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(Scene opens with GF and BF taking a leisurely stroll through Green Hill

Zone. GF smiles at BF as they walk and talk)

GF: Thanks for inviting me on this walk, Boyfriend.

BF: Aww, it’s no problem, Girlfriend. I’m just happy that this place is so
quiet. The city can be so hectic and obnoxious, sometimes.

GF: Yeah, although… (GF looks around at the almost dead valleys, and no
sign of life) I have a feeling it’s a bit TOO quiet, around here…

BF: (looks at GF confused) Wwwwwhhhhat do you mean?

(Cut to GF’s face on a TV screen, as an unseen MAJIN watches from an


GF: Oh…just a gut feeling, I got. That’s all.

(MAJIN looks at the screen, looking almost behind GF)

MAJIN: Ohhhh, you have no idea what you’re in for… This is going to be
an interesting development.

(Behind GF, MAJIN can see the two eyes of XANTHUS, looking at the
couple, and a sinister grin leering on his face. Meanwhile, back in Green
Hill Zone, BF and GF keep walking. Until GF stops)

GF: Do you…think we’re being watched?

BF: (Looks back at GF) What do you mean?

(Before GF can even respond, they are surrounded by static, and a deep
echoing voice starts laughing at them.
XANTHUS: Oh good. Some brand new toys to play with. (The static clears
just enough for them to see a throne room, and XANTHUS sitting on the
throne, his hands poised in a “plotting” position and the grin still plastered
on his Sonic-shaped face.) Now let’s see what you’re made of, my
“friends”. (cue dark chuckle, fade to black.)

(MAJIN pops into the black abys, and plasters a “Coming soon” both in
English and with Japanese Kanji on the screen before he disappears)

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