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Title : Reactivity series – Metals

Aim : To compare the reactivity of various metals with dilute hydrochloric acid(HCL)


1. Magnesium (0.03g)
2. Copper (0.06g)
3. Iron (0.06g)
4. Zinc (0.07g)

Reagents :

1. Dilute HCL
2. Red and blue litmus paper

Apparatus :

1. Test tubes
2. Test tube holder
3. Lighter
4. Splints
5. Dropper
6. Stopwatch
7. Measuring cylinder

Method :

1. The test tubes were labelled with the names of the metals
2. 0.03g of Mg, 0.06g of Cu, 0.06g of Fe and 0.07g of Zn was weighed out.
3. The appearance of the metals was observed and recorded in a suitable table.
4. 5ml of acid was measured and poured into the first test tube using a measuring cylinder.
5. The gas was tested for hydrogen and the pH of the gas was tested using damp litmus paper.
6. The stopwatch was started and the reaction was observed. The stopwatch was stopped when the
bubbling stopped. The time was recorded on the table.
7. Steps 1 – 5 were repeated for the other metals.
8. The results were used to draw up a reactivity series.

Discussion :

The trend in the reactivity series represents a systematic arrangement of metals based on their relative
reactivity in chemical reactions. This hierarchy follows a consistent pattern, where more reactive metals
are positioned at the top, and less reactive metals are placed towards the bottom. The trend is in line
with the concept that highly reactive metals readily engage in chemical reactions, especially with acids,
while less reactive metals exhibit subdued or minimal reactivity.

This systematic arrangement is often associated with the ease of ionization of metals. Metals with lower
ionization energies, signifying their ability to easily lose electrons and form positive ions, tend to be
more reactive. As one descends the reactivity series, the ionization energy generally increases, indicating
that metals lower in the series are less inclined to lose electrons and participate in reactions.

The chemical reactivity series serves as a valuable hierarchical tool, offering insights into the relative
reactivity of metals in chemical reactions. It proves essential for predicting a metal's likelihood of
reacting with specific substances, such as hydrochloric acid (HCl). Reactivity, in this context, is closely
linked to the ease of ionization, representing the energy required to remove an electron from an atom
and form a positively charged ion. Metals with lower ionization energies, indicative of greater ease of
ionization, readily lose electrons and participate in chemical reactions. The relationship between
chemical reactivity and ease of ionization suggests that metals with lower ionization energies are
generally more reactive, occupying higher positions in the reactivity series. Understanding this interplay
provides valuable insights into the behavior of metals in various chemical environments.
In the experiment, the objective was to compare the reactivity of various metals with hydrochloric acid
(HCl) and establish a reactivity series. To ensure accurate measurements, the metals were stored in small
plastic containers in powder form, allowing for precise weighing. Each metal was placed in labeled test
tubes, preventing confusion during the experiment.

The metals exhibited distinct physical properties: copper appeared reddish-brown, zinc had a bluish-grey
color, iron was colorless, and magnesium appeared reddish-pink. To initiate the reactions, 5ml of
hydrochloric acid was prepared and added to the first test tube containing the metals.

When HCl was introduced to the metals, unique reactions occurred. For copper, no bubbles were
observed, and the glowing splint remained unlit, indicating no hydrogen gas production. The litmus
paper also showed no change.

Zinc displayed constant effervescence with the formation of bubbles. However, the glowing splint did not
relight, possibly due to possible contamination by the acid-metal solution. The litmus paper exhibited no
change, indicating the formation of hydrogen gas and zinc chloride according to the equation:


Iron surprisingly exhibited moderate effervescence, but the glowing splint did not relight, contrary to the
typical reaction where iron produces hydrogen gas and relights the splint. The equation representing the
reaction is:


Lastly, magnesium displayed bubble formation, and the litmus paper exhibited a change, indicating the
presence of hydrogen gas. However, the glowing splint did not relight. The reaction between magnesium
and HCl can be represented as:


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