Book 6

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Index Of Math-Physics Co

Math-physics Concepts ✓
Proof of surface area and volume of a frustrum ✓
Proof of Quardratic formula (derived from quadratic equation) ✓
Algebra subsitution method derivation ✓
Algebra Elimination method derivation ✓
Calculas limits ✓
Calculas Derivatives ✓
Calculas Integers ✓
Calculas Derivatives full understanding with derivations ✓
Calculas Integers full understanding with derivations ✓
Newtons laws understanding ✓
Newtonian Mechanics related trignometry ✓
F=ma derivations ✓
Area of sector and Surface Area of sectors in Radian and Degrees proof ✓

SHM (Simple Harmonic Wave) Derivations ✓

Electromagnetic Waves concepts
Wave lenghth ✓
Longitudenal wave
Reflection Wave
Surface Wave
Doppler effect
Mechanical Wave
Standing Wave
Acoustic Wave
Matter wave
Beat wave
Sound waves
Theory of Relativity ✓
General theory of Relativty ✓
Minkowsi space time ✓
Proving Newton mechanics wrong experiment ✓
Index Of Math-Physics Concepts

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