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Effect of Pride

What a better way to overcome pride, its by having to overcome our errors in thinking. One of the
moment in my life is I found myself believing that pride is a necessity in life.

In my late teen I always thought that love only comes from people you are only close with and it made
believe that instead of extending my love to my neighbors and friends, I stayed without showing it to
them, this made it hard for me to learn and transact my feelings with people, but luckily my mission
changed my way of thinking, It taught me alot, to serve with a purpose and love towards my fellow men.
As I applied Charity my way of seeing things changed and through fasting and praying I knew that the
Lord was going to be my comforter, and direct me with way of living with my brothers and sisters. I
know that pride Is a bad character to have because it discouraged me to make progress but thinking that
I can do it and taking the first step towards change, was the best thing to have ever happened.

Undermining the power of change did not get me any where until I realized that I needed to overcome
my thinking error which in conclusion was pride. I know that attesting to change there is much more
peace and having God aside is a blessing.

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