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Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA) Forest Systems 2014 23(3): 518-533 ISSN: 2171-5068

eISSN: 2171-9845


European Mixed Forests: definition and research perspectives

Andres Bravo-Oviedo1, 2, *, Hans Pretzsch3, Christian Ammer4, Ernesto Andenmatten5,
Anna Barbati6, Susana Barreiro7, Peter Brang8, Felipe Bravo9, 2, Lluis Coll10, 11,
Piermaria Corona12, Jan den Ouden13, Mark J. Ducey14, David I. Forrester15,
Marek Giergiczny16, Jette B. Jacobsen17, Jerzy Lesinski18, Magnus Löf19, Bill Mason20,
Bratislav Matovic21, Marek Metslaid22, François Morneau23, Jurga Motiejunaite24,
Conor O’Reilly25, Maciej Pach18, Quentin Ponette26, Miren del Rio1, 2, Ian Short27,
Jens Peter Skovsgaard19, Mario Soliño1, 2, Peter Spathelf28, Hubert Sterba29,
Dejan Stojanovic21, Katarina Strelcova30, Miroslav Svoboda31, Kris Verheyen32,
Nikolas von Lüpke33 and Tzvetan Zlatanov34
INIA-CIFOR. Ctra. A Coruña, km. 7.5. 28040 Madrid, Spain. 2 Sustainable Forest Management Research
Institute. Spain. 3 Chair for Forest Growth and Yield Science. Faculty of Forest Science and Resource Management.
Technische Universität München. Hans-Carl-von-Carlowitz-Platz 2. D-85354 Freising, Germany.
Chair of silviculture and forest ecology of the temperate zones. University of Göttingen. Büsgenweg 1.
D-37077 Göttingen, Germany. 5 Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Estación Experimental
Agropecuaria Bariloche. Argentina. 6 Department for the Innovation in Biological. Agrofood and Forest systems.
University of Tuscia. Viterbo, Italy. 7 Forest Research Centre (CEF). School of Agriculture. University of Lisbon.
Tapada da Ajuda, 1349-017. Lisbon, Portugal. 8 Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL. Zürcherstrasse 111.
CH-8903 Birmensdorf. 9 University of Valladolid. Avda. Madrid, 44. 34004 Palencia, Spain. 10 Forest Sciences
Centre of Catalonia (CTFC). Ctra. Sant Llorenç de Morunys, km 2. E-25280 Solsona, Catalonia, Spain.
CREAF, Centre for Ecological Research and Forestry Applications. Autonomous University of Barcelona.
Cerdanyola del Vallès. E-08193, Catalonia, Spain. 12 Consiglio per la ricerca e la sperimentazione in agricoltura.
Forestry Research Centre (CRA-SEL). Arezzo, Italy. 13 Forest Ecology and Forest Management Group. Wageningen
University. P.O. Box 47. 6700 AA, Wageningen, The Netherlands. 14 Department of Natural Resources and the
Environment. 114 James Hall Durham, NH 03824 USA. 15 Chair of Silviculture. Faculty of Environment
and Natural Resources. Freiburg University, Tennenbacherstr, 4. 79108 Freiburg, Germany. 16 Department
of Economic Sciences at the University of Warsaw. 00-241 Warszawa, ul. Dl̄uga 44/50, pokój 214, 216.
Department of Food and Resource Economics and Centre for Macroecology. Evolution and Climate.
Rolighedsvej 23. DK-1958 Frb C, Denmark. 18 Institute of Forest Ecology and Silviculture. University
of Agriculture. Al. 29-Listopada 46. 31-425 Krakow, Poland. 19 Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
Southern Swedish Forest Research Center. P.O. Box 49. SE-230 53 Alnarp, Sweden. 20 Forest Research. Northern
Research Station. Midlothian, Scotland, UK. EH25 9SY. 21 Institute of Lowland Forestry and Environment.
University of Novi Sad. Antona Cehova 13d. 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia. 22 Institute of Forestry and Rural
Engineering. Estonian University of Life Sciences. Kreutzwaldi 5. 51014 Tartu, Estonia. 23 Office National
des Forêts. Département Recherche et Développement. 100 Boulevard de la Salle. 45760 Boigny sur Bionne,
France. 24 Nature Research Centre. Institute of Botany. Zaliuju ezeru 49. LT-08406 Vilnius, Lithuania.
School of Agriculture & Food Science. Agriculture and Food Science. Belfield, Dublin 4. 26 UCL. Earth and Life
Institute. Environmental Sciences. Croix du Sud, 2 - box L7.05.09. B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
Teagasc Forestry Development Department. Ashtown Food Research Centre. Ashtown. Dublin 15, Ireland.
Faculty of Forest and Environment. University for Sustainable Development Eberswalde. 16225 Eberswalde,
Germany. 29 Department of Forest and Soil Sciences. BOKU University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences.
Peter Jordanstraße 82. A-1190 Vienna, Austria. 30 Facultry of Forestry. Technical University. T. G. Masaryka 24.
960 53, Zvolen, Slovak Republic. 31 Department of Forest Ecology. Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences.
Czech University of Life Sciences. Kamýcka 129. Praha 6 Suchdol, 16521, Czech Republic. 32 Forest & Nature Lab.
Deparment of Forest and Water Management. Ghent University. Geraardsbergsesteenweg 267. B-9090 Melle-

* Corresponding author:

Received: 16-05-14. Accepted: 13-10-14.
Mixed forest definition and perspectives 519

33 34
Gontrode, Belgium. Norwegian Forest and Landscape Institute. Pb. 115. 1431 Ås, Norway. Forest Research
Institute. 132 St. Kl. Ohridiski Blvd. Sofia 1756, Bulgaria

Aim of study: We aim at (i) developing a reference definition of mixed forests in order to harmonize comparative
research in mixed forests and (ii) briefly review the research perspectives in mixed forests.
Area of study: The definition is developed in Europe but can be tested worldwide.
Material and methods: Review of existent definitions of mixed forests based and literature review encompassing
dynamics, management and economic valuation of mixed forests.
Main results: A mixed forest is defined as a forest unit, excluding linear formations, where at least two tree species
coexist at any developmental stage, sharing common resources (light, water, and/or soil nutrients). The presence of
each of the component species is normally quantified as a proportion of the number of stems or of basal area, although
volume, biomass or canopy cover as well as proportions by occupied stand area may be used for specific objectives.
A variety of structures and patterns of mixtures can occur, and the interactions between the component species and
their relative proportions may change over time.
The research perspectives identified are (i) species interactions and responses to hazards, (ii) the concept of maximum
density in mixed forests, (iii) conversion of monocultures to mixed-species forest and (iv) economic valuation of
ecosystem services provided by mixed forests.
Research highlights: The definition is considered a high-level one which encompasses previous attempts to define
mixed forests. Current fields of research indicate that gradient studies, experimental design approaches, and model
simulations are key topics providing new research opportunities.
Key words: COST Action; EuMIXFOR; mixed-species forests; admixtures of species.

Introduction root structure (Kelty, 1992; Morin et al., 2011; Vilà

et al., 2013), provide more diverse goods and services
European forests are a source of ecological services, and account for more structural and species diversity
goods, and socio-cultural benef its (Stenger et al. (Knoke et al., 2008). This complexity in forest struc-
2009). The estimated labour force in the forest sector ture may foster self-regulation and provides higher
was calculated in 2003 to be about 3.9 million people adaptability to cope with increasing uncertainty due
(Blombäck et al., 2003). Current data showed that 2.6 to climate change (Wagner et al., 2014). Moreover, the
million people are working in the whole sector in EU- gradual decrease in the area of single-species forests
27 (Forest Europe, UNECE & FAO, 2011). Despite this in Europe and a steady evolution towards mixtures of
reduction, the forest sector continues to be an impor- species (Forest Europe, UNECE & FAO, 2011).
tant driver for employment in rural areas, because fo- The need for monitoring this portfolio of forest
rests provide wood raw material for construction, paper ecosystem services is acknowledged within the Pan-
and fuel wood, supplementary food (berries, mush- European region with the adoption of a framework of
rooms, honey, etc…) and non-timber forest products criteria and indicators of sustainable forest management
(cork, resin, medicine plants etc.). Moreover, they (MCFPE, 2003). One of these indicators is tree species
contribute to capturing carbon emissions, to bio- composition whose increase indicates the enhancement
diversity enhancement and to the provision of recrea- of biological diversity in forest ecosystems.
tional and aesthetic values in rural and peri-urban In 2010, EU-28 forests and other wooded land com-
landscapes. prised 180.2 million ha (European Commission &
Mixed forests are an important source of ecosystem EuroStat, 2013), which means 42.4% of its territory,
services. The “insurance hypothesis” suggests that and represents 4.5% of the world’s forests. For the
their response to disturbance will be less intense and whole of Europe the global share of forested land is
their recovery will be quicker than monocultures 24.9% if the Russian Federation is included (FAO,
(Loreau et al., 2001; Jactel et al., 2009). Admixtures 2011), and of this, 23% of land is covered by mixed
of species are more productive as long as species have forests in the pan-European region (Forest Europe,
differences in height pattern, phenology, crown and UNECE & FAO, 2011). It is worth noting that the figu-
520 A. Bravo-Oviedo et al. / Forest Systems (2014) 23(3): 518-533

res above for Europe quantify only the proportion of area covered by a given EFT at country level has a wide
mixed broadleaved and coniferous woodland sensu range of variability (15-100%) in categories which are
TBFRA-2000 (FAO, 2000), i.e. forest land on which species-poor (e.g. high latitude and altitudes Boreal or
neither coniferous, nor broadleaved species account Alpine coniferous forests) and does not exceed 30% in
for more than 75% of the tree crown area. This type of species rich EFTs (e.g. Mesophytic and Thermophilous
mixed forest corresponds to the class G4 described by deciduous forests). This reflects a variety of patterns
the EUNIS habitat type classification, characteristic of multi-species stands across Europe. Multi-species
of the transition zone between taiga and temperate stands are found in the early development phases of
lowland deciduous forests, and of the montane level forest succession in the boreal forest zone (e.g.
of the major mountain ranges to the south (Davies et admixtures of spruce or pine with birch species), as
al., 2004). However, such a definition of mixed forest well as in the late stages (e.g. admixtures of beech, fir
is too narrow for Europe, where mixed forests of broad- and spruce in the mountainous vegetation belt, mixtures
leaved species do naturally occur in the broadleaved of broadleaved deciduous species), but might also be
deciduous forest zone (between the latitudes 40° N and the result of the deliberate conversion of single-species
60° N) and mixtures of coniferous species are frequent monocultures (e.g. coniferous plantations established
in the subalpine region (e.g. Larix spp.-Pinus cembra in the broadleaved deciduous forest vegetation zone).
forest, Picea-Abies forest). Accordingly, there is a need to develop a comprehensive
This inconsistency clearly reveals a lack of consen- definition able to take into account the wide range of
sus about mixed forest definition which may hinder patterns of occurrence of mixed forests in Europe.
the implementation of common policy measures regar- In the EU context, forestry is an integral part of rural
ding mixed forests aimed to enhance biodiversity, development and maintenance and improvement of
conservation, ecosystem services production, identifi- forest stability is supported (Council of the European
cation of job opportunities and comparison of research Union, 1999). The new EU forest strategy (European
results. Commission, 2013) recommends that Member States
In an attempt to standardize definitions applied in make use of investments to improve the resilience,
National Forest Inventories in Europe, Lanz et al. environmental value and mitigation potential of forest
(2010) adopted the FAO’s definition of ‘forest’ as an ecosystems to achieve nature and biodiversity objective
area covering more than 0.5 ha, with trees higher than as well as adapting to climate change (Kolström et al.,
5 m that have a crown cover of more than 10%, or with 2011). The timely identif ication of the role mixed
trees able to reach these thresholds in situ. This defi- forests can play in all these issues may have a strong
nition excludes linear formations and agricultural and economic impact for both public and private owners.
urban uses. However, the application of this forest de- The focus of the scientific community, stakeholders
f inition is still challenging (Tomppo & Schadauer, and final users is now more than ever concentrated in
2012) and there is no similar definition or reference to mixed forests.
mixed forests or a mixture of species. Such an interest in mixed forests stimulated re-
In a global change context a common or harmonized searchers from 30 European countries and 10 institu-
definition is needed in order to properly compare pre- tions from other 7 countries (Fig. 1) to combine in a
sent and future system behaviors. Harmonization is a network supported by a COST Action framework struc-
two step procedure in which a reference definition is tured in three working groups (Table 1). The overall
constructed and subsequently adjusted according to aims of this action are to:
national definitions (Tomppo & Schadauer, 2012). — provide a sound overview of the role that mixed
Available forest classifications do not allow for a forests can play in the provision of environmental
straightforward identif ication of classes of mixed services in each of the following European bioregions:
forests in Europe. As a matter of fact, all the 14 cate- Boreal, Atlantic temperate, Continental temperate,
gories of the European Forest Types (EFTs) classifi- Mountainous and Mediterranean. The overview would
cation system (EEA, 2006; Barbati et al., 2007) may include a comparison with other regions worldwide;
include forest stands composed by several tree species. — address how mixed forests can assist rural, peri-
Barbati et al. (2014), processing National Forest Inven- urban and urban communities to deal with environ-
tory (NFI) data from a sample of 10 EU countries, mental challenges, analyzing barriers to adaptive chan-
found that the share of single-species stands out of total ge, threats and opportunities;
Mixed forest definition and perspectives 521

Figure 1. Participant countries in EuMIXFOR network. Light grey are COST Countries. Dark grey are international partners. A
complete list of COST countries can be found at

Table 1. EuMIXFOR Working group structure and expected outputs

Working group Objectives Main expected output

WGI. Mixed forest Analysis of impacts of the Identification of experimental and observational
funtionaing and different components of global plataforms for analysis mixed forest funtioning
dynamics change on mixed forest (stability,
biodiversity and ecosystem Identification of mechanisms driving interspecies
services) interactions

Identification of Gaps and Collaborative research work on mixed forest

research opportunities functioning

WG2. Adaptaive forest Analysis of forest management Identification of sustainable forest management
management in mixed practices in mixed forest practices.
Identify models and DSS to Compilation of management tools applied to
promote and maintain mixed forest mixed forests

Identification of “good practices” Guidelines for sustainable forest management of

mixed forests

WG3. Policy and social Identify social impact of mixed Analysis of user's preferences on ecosystem goods
impact of mixed forests forests and services provided by mixed forests

Identify policy measures to Valuation of ecosystems goods and services

enhance job opportunities provided by mixed forests

Economic valuation of mixed Strengthening liaisons between science, forest

forests managers and policy-markers
522 A. Bravo-Oviedo et al. / Forest Systems (2014) 23(3): 518-533

— identify silvicultural practices and decision tools of at least two tree species. However, it follows that the
(e.g. decision support systems) for the creation and proportion of species on the basis of composition can
sustainable management of heterogeneous forests, differ depending on the species involved. Toumey and
— establish different measures, such as standard Korstian (1947) defined pure stands as those where 80
protocols, common methodological approaches and percent or more of the overstorey is of a single species.
experimental designs to create a research network in However, even if less than 10 percent in the overstorey is
the public domain, to exchange results of research of a commercially or silviculturally valuable species the
conducted in mixed forests, and the dissemination of stand is classified as mixed. Depending on the
their main results, accessible to policy makers, contributing species, the ratio between species in mixed
managers/owners and users. stands may differ greatly. Moreover, for a given mixed
Despite this background, however, the aspirations of stand the description of its composition might vary
this network can be hampered by the lack of a consistent depending on the species proportion definition used and,
definition as to the meaning mixed forests. In forest consequently, deriving different forest classifications.
management planning, conservation measures or silvi- In the most recent attempt to define mixed forests
cultural prescriptions that are designed to fulfill an objec- in western Europe, Bartelink & Olsthoorn (1999)
tive require the identification of target species, characteri- extended the compositional definition by including a
zation of site features, and analysis of stocking degree and reference to spatial scale and species interaction:
forest structure. Once a successful management approach ‘stands composed of different tree species, mixed on a
is identified, it is usually applied in the same or analogous small scale, leading to competition between trees of
forest situations. An analogous forest means one that has different species as a main factor influencing growth
the same or similar species, objectives and site conditions. and management‘. However, the definition does not
However, in the case of mixed forests, adoption of provide information about what “small scale” actually
successful management rules may not be straightforward means. Moreover, other interactions between species
as similarity among mixtures is difficult to achieve (i.e. occur in mixed forests, like facilitation (Forrester,
similar species composition sharing, spatial pattern, 2014) or neutralism (Larocque et al., 2013) and they
functional relationship etc…). Therefore, adaptation of seem to be excluded from this definition.
silvicultural practices to local conditions and designing When describing the structure of a mixed stand it is
new ones for complex forests, like admixtures of species, not enough to give the species proportion, because the
instead of adoption of current practices is gaining attention horizontal and vertical spatial patterns of the mixture
(Puettmann et al., 2009). This task would be easier to can differ greatly between two stands with similar
achieve with a common definition of what practitioners species proportions. When using variables expressing
and users understand by ‘mixed forest’ space occupancy for estimating species proportion it
The main objective of this paper is to provide a refe- is important to consider that each species has different
rence definition of mixed forests. For that purpose, we growing space requirements and different area poten-
summarize different approaches used to define mixed tially available. This is the idea behind the species pro-
forests and discuss the current research topics that are portion by area (Río & Sterba, 2009) calculated as a
being undertaken by the research community in these function of maximum or potential basal area for the
ecosystems.This definition may help to harmonize the species found in the mixture (Sterba, 1987). This me-
calculation of mixed forest area and to consistently thod provides the maximum basal area for a given
compare results of the main topics currently studied dominant height and it is compatible with Reineke’s
in mixed forests. self-thinning line.

Definition approaches Structural approach

Leikola (1999) presented a classification of mixed

Compositional approach forest based on Langhammer (1971) that implicitly
gives a definition of mixed forests based on form, type
The starting point for defining a mixed forest is the and grade of mixtures. The form is related to horizontal
trivial fact that a given forest or stand must be composed pattern of trees in a stand which can be by individual
Mixed forest definition and perspectives 523

stems, by row or by group; the type refers to the vertical Functional approach
distribution of trees in single- or multi-storied stands
indicating that ‘in the strict sense’ only trees belonging All the previous approaches share common attribu-
to the same storey build up a mixed forest. The kinds tes: developmental definitions contain structural and
of structures described as stratified mixtures by Smith compositional elements while structural definitions
et al. 1997 should be admissible under this definition, include compositional features. Consequently, irres-
provided the strata are organized within the same pective of compositional, structural or developmental
storey. Finally the grade refers to the number and stages, the term ‘mixed’ is always used when at least
amount of tree species in a stand (compositional two species co-occur in the same defined area. This
approach). However, while this classification system confers tree species richness a pre-eminent role in the
may help in identifying analogous mixtures it is not a definition. However, there is a certain functionality
definition by itself. limit in the definition of mixed forests as species co-
occurrence or tree species richness. The reason is that
more species might not necessary mean more func-
Developmental approach tional differentiation. Oliver & Larson (1990) indicate
that species with similar growth patterns (e.g. Pinus
Forest dynamics is a result of factors like disturban- taeda and Pinus palustris in US) can interact as a
ce regime, environmental gradients or species compo- single species. Such behavior is known in ecology as
sition (Spies, 1997). In existing models of stand dyna- functional redundancy (de Bello et al., 2007) which
mics there are two repeated concepts where admixtures might be one possible mechanism explaining the lack
of species can be found: transition and stratification. of a strong biodiversity effect on productivity in some
The idea of transition appears in late developmental studies (Paquette & Messier, 2011). It is difficult to
phases (transition phase according to Spies (1997) and include this ecosystem functioning point of view in a
understorey reinitiation stage according to Oliver & def inition because the mechanisms that affect tree
Larson, 1990) where changes in species composition species richness or biodiversity-ecosystem functioning
and structure occur. However, for both compositional relationships (B-EF) differ from site to site and as a
and structural definitions of mixed forests this transi- stand develops or climatic conditions change. For
tion or temporal aspect of mixture is not taken into example, complementarity resulting from interactions
account. that influence soil resources often increase as the
For management purposes, canopy stratification is availability of those soil resources decreases (Forrester,
a core concept of mixed forest silviculture that ope- 2014). In contrast, complementarity resulting from
rates at the stem-exclusion and understorey reini- interactions that improve light absorption may increase
tiation developmental phase (Oliver & Larson, 1990). as growing conditions improve (Forrester, 2014; For-
Smith et al (1997) classif ied mixed forests into (i) rester & Albrecht, 2014).
single-cohort stratified mixtures, (ii) mixed, multi- A functional assessment of a mixed forest needs to
cohort stands and (iii) mixed single-canopied stands. take into account tree functional groups based on diffe-
The former case develops from natural regeneration rent criteria (Körner, 2005). Some examples are suc-
after a major disturbance or from a planned plan- cessional stage, the shade tolerance, crown archi-
tation. The second type of mixed forest proposed is tecture, litter quality or maximum rooting depth.
found in undisturbed old-growth stands and although However, these criteria are variable (even for the same
the stands may follow an irregular uneven-aged dis- species), they are often hard to measure, and functional
tribution they never approach a theoretical balanced traits’ richness instead of species richness should be
J-shaped curve which, for these authors, was a result preferred to def ine ecosystem processes (Scherer-
of silvicultural actions rather than a natural random Lorenzen et al., 2005).
processes (Smith et al. 1997). Finally, mixed single-
canopied stands are def ined as consisting of two
species growing in height at the same rate. This kind National Forest Inventory definitions
of mixed stand is not common in forests and when it
occurs it is a temporary situation that lasts until one The increasing interest in the assessment of forest
species overtops the other. resources has improved the harmonization of NFIs
524 A. Bravo-Oviedo et al. / Forest Systems (2014) 23(3): 518-533

across Europe (Tomppo et al. 2010) especially concer- Do spatial and temporal scales
ning tree-related variables (Corona et al., 2011). matter?
However, there is not a harmonized def inition for
mixed forests. There are three kinds of approaches in All the above definitions and approaches neglect
NFIs to deal with mixed forests. the fact that the key concept of stand in forest ma-
— No def inition: A simple list giving species’ nagement can prove inadequate when used to describe
names and their measurements is recorded. mixed forests. Forest management is commonly
— Percentage canopy cover definition. applied in small units, typically called a stand. Puett-
— Definitions based on forest characteristics other mann et al. (2009) list different influences on the
than canopy cover. development of stands as managing units and note that
When no definition is provided (Poland, Italy) a species ecology only plays a tangential role in that process. A
group classification is used instead (e.g. in Italy a mixed stand has been defined as ‘a well-demarcated portion
forest stand with 25% Pinus halepensis, 25% P. pinea, 25% of woodland having a uniform structure and suff i-
P. pinaster, 25% Quercus ilex is assigned to the category ciently limited in extent to permit a certain thinning
of forest dominated by Mediterranean pines, as the pine treatment to be independently applied’ (Assmann,
coverage is 75% ). Although definitions based on the 1970) or as ‘a group of trees relatively homogeneous
percentage of canopy cover and other characteristics seem in age, structure, composition and site conditions’
to be easy to compare across countries the reality is (Smith et al., 1997). These definitions produce dif-
complex. In the case of percentage canopy cover, a ferent outcomes in terms of mixed forest area. For
percentage threshold is required as well as the size of the example, in a two species mixture where the pattern
plot. It is evident that the larger the plot the more species of mixing is on a stem by stem basis and both species
will occur per plot. Austria’s standard is 300 m2 and 80- are present in equal proportions (consorting) both
20% of cover sharing, Ireland uses the same minimum def initions can classify the same area (or group of
cover but the plot area is larger (500 m2). France expands trees) as mixed. However, if one of the species is
the minimum area to approximate 2,000 m2 and 75-25% present in a lesser proportion and overtopped by
sharing and Spain uses the same plot surface as France but another (concomitant), the def inition provided by
the minimum cover for a species is 30%. There are NFIs Assmann would classify the stand as mixed as long as
that do not specify the minimum plot surface and only give the area was sufficiently limited to apply a thinning
minimum occupancy of canopy cover for one of the treatment, whereas the definition provided by Smith
existing species (United Kingdom: 20%; Lithuania: 15%; might classify it as mixed depending on the degree of
Portugal: 25%; Norway: 30% in young stands). In the ‘homogeneity of composition’ in the group of trees.
Dutch NFI, there is even a variable plot scale, to include On the contrary, if the pattern of mixture is by group,
at least 20 trees, of plots ranging from 78.5-156 m2. Assmann’s definition would classify such a stand as
In the definition based on forest characteristics other mixed if groups are located within the extension,
than canopy cover, the difficulty of comparison is even whereas Smith’s definition would classify it as mixed
greater as there are different measures or estimates if the group of trees comprises all groups presented.
used such as volume (Bulgaria, Finland, Norway in A definition based on area rather than on groups of
older stands, Turkey, Serbia), basal area (Belgium, Slo- trees will produce more mixed forests. But, how large
vakia, Switzerland, Sweden) or number of stems per is ‘sufficiently limited in extent’? If this cannot be
hectare (Sweden if trees are smaller than 7 m height) def ined, is the basic concept of the stand valid in
and their subsequent thresholds for each variable. This mixed species forests? The spatial variability of
difficulty can be exacerbated because volume is not species mixtures changes with spatial scale and it
defined in the same way (total volume, stem volume would be necessary to determine the scale first.
or commercial volume) and basal area is even measu- This last consideration poses the distinction between
red at different stem heights (1.3 or 1.5 m). The mini- mixed species stands and mixed species forests. We
mum diameter or circumference inventoried is another illustrate this with an example of a stand within a forest
variable to take into account. It is clear that the number which is located on a larger landscape unit that serves
of species or grade (Langhammer, 1971) is the pre- as a matrix for such a forest. In this case if the mixture
ferred discrimination rule of mixed forests in national pattern is by groups it would be interesting to evaluate
inventory definitions. the mixing effect in the contact zones between species.
Mixed forest definition and perspectives 525

a) b) c)

Figure 2. Effect of species pattern and scale on mixed Forest definition

In Fig. 2a and 2b each square represents a forest in to use to describe a mixture of tree species in a forest,
which two species co-exist in an 80:20 proportion. Plot although it would be desirable to add spatial limits.
2a has a larger contact zone between the species than Developmental definitions are problematic because in
2b, so mixing effects are more likely to be significant large forested areas it is plausible to have several stages
in 2a. Fig. 2c has the same contact zone as in Fig. 2a occurring in close proximity. In addition, a detailed
but the proportion is approximately 60:40. The same knowledge of the natural disturbance regime or
analysis cannot be performed at the stand level as a management practices that have lead to the current si-
stand within this forest could be defined as pure if the tuation is required. The inclusion of functional aspects in
sample points lie inside a group of only one species. a definition should not be based only on biodiversity-
The conclusion is that both the spatial scale and the productivity relationships even if identification of
pattern of mixture need to be defined. competition or facilitative effects could alter management
The same issue applies to the temporal definition of prescriptions, because other regulating aspects like
mixed forest. For example, would a mixture, measured nutrient dynamics are affected by species composition
as the proportion of the component species, be the Thus, a managerial definition should include all as-
same at some point in the future? How does a mixed pects discussed above plus the economic and social di-
forest evolve? Will the composition of the mixture and mensions of forests, thus a reference and broad defi-
the species proportion be maintained with time? How nition is preferred over a final or closed definition. We
might forest dynamics or management intervention propose the following reference definition:
affect the degree of mixture? Some of these questions A mixed forest is a forest unit, excluding linear for-
have been partially answered in terms of development mations, where at least two tree species coexist at any
phases as mixed forests often occur in the late develop- developmental stage, sharing common resources (light,
mental phases of stands that originated as single- water, and/or soil nutrients). The presence of each of
species (Larson, 1992) and that variation of species the component species is normally quantified as a pro-
proportion over time can affect the dynamics of mixed portion of the number of stems or of basal area,
forests (Puettmann et al., 1992; Weiskittel et al., 2009). although volume, biomass or canopy cover as well as
The reverse statement in which dynamics affect species proportions by occupied stand area may be used for
proportions is also possible. However, none of the specific objectives. A variety of structures and patterns
def initions considered above dealt with spatial or of mixtures can occur, and the interactions between the
temporal issues. component species and their relative proportions may
change over time.
This can be considered a high-level definition which
A consistent definition of mixed encompasses all previous attempts to def ine mixed
forest forests. We stress the need to explicitly modify or
adjust this definition in any working situation in order
It is therefore difficult to reconcile all points of view to compare research or management results when
and to describe mixed forests in a single definition. Com- classifying a mixed forest. Thus, it is necessary then
positional and structural aspects are the easiest features to indicate the following criteria:
526 A. Bravo-Oviedo et al. / Forest Systems (2014) 23(3): 518-533

— the dimension of the forest unit assessed (stand, competition leading to a reduction in competition in
forest, landscape) the mixture (Vandermeer, 1989), due to niche parti-
— the developmental stage (initiation phase, stem- tioning. This is also sometimes referred to as the com-
exclusion, understorey reinitiation, old-growth) petitive production principle (Vandermeer, 1989).
— the occurrence and form of mixture (by indivi- Niche partitioning can result when different species
duals or by group) acquire resources in different ways (e.g. root stratifi-
— the temporal dimension of the study (static, cation resulting in different water sources), which ena-
dynamic) and bles them use a greater proportion of available resour-
— the main driver of species richness-ecosystem ces. Another important interaction that can occur in
functioning relationship to be assessed (facilitation, mixtures is facilitation. This occurs when one species
niche differentiation, competition). has a positive effect on other species (Vandermeer,
Without explicitly defining these criteria the defi- 1989). In practice it is difficult to differentiate between
nition is worthless. This reference definition should competitive reduction (niche differentiation, competi-
be tested against existing forest classification systems tive production) and facilitation effects (Larocque
(e.g. European Forest Types) or long term experimental et al., 2013) and all of these are often collectively des-
networks in order to assess its capability to identify cribed as complementarity (Loreau & Hector, 2001).
changes in key indicators of sustainability or the im- Disentangling the mechanisms that drive species in-
plications of changing management scenarios. We aim teractions in mixed forests is a major challenge in both
to examine these features in EuMIXFOR network. ecology and forestry.
Two approaches are typically used to analyze the
interactions in mixed forests: analyzing the pattern of
Recent research perspectives where the interaction itself or analyzing the mechanisms
the definition might be tested driving the interaction. The study of inter- and intra-
species interactions in mixed forest is often based on
The study of mixed forests has led to a large body net effects (Forrester, 2014) because of the difficulty
of literature in recent years indicating the range of in separating the effects of the different mechanisms
benefits or ecosystem services obtained from mixed that influence the interspecific interactions (Callaway
forests in Europe. They show the perspectives under and Walker 1997).
which new research pathways can be developed. The Any of these complementary interactions can lead
following sections discusses some of the growth to overyielding where higher production in mixtures
dynamics of mixtures, silvicultural considerations for is expected compared to that of monocultures of the
converting pure stands to mixtures, and some economic same size, or transgressive overyielding where a mix-
considerations, while noting where some important ture produces more than the component species in pure
knowledge gaps remain and where the definition might stands (Pretzsch & Schütze, 2009). However, over-
be tested. yielding is not straightforward because it is usually
constrained by the sampling effect hypothesis (Begon
et al. 1996), which postulates that the more species
Species interaction and species that occur in a stand, the more likely it is that there will
richness – ecosystem functioning be a species that could be especially productive. Recent
studies have shown complementary effects for a variety
The interaction between two individuals, either of of mixtures with European beech (Dieler and Pretzsch,
the same or different species, is usually assessed as an 2013; Metz et al., 2013). Interactions can also show
effect that can be positive, negative or neutral. Trees positive outcomes like mutualism (both species gain)
can interact in many ways but the negative (compe- and commensalism (one species gains and the other is
titive) interactions have probably been the most widely unaffected). Gains and losses can be evaluated in terms
studied in forests (Larocque et al. 2013). Due to their of growth, survivorship, reproduction (Begon et al.,
simplicity, the intraspecif ic interactions in mono- 2006) or fitness.
cultures are relatively easy to examine. However, in In reviewing species interactions in mixed forests
mixtures there is also inter-specific competition, which Forrester (2014) argued that the interactions between
may (or may not) be weaker than the intra-specif ic a given pair of tree species can change along spatial or
Mixed forest definition and perspectives 527

temporal gradients in resource availability of climatic that also examine the processes driving the patterns
conditions. He also showed that complementarity in- will be particularly useful to understand these growth
creased as soil water (or nutrient) availability decrea- dynamics (Forrester, 2014).
sed when interactions reduced competition for water Biomass partitioning between aboveground and
(or mixtures contained nitrogen fixing species). This belowground can vary with size, and temporal or spatial
is consistent with the stress-gradient hypothesis that changes in resource availability (Poorter et al., 2012;
suggests that facilitation increases and competition Schall et al., 2012), and species interactions may alter
decreases with increasing abiotic/biotic stress (Bert- all of these (Forrester, 2014). However, few studies have
ness & Callaway, 1994). examined belowground productivity in mixtures and
Several spatial changes in species interactions sug- even fewer have compared above- and belowground
gested that the species interactions improved nutrient productivity (Forrester et al., 2006; Epron et al., 2013).
availability. For example, in mixtures of beech and oak Belowground overyielding has not been demonstrated
overyielding was found on low fertility sites whereas to occur in mature temperate forests (Meinen et al,
no effect or a slight reduction in productivity appeared 2009a, 2009b; Jacob et al., 2013) although root
on fertile sites (Pretzsch et al. 2013). A similar effect differentiation led to higher fine root productivity in
was found by Rio & Sterba (2009) for mixtures of young stands (Lei et al. 2012) whereas in boreal forests
Scots pine and Pyrenean oak. Temporal changes in spe- fine root overyielding was observed in mature stands
cies interactions have also been reported. For example, originated after fire (Brassard et al., 2011). Interspecific
Pretzsch et al. (2013) found that drought stress could competition can also have a strong impact on crown
be reduced during harsh years in oak-beech stands and structure (Bayer et al., 2013) and crown allometry
Río et al. (2014) measured the difference of basal area (Dieler & Pretzsch, 2013). In this regard the study of
growth indices in mixed and pure stands. The results crown plasticity by terrestrial laser scanning is a
indicated strong competitive interaction in good gro- promising tool (Seidel et al., 2011; Metz et al., 2013).
wing seasons in oak-beech and spruce-beech mixtures Stand density can also influence complementarity
whereas in years of poor growing conditions comple- (Forrester, 2014), but effects are variable. As density
mentary effects were more important. increases, some studies f ind that complementarity
In contrast to these studies that show increasing increases (Boyden et al., 2005; Amoroso & Turnblom,
complementarity with decreasing soil resource availa- 2006; Condés et al., 2013; Forrester et al., 2013), while
bility, complementary can also increase as growing in others find that complementarity decreases (Boyden
conditions improve (Pretzsch et al., 2010; Forrester et al., 2005; Río & Sterba, 2009; Condés et al., 2013).
et al., 2013). This may result when the species interac- Whether complementarity increases or decreases will
tions improve light absorption because as growing probably depend on the main types of species interac-
conditions improve, competition for light will probably tions (light, water or nutrients, and competition or
increase and any interactions that improve light ab- complementarity) and how the change in density
sorption or light-use eff iciency will become more influences these resources (Forrester, 2014). Changing
important (Forrester, 2014). Consistent with this stand density is a major silvicultural tool used for
pattern, complementarity increased with growing con- managing forests and these studies indicate that modi-
ditions in Silver fir and Norway spruce mixtures and fications of density could be a valuable tool for mana-
this affect was associated with changes in canopy ging complementarity in mixtures. However, very few
structure and crown architecture that improved light studies have quantif ied the processes behind these
absorption on sites with more favourable conditions, patterns and this information would be very useful for
but not on poorer sites (Forrester and Albrecht, 2014). developing silvicultural regimes for mixtures.
There are relatively few studies that have examined the
spatial or temporal dynamics of species interactions
in mixtures. However, such knowledge is required for Conversion of monocultures and stand
development of resource efficient and resilient pro- density in mixed-species stands
duction systems, future research should shift to why
and where mixed species forests may out-yield neigh- Mixed forests also feature prominently in the de-
bouring monocultures. Gradient studies are useful in bates over future trends in forestry. The continuous
such research tasks (Pretzsch et al. 2014), and studies cover forestry approach recognizes the role of mixed
528 A. Bravo-Oviedo et al. / Forest Systems (2014) 23(3): 518-533

forests in enhancing structural diversity by diversi- Sterba and Monserud (1993) modeled maximum den-
fication of monospecific plantations (Pommerening & sity in uneven-aged mixed stands at discrete points of
Murphy, 2004 time as a function of dominant height. Refinement of
Conversion of pure forest stands into mixed-species this model leads to the estimation of maximum density
structures is becoming a common practice in Europe for different admixtures (habitat type) and skewness
with the objective of both increasing the resistance and of the diameter at breast height distribution. Dean and
resilience of plantations or to convert gradually conifer Baldwin (1996) introduced the idea that that maximum
plantations into broadleaved stands. The conversion of SDI is negatively correlated with specific gravity for
potentially unstable pure stands to more adapted conifers in single-species forests, so mechanistically
mixed-species forests should be considered a priority a site can be occupied by a maximum density of a spe-
in forest management (Spiecker, 2003; Ammer et al., cies based on the wood properties of the species. Woo-
2006; Knoke et al., 2008). The success of converting dall et al. (2005) extended the idea to mixed forests by
a pure stand into a mixed-species one depends on both using an average wood density for the mixture. More
the species involved and the method of conversion. For recently, Ducey & Knapp (2010) modif ied the ap-
example, De Schrijver et al. (2009) showed that the proach to correspond more closely with the additive
harvest method has an impact on the Ca and Mg nu- SDI for single-species uneven-aged stands developed
trient cycling, when converting Scots pine plantations by Long & Daniel (1990). However, Ducey and Knapp
into a birch-pine stands on sandy soils. For the conver- (2010) also presented arguments that accounting for
sion of pure Norway spruce stands into mixed stands mixed species density should have a nonlinear com-
with European beech direct seeding or planting in ponent. Other approaches include a generalization of
advance have been proven to be successful measures Reineke’s rule based on resource sharing and experi-
(Ammer & Mosandl, 2007) followed by the strip mental calibration for mixed stands have been per-
cutting method to promote underplanted Douglas-fir formed for beech, pedunculate oak and Norway spruce
and beech (Petritan et al., 2011). In any case, long (Rivoire & Moguedec, 2012) whereas site factors and
lasting and successful conversion of pure into mixed- species composition have been identified as drivers of
species forests needs a better understanding of inte- maximum density size-density relationship (Reyes-
ractions between species and the influence of site Hernández et al., 2013).
factors (Mason & Connolly, 2014). Mixed forest stand density and structure can be
The process of conversion also influences other assessed using airbone and terrestrial laser scanning
forest communities, like soil fauna that are enriched as a management and research tool. The application of
after conversion from pure to mixed stands (Ammer LiDAR technology to forest inventory has been proved
et al., 2006; Chauvat et al., 2011) and soil properties effective in analyzing forest structure (stem and crown
like available phosphorus content are favored in mixed dimensions) in mixed forests (Ducey et al., 2013).
forests after conversion (Slazak et al., 2010). Soil treat- Another interesting technique is photogrammetry
ment influences survival rates in Mediterranean condi- based on stereo images that can accurately predict vo-
tions although sapling growth is not affected (Fonseca lume and basal area at plot level (Straub et al, 2013).
et al., 2011)
Size-density relationship has been long studied in
pure and mixed-species forests as it has a notable im- Valuation of ecosystem services
pact on forest yield. In forestry practice, Reineke’s
stand density index (SDI, Reineke, 1933), an analogous Most of the above topics relates to the provision
relationship to Yoda’s 3/2 self-thinning boundary, has service timber production. Timber production gives a
been used to manage density in even-aged single- financial return, and Knoke et al. (2008) argues that
species forests. The current SDI is compared to a admixtures of species can reduce financial risk. Schou
species-specific maximum value (SDI max) for deter- (2012) finds that a mix of two species is sufficient for
mining the stand’s relative density (RD) which is used such a gain and that more species only adds a marginal
to determine important stand development phases in gain. However, one has to be aware of the unit of com-
even-aged forests. parison for such studies. If two species are mixed (in
A comparable index is lacking for mixed stands, equal shares) on a stand of two hectares, the portfolio
although some attempts have been made. For example, is identical to one hectare of one species and one hec-
Mixed forest definition and perspectives 529

tare of the other species. Therefore, if the decision unit study Paillet et al. (2010) find evidence of higher bio-
is higher than a single stand (which it typically will diversity in unmanaged forest than managed, but were
be), a potential gain from reduction of financial risk not able to f ind differences between management.
relies on increased silvicultural flexibility. If this is Eventhough Halme et al. (2010) question their fin-
not present there is no f inancial risk reduction. dings, there is no doubt that the question of whether
Jacobsen & Thorsen (2003) shows that an option value mixed forests have superiority over single species
may be present in mixed forests facing a risk of forests with regard to conserving endangered species,
climate change; the reason being that if a forest will have to be studied further. And for this purpose it
manager can postpone the decision of the final tree may be useful with the definition and specification
species until he knows better how climate and thereby points suggested in this paper.
tree growth develops, then he may gain by postponing
the decision. Again such an option value relies on the
silvicultural feasibility of managing and potentially Conclusions
changing proportion of mixing species throughout a
rotation. But commercial benefits could not explain The increasing importance of mixed forests is a re-
alone the forest managers’ decisions. Other values flection of an increasing complexity of societal de-
associated to mixed forests, such as environmental mands upon forest ecosystems, where mixed forests
self-consumption of private landowners (incorporated may be expected to have higher levels of resilience and
into their decisions as, for example, the expected value resistance to environmental hazards, and a more diver-
of the land), environmental services to society in se portfolio of environmental services. Forest mana-
public forestry domains (with value, but without gers and researchers should face this challenge with
market price), the opportunities for tourism develop- an appropriate understanding of the underlying mecha-
ment, biodiversity conservation, etc. could affect the nisms that control the interactions between species in
forest management. order to more adequately predict the outcomes of forest
Several studies have analyzed the preferences for operations’. EuMIXFOR is a timely research network
mixed forests and the willingness to pay (WTP) for supported by the COST framework in which the state
higher levels of tree diversity. For example, Nielsen of the art, gaps and future research directions regarding
et al. (2007) showed that users’ WTP is higher in mixed forests will be addressed. The first critical step
complex forest ecosystems with higher species is the agreement on a consistent and reference defi-
composition and more diverse structure than in pure nition of mixed forest that must be tested in order to
stands. Also Hanley et al. (1998) and Varela et al. make research and management results truly compa-
(2013), among others, find a positive willingness to rable. This work is the outcome of such agreement
pay for a higher tree diversity. There are, however, within EuMIXFOR networkFuture perspectives of
also studies which report the opposite, for example research on mixed forest have identif ied that case
Tyrväinen et al. (2003) found that pure stands were studies and retrospective analysis will continue to be
preferred over mixed stands. Some authors claim that an important source of experimental evidence of pat-
preferences for forest type are highly dependent on terns and processes. Gradient studies, experimental
cultural, regional and contextual factors (Edwards et design approaches, and model simulations regarding
al., 2012). species interactions and responses to hazards, size-
The satiation of user’s preferences regarding mono- density relationships and its implication in silviculture,
cultures could lead to a higher preference of higher conversion of monocultures to mixed-species forest
levels of tree species composition (Riera et al., 2012). and economic valuation of ecosystem services pro-
Biodiversity per se has a high welfare economic value vided by mixed forests are important topics in current
and people have shown a high WTP for this (e.g. Camp- research and they will foster future research.
bell et al., 2014; Jacobsen et al., 2008), much higher
than valuing diversity from common species (Bakhtiari
et al., 2014 compared to Campbell et al., 2014). While Acknowledgements
mixed forests may have a higher Shanon index for
example, it may be questioned whether it is better The networking in this study has been supported by
suited for conserving endangered species. In a meta- COST Action FP1206 EuMIXFOR.
530 A. Bravo-Oviedo et al. / Forest Systems (2014) 23(3): 518-533

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