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Subject: Concerns Regarding Cleanliness, Seating, and Visible Rates in Canteen

Respected Principal/ Canteen Contractor,

I am writing to express my concerns about the cleanliness, seating, and visibility of rates in the school
canteen. Please address these issues promptly to enhance the overall dining experience for students
and staff.

The canteen floor, utensils were not cleaned properly, tables were frequently left un cleaned, and the
things were not promptly disposed of, compromising hygiene standards. Please implement more
frequent cleaning schedules and ensure staff members maintain cleanliness throughout the day.

Limited tables and chairs cause overcrowding during peak hours, resulting in discomfort and
inconvenience. Explore options to increase seating capacity or reorganize the layout for improved

Display the rates of food items prominently to enable informed decision-making and avoid confusion or

Your attention to these concerns will contribute to a healthier and more enjoyable dining environment.
Thank you for your prompt action. Should you require further information or assistance, please contact
me at the provided email address.

Best Regards,

Muhammad Naveed Ahsan

Regional Administrative Affairs

Regional Office Sahiwal

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