + tobe + V3

Example :

a. I broke the glass. The glass was broken (by me).

b. My mom told me. I was told (by my mom)

- Past Future

Aktif : S + Would + V1 + O

Pasif : O + Would + be + V3

a. I would spend the money. The money would be spent (by me).

c. His father would hit him. He would be hit (by his father).

- Past Perfect Continuous

Aktif : S + Had + been + V-ing + O

Pasif : O + Had + been + being + V3

Example :

a. My cat had been eating your fish. Your fish had been being eaten (by my cat).

b. He had been changing my life. My life had been being changed (by him).

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