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Akhtar Abbas
Submitted to. Mam Fizza
Topic . Establishment of varieties
University of education township lahor
1. Introduction
2. Formation of plant
3. Significance
4. Important
The establishment of plant varieties is a dynamic
process involving the deliberate selection and
cultivation of plants with desirable traits. Rooted in
the evolution of agriculture, it has evolved from
ancient practices of unintentional selection to
modern, science-driven methods. Over millennia,
humans have refined techniques to develop crops
with improved characteristics, addressing
challenges in yield, resistance, and adaptability.
From the Green Revolution to contemporary
biotechnological advancements, the establishment
of plant varieties plays a pivotal role in ensuring
sustainable agriculture, global food security, and
biodiversity conservation.
Plant variety
• A population of plant that differ consistently
from the typical form of the species occuring
naturally In a geographical area is called plant
• Example
• Granny Smith apple." It's a distinct cultivar
known for its bright green skin, tart flavor, and
crisp texture.
Formation of plant variety
Goal Identification: Plant breeders define the
specific traits they want to enhance, such as yield,
disease resistance, or adaptability.
Parental Selection: Suitable parent plants with
desired traits are chosen to serve as genetic contributors
to the new variety.
Breeding Methods: Techniques like crossbreeding
or hybridization are employed to combine the genetic
material of selected parent plants, introducing diversity.
Selection and Evaluation: Plants displaying the
desired traits are systematically chosen through
generations, with rigorous evaluation to ensure
stability.Field Trials: Selected varieties undergo real-
world testing to assess their performance, including
factors like yield, resistance to diseases, and
Field Trials: Selected varieties undergo real-world
testing to assess their performance, including factors
like yield, resistance to diseases, and adaptability.
Regulatory Approval: Approval from regulatory
bodies may be necessary to ensure safety,
environmental compliance, and adherence to standards.
Registration and Protection: The new
plant variety is officially registered, detailing its distinct
characteristics. Intellectual property protection, such as
plant variety rights, may be pursued.
Commercial Release: Upon successful trials,
approvals, and protection, the new plant variety is
released for commercial cultivation, contributing to
agricultural innovation.
Improved Agricultural Productivity: Developing new
plant varieties with desirable traits, such as higher yield,
disease resistance, and better nutritional content,
contributes to increased agricultural productivity,
addressing the growing demand for food.
Genetic Diversity: Creating and maintaining a variety of
plant species helps preserve genetic diversity. This
diversity is crucial for the resilience of crops against pests
diseases, and environmental changes.
Economic Benefits for Farmers: Farmers benefit
from improved plant varieties that offer higher yields
and better resistance to pests and diseases. This can
lead to increased income and reduced risks associated
with crop failure.
Biodiversity Conservation: The establishment of
diverse plant varieties contributes to the conservation
of biodiversity. It helps maintain a balance in
ecosystems and supports the overall health of the
1. New varieties of plant have improved yield
higher quality or butter resistance to pest and
2. These varieties increase productivity in
agriculture horticulture and forestry. But they
have imposed minimum pressure on the
environment.The tremendous progress in
agriculture productivity in various parts of the
world is largely based on improved plant
3.The development of new improved varieties
with higher quality increase the value and
marketability of crops. In addition breeding
program for ornamental plants can be of
substantial economic important for an exporting
Thank you

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