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Life isn’t just happening. The way life is happening for us is

because of us.

That can be a hard pill to swallow for those who believe they
always draw the short straw; that the world is against them
and that life is just so damn hard.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. Not once you understand

that there are laws at play in the Universe that are always
working with us – we just need to first become fully aware of
them, so we know how to work in harmony with them, too.

Let me explain.

In the same way that there are natural laws such as gravity
that keep the universe in order, there are also 7 Universal Laws
or Principles which govern this entire universe, that have been
written about and taught for over 5,000 years in many
mystical teachings – from those in Ancient Egypt through to
Ancient Greece and Ancient India. In this article, I’ll mainly be
referring to definitions from The Kybalion which was first
published in 1908 but is based on Ancient Hermetic
What all of these teachings convey is that everything that
exists in this Universe comes down to energy, frequencies and
vibration and that through these laws, everything exists in
perfect harmony.


Before we get into the Laws themselves, it is important to

note that the first three Laws are immutable and the next four
Laws are mutable.

The immutable Laws are eternal, absolute laws that can’t be

changed or transcended. The mutable Laws, however, are
transitory which means that they can be transcended or used
in such a way to better create our own realities.

All the Laws are continuously governing our existence

whether we are aware of them or not, but our aim as
conscious creators is to master the knowledge of all 7
Universal Laws and learn to transcend the mutable Laws in
order to consciously use them to create the life that we

This is the first of the immutable Laws and tells us that the
Universe has been created through the Divine Mind and the
will of God.

This Law tells us that the universe is mental in nature and is

the one absolute Mind of the All which has always existed.
However within that Mind of the All exist infinite universes,
and that each of us is an infinite universe within ourselves and
therefore the power of our own mind is immeasurable.

Mentalism tells us that the All, or God, creates mentally, and

as co-creators, we are also doing the same all of the time,
whether we are aware of it or not.


To use the Law of Mentalism effectively, you must understand

that your thoughts become your reality.
Therefore, to master this Law is to use the willful application
of the power of thought and focus only on the things you wish
to attract into your life. Love, joy, friendship, financial
abundance, success, status – whatever it is you may desire –
focus your thoughts only on that and it will have no choice
but to turn up in your physical reality.


This second immutable Law, the Law of Correspondence, tells

us there is harmony, agreement and correspondence between
the physical, mental and spiritual realms: “As above, so below;
as below, so above.”–The Kybalion.

This basically means that our outer world is a reflection of our

inner world and shows us that our current reality mirrors what
is going on inside of us. If we are facing inner turmoil and
troubles, that will also manifest in our outer world. However, if
we are balanced, happy and at peace within ourselves, then
that is also what will be experiencing in our outer world.


One of my favourite spiritual teachers and guides, Wayne

Dyer, once said, “Change the way you look at things and the
things you look at change.”
If you are able to do the inner work and focus on finding inner
peace, joy and happiness without the need for external
fulfillment, you will find yourself seeing the world in a whole
new, beautiful light. When you are aligned within, the world
around you will align perfectly, too.


The final immutable Universal Law states that the whole

universe is a vibration; that everything within this universe is
constantly moving, or vibrating – that everything is energy.

The Law of Attraction, which I’m sure you’ve heard of, has its
foundations in this Law – the idea that like energy attracts like
energy. This means that whatever you put out into the
universe through your thoughts, your actions and your being,
is exactly what will come back to you.


All you have do is type ‘Law of Attraction’ into a search engine

for a million and one articles or videos to pop up telling you
how to use this Law to live your best life.
But I think Albert Einstein put it most succinctly when he said,

“Everything is energy. Match the frequency of the reality you

want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no
other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.”

Match the energy of what you desire and it is already yours.


The first of the mutable Laws explains that everything that

exists in this universe has an opposite:

“Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its

pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are
identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet;
all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be
reconciled.” – The Kybalion

In this idea of duality, it could be argued that things that

appear as opposites are actually two extremes of the same
thing. Light and dark, hot and cold, fear and love, positive and
negative, yes and no…etc.


Many of us are living in this dual consciousness reality, where

we’re swinging between extremes causing a state of unrest in
our lives. However this duality only exists in the physical and
mental realms – it doesn’t exist in the spiritual realm where
everything is One.

We can transform our realities from hate to love, from dark to

light and so on, by consciously raising our vibrations – which
is known in the Ancient Hermetic teachings as the Art of

By focusing always on the One all-powerful God or Great

Spirit (whatever you like to call it!) and putting that behind
every thought, statement and action, and always finding the
good in life even when things appear to be not-so-good, you
will be able to rise above the Law of Polarity and find the
middle path of balance and peace.

The fifth natural Universal Law and the second mutable Law
tells us that everything has a rhythm and that the pendulum
swings in everything:

“Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all
things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in
everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the
measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates.”- The

We see this everywhere. In the cycles of the moon, the waves

of the ocean, in our business ventures, in our relationships, in
our own thoughts and lives… the pendulum is always swinging,
the universe is never without its rhythms.


Whether you’re working on your health, finances, relationships

or any other goals you might have, it is hugely important to be
aware of the Law of Rhythm but to not allow it to bring you
As soon as you feel the backward swing of the pendulum in
your life, do not allow fear to take over. Rather, understand
that this is how the universe works and that just as the
pendulum swings backwards, it must swing forwards again.
Remain positive and keep going and you’ll find that over time,
the backward swings will be weaker than what they once were
because you will be stronger than what you once were.


The Law of Cause and Effect states that every cause has an
effect, and every effect has a cause. So meaning that every
thought, intention and action that transmits out from us sets
into action an effect, whether that effect is desired or

Again this comes back to the power of thought: every thought,

word or action sets a specific effect in motion which will come
to materialize over time.

This Law applies on all three planes of existence: on the

physical, mental and spiritual. In the spiritual plane however,
cause and effect is instantaneous. In the physical and mental
planes, our concepts of time and space create a time lag
which means that the effects of our thoughts and actions will
materialize at different points in time.

You can learn to rise above this Law by understanding that all
your thoughts have an effect on your reality. The more and the
longer that you focus on something, the more likely it is to
show up quicker in your life.

Focus on your chosen goals with intention and pay no mind to

the negative thoughts that crop up. Use creative visualization
regularly to add to the energy of your desired intention.

Remember, what you desire already exists in the spiritual

plane – the more focus you give it in the physical and mental
planes, the quicker it will show up in this physical reality. This
is the same for any negative thoughts or feelings you may be
experiencing – the more you focus on those, the more likely
they will be to show up.

Choose where you place your focus.


The final Universal Law states:

Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and

Feminine Principles; Gender manifests on all planes.” — The

This Law is evident throughout the whole of creation in the

opposite sexes: in humans, in plants, in animals, in electrons
and even magnetic poles. It states that on all three planes, it is
impossible for creation to take place without this Law.

On the physical plane, every person has a male or female

physical body but psychologically, every person is
androgynous with both female and male qualities.


To use this Law effectively in order to create a better life for

ourselves, we must learn to acknowledge the yin and the yang
within us. That’s to say, the male and female elements that
exist within each and every one us, as well as the earthly and
heavenly aspects, too.

The outward expressions of female qualities include love,

patience and gentleness. Male qualities include things such as
self-reliance, logic and intellect. Improper balance of the two
can result in chaos in different ways. The path to success lies
in embodying both the masculine and feminine and finding
the subtle balance between the two. This is when we become
complete and are able to live consciously and fully.

I think the main thing to take away from this article is that we
as human beings are co-creators with the universe and that
we are constantly creating our own reality.

To achieve self-mastery it is crucial to become aware of our

thoughts, intentions, actions and ultimately, our inner state.

The Kybalion states:

“The Principles of the Truth are Seven; he who knows these,

understandingly, possesses the Magic Key before whose
touch all the Doors of the Temple fly open.”

The first step is knowing that they exist. And now that you
know that, where will you go from here?

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