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To start working out Warmups
v=Yq3EMpaRPcE v=1YY0xyCgITc

10x Pull-ups  Australian pull-ups  Jumping Dynamic stretch  left right neck, side to side
pull-ups  Jumping negative pull-ups  Pull- neck, circle neck, up down neck, shoulders
ups and torso, circle arms forward backwards,
warm up wrists, open leg left right forward
15x Push-ups
backward, elbow circle, open hip flexors, bring
10x Dips  Bench dips  Jump negative dips knees up, legs open side to side, ankle twist,
 Dips
45s + 15s rest  jumping jacks, mountain
15x Squats  Squats  Pistol Squats climber, push ups, back and forth lunges,
handstand hold, elevated / pike hold.
15x L-sits  Boat hold  L-sits
No static stretches more than 30sec
15x Handstands  Pike push-ups 
Handstand  Handstand push-ups

Dumbbell Workouts

6 pack + routine 20x Push-up Rows 15x Goblet Squat

40x Russian Twist
20x Leg Raise
12x Clean Press
20x Leg Flutters
14x Lunges
25s Boat Hold
12x Clean Press
30x Russian Twists
14x Lunges
40x Plank Side to Side
12x Rear Delt Flies
2 x 30s Plank Side Holds
12x Dumbbell Curls
2 x 15x Side Plank Up and Down
10x Triceps Kickbacks (left-right)
2 x 15x Side Plank Reach Through

30x Mountain Climbing

30x Bicycles
 High Knee Raises
 Burpees
 Switching Mountain Climbers
Post workout meal:
 Knee Raises (Hand on Pull-up Position)
5 eggs 3 yolks + Onion  In and Outs
o Seated version
 L Sit Kicks
 Plank – Knees to Elbow
 Seated Leg Flutters
 Bicycles

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