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Directed writing: writing a discursive / argumentative / persuasive

letter (formal/informal)
Writing a persuasive or argumentative letter involves convincing the reader to adopt your viewpoint or
take a specific action. Whether formal or informal, here are some general guidelines for crafting an
effective directed writing piece:

Formal Persuasive Letter:

1. Addressing the Recipient:

- Begin with a formal salutation. Use titles and last names unless you know the person well.

- If you don't know the recipient's name, use a generic salutation like "To Whom It May Concern."

2. Introduction:

- Clearly state the purpose of your letter.

- Establish your position or request succinctly.

3. Background and Context:

- Provide necessary background information to help the recipient understand the issue or context.

- Include relevant facts and figures to support your argument.

4. State Your Position:

- Clearly articulate your stance or opinion on the matter.

- Use strong, persuasive language to make your point.

5. Supporting Arguments:

- Present your main arguments in a logical order.

- Support each point with evidence, examples, or expert opinions.

6. Address Counterarguments:

- Anticipate and address potential counterarguments.

- Refute opposing views with well-reasoned arguments.

7. Call to Action:

- Clearly state what action you want the recipient to take.

- Be specific and concise in your request.

8. Closing:

- Summarize your key points.

- End with a polite closing and express gratitude for the recipient's consideration.

9. Formal Closing:

- Use a formal closing such as "Sincerely" or "Yours faithfully."

- Include your full name and any relevant titles or affiliations.

Informal Persuasive Letter:

1. Salutation:

- Use a friendly salutation appropriate for your relationship with the recipient.

- Personalize the greeting to make it warm and engaging.

2. Opening:

- Begin with a friendly tone and express your purpose in a conversational manner.

3. Build Rapport:

- Share personal anecdotes or connections to build a connection with the reader.

- Keep the language conversational but respectful.

4. Express Your Opinion:

- Clearly state your opinion or request in a friendly and approachable manner.

- Use persuasive language but maintain a tone of camaraderie.

5. Supporting Points:

- Present your supporting arguments with a mix of facts and personal experiences.

- Keep the tone light but focused on the key points.

6. Addressing Concerns:

- Acknowledge potential concerns or counterarguments.

- Offer friendly rebuttals or solutions to potential objections.

7. Call to Action:

- Clearly state what action you would like the recipient to take.

- Use a friendly and encouraging tone.

8. Closing:

- Summarize your main points and express appreciation for the recipient's time.

- End with a friendly closing, such as "Best regards" or "Looking forward to your response."
9. Informal Closing:

- Sign off with a more casual closing, such as "Cheers" or "Take care."

- Include your first name or a nickname, depending on your relationship with the recipient.

Additional Tips:

Know Your Audience:

Understand the preferences and expectations of the person receiving the letter.

-Clarity and Conciseness:

Keep your arguments clear, concise, and focused to maintain the reader's interest.


Check for grammar and spelling errors. A well-edited letter adds to your credibility.


Use a professional format for formal letters and a more relaxed format for informal ones.

Remember, the tone and style can vary depending on the relationship with the recipient and the context
of the letter. Adjust your approach accordingly.

Formal Persuasive Letter:

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State, ZIP Code]

[Email Address]

[Phone Number]


[Recipient's Name]

[Recipient's Position or Title]

[Company or Organization]


[City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear Mr./Ms. [Recipient's Last Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to bring to your attention a matter of great importance
regarding [issue]. As a [your position/title] in [your organization], I have been closely monitoring the
developments in [industry/sector], and it has become evident that [specific issue] requires immediate

[Provide background and context, supporting with relevant facts and figures.]

The purpose of this letter is to urge [Recipient's Name] and [Company or Organization] to consider [your
proposed solution or action]. [Present your main arguments in a logical order, supporting each point
with evidence.]

I understand that [potential counterarguments]. However, I would like to emphasize that [your rebuttals
and additional supporting points]. By implementing [your proposed solution], we can [benefits and
positive outcomes].

I kindly request that [Recipient's Name] and [Company or Organization] take this matter into serious
consideration and work towards [your call to action]. Your support in this endeavor is crucial for
[positive impact or result].

Thank you for your time and consideration. I am available to discuss this matter further at your earliest
convenience. I look forward to a positive response.


[Your Full Name]

[Your Position/Title]

[Your Organization]

[Your Contact Information]

Informal Persuasive Letter:

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State, ZIP Code]

[Email Address]

[Phone Number]


Dear [Recipient's First Name],

I hope this letter finds you in good spirits. It's been a while since we caught up, and I wanted to share
something important with you. I've recently been involved in [activity/project/cause], and it's truly been
an eye-opening experience.

[Share personal anecdotes or connections to build a connection with the reader.]

The reason I'm reaching out is because I believe we can make a real difference together. I know you're
passionate about [related interest], and I thought you'd be interested in [your proposed solution or
action]. It's an exciting opportunity to [highlight benefits and positive outcomes].

I can imagine you might be thinking [potential concerns]. Trust me, I had similar thoughts at first.
However, after [your experiences or research], I've become more convinced that [your proposed
solution] is the way to go.

So, here's the ask: I would love for you to join me in this journey. Your unique perspective and energy
could truly make a significant impact. Let's grab a coffee soon and chat more about it. What do you say?

Looking forward to your positive response and catching up soon!

Best regards,

[Your First Name]

[Your Contact Information]

Remember, these examples are templates, and you should personalize them based on the specific
details of your situation, the recipient, and the context of the letter.


Reducing Homework Load:

 Address a letter to your teachers expressing concerns about the amount of homework and proposing a
balanced approach to workload.
Campaigning for a New Recreational Area:
 Write a letter to your local community center suggesting the creation of a new recreational area for
young people and explaining the positive impact it could have.

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