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“Exploring Arithmophobia: An application of Factor Analysis with

Structural Equation Modeling”

We, Chloe Jayne Lastimosa, Christine Mae Gabia, Rea Karla Barredo,
and Maria Ella Delgado of Bachelor of Science in Statictics 4th student at
Cebu Technological University-Main, as a final requirement we will be
conducting a research about exploring arithmophobia with the use of factor
analysis and structural equation modeling among students currently enrolled
as Bachelor of Science in Mathematics at Cebu Technological University-
Main Campus. Thus, this study aims to examine the underlying factors
causing the fear of numbers towards individuals, however, this study does
not intend to diagnosed an individual for having an anxiety or phobia but to
only know the relationship between the factors extracted and explored.

Your participation in this research is voluntary, you may opt not to answer. If
you decide to participate, rest assured that the data will remain confidential.
The survey and results of this research will not contain any personal
information that will identify you. If you have any questions, feel free to
messaged me on facebook (CHLOE JAYNE) or email me at
( Your response will be highly appreciated.
Thank You.
This is a questionnaire for the study "Exploring Arithmophobia: An
application of Factor Analysis with Structural Equation Modeling”. Your
response is highly appreciated and will remain confidential. Thank You.
Instruction: Below there is a list of statements related to mathematics, rate the
following if you are anxious in these situations by marking the answers as follows:
1— Not at all ; 2 — Rarely at times; 3 — Often times; 4 — All the time

Not at Rarely Often All the

all at times times time
1 I feel anxious when I see numbers needed to be
2 I think numbers or arithmetic are complex in
3 I feel helpless when solving problems related to
4 I have a hard time doing simple arithmetic task
whether doing it in paper or mentally.
5 I have a hard time solving any problems that
deals with numbers.
6 I find it hard to comprehend the concept of
7 Estimation of numbers is a tough and confusing
task for me.
8 I have a hard time accessing arithmetic problems.
9 It's hard for me to apply basic arithmetic skills
such calculation and budgeting into my daily life.
10 It's difficult to do basic arithmetic mentally.
I have a history of poor performance doing
11 arithmetic problems.
12 It will take me time to solve arithmetic problems.
I have poor scores in subjects that deals with
13 numbers.
I feel anxious when a teacher will ask us to solve
14 arithmetic problems.
I am afraid to embarrass myself in class while
15 solving arithmetic problems.
I feel pressured when I see my classmates
16 solving arithmetic problems
My parent's told me that it's okay not to do well
with numbers since it has always been complex
17 to begin with.
Friends told me it's natural to have a hard time
18 solving number problems.
Always heard people say that courses that deals
19 with numbers are only for the smart ones.
I feel stressed hearing someone discusses about
20 numbers and arithmetic.

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