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The Micromouse competition is a robotics competition in which small autonomous robots, called
Micromice or Micromouses, navigate through a maze to find the optimal path from a predetermined
starting point to the center of the maze. The competition is designed to showcase the capabilities of
small, fast, and intelligent robots. While the specific rules may vary depending on the competition
organizer, there are some common elements:

1. Maze Structure:

- The maze is typically a grid with walls forming corridors and dead ends.

- The maze has a start point and a goal point, often located at the center.

- The walls of the maze can be of uniform height and color to aid sensors on the Micromouse.

2. Micromouse Specifications:

- The Micromouse must fit within specific size constraints, both in terms of dimensions and weight.

- The robot must be autonomous, meaning it operates without remote control during its maze-
solving run.

3. Competition Rounds:

- The competition consists of multiple rounds, and the goal is to complete the maze in the shortest

- In some competitions, the time is measured from the start until the Micromouse reaches the
center; in others, it's the total time including maze exploration.

4. Maze Exploration:

- Before the actual competition, competitors are given a specified amount of time to explore and
map the maze.

- The Micromouse must use sensors, such as infrared or ultrasonic, to navigate and determine the
layout of the maze.

5. Run Timing:

- The Micromouse is placed at the start point, and a timing mechanism is triggered.

- The robot then autonomously explores and navigates the maze to find the goal.

6. Scoring:
- The Micromouse's performance is often judged based on a combination of factors, including time
taken to reach the goal and the efficiency of the path chosen.

7. Disqualification:

- Micromice that violate the competition rules, such as receiving external assistance or damaging
the maze, may be disqualified.

8. Rule Variations:

- Different competitions may have variations in rules, maze designs, and scoring methods.

- Some competitions may have additional challenges, such as solving multiple mazes in a single run
or handling dynamic elements in the maze.

It's important for participants to thoroughly understand the specific rules and requirements of the
Micromouse competition they are entering, as these can vary between events and organizers. The
competition provides a platform for robotics enthusiasts to showcase their engineering and
programming skills in designing efficient and intelligent autonomous robots.

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