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“The Impact of Gender Stereotypes on Society and Its Members”

An Academic Essay
In Fulfillment of the Requirement for the subject
Purposive Communication

Submitted by:
Rachelle Joy S. Poco
Bachelor of Arts in Sociology
Mariano Marcos State University
The Impact of Gender Stereotypes on Society and Its Members

Gender stereotypes have long been a part of society, shaping the way people view

themselves and others. These stereotypes are often based on outdated and inaccurate

assumptions about gender roles and behaviors, leading to harmful consequences for both men

and women. This essay will explore the impact of gender stereotypes on society and its

members, highlighting the ways in which they limit individual potential and perpetuate


The first way in which gender stereotypes impact society is by limiting individual

potential. When people are expected to conform to rigid gender roles, they may feel pressure to

suppress certain aspects of their personality or interests that do not align with these roles. For

example, men may feel discouraged from pursuing careers in traditionally female-dominated

fields such as nursing or teaching, while women may feel pressure to prioritize marriage and

motherhood over their professional aspirations (Eagly & Wood, 2012). These limitations can

lead to missed opportunities and hinder individual growth and development.

Gender stereotypes also perpetuate inequality by reinforcing harmful power dynamics.

Men are often expected to be dominant, aggressive, and unemotional, while women are

expected to be submissive, nurturing, and emotional (Ridgeway & Correll, 2004). These

stereotypes can lead to discrimination and harassment in the workplace, as well as violence

against women in the home. Furthermore, they contribute to the gender wage gap, as women

are often paid less than men for the same work (Blau & Kahn, 2017).
Another way in which gender stereotypes impact society is by influencing socialization

patterns. From a young age, children are exposed to gendered messages about what is

appropriate behavior for boys and girls. These messages are reinforced through media, peer

groups, and family dynamics, shaping the way children view themselves and others. Boys who

do not conform to masculine norms may be bullied or ostracized, while girls who exhibit traits

associated with masculinity may be labeled as tomboys or lesbians (Martin & Ruble, 2010).

These socialization patterns can have lasting effects on individual self-esteem and identity.

In order to combat the harmful effects of gender stereotypes, it is important to promote

gender equality and challenge traditional gender roles. This can be achieved through education

and awareness-raising campaigns, as well as policies that promote equal pay and opportunities

for men and women. Additionally, it is important to foster inclusive environments that celebrate

diversity and reject harmful stereotypes. By challenging gender stereotypes and promoting

equality, we can create a society that values the potential of all its members, regardless of


In conclusion, gender stereotypes have a profound impact on society and its members,

limiting individual potential, perpetuating inequality, and shaping socialization patterns. By

challenging these stereotypes and promoting gender equality, we can create a more just and

inclusive society that values the potential of all its members.


Blau, F. D., & Kahn, L. M. (2017). The gender wage gap: Extent, trends, and explanations. Journal
of Economic Literature, 55(3), 789-

Eagly, A. H., & Wood, W. (2012). Social role theory. Handbook of theories of social psychology, 2,

Martin, C. L., & Ruble, D. N. (2010). Patterns of gender development. Annual Review of
Psychology, 61, 353-

Ridgeway, C. L., & Correll, S. J. (2004). Unpacking the gender system: A theoretical perspective
on gender beliefs and social relations. Gender & Society, 18(4), 510-

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