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Plants belong to the kingdom Plantae and are multicellular organisms that
produce their own sustenance through photosynthesis. More than 300,000 different
types of plants exist; notable examples of plants are trees, shrubs, and grasses. A
significant part of the world's ecosystems is played by plants. Since many species
either eat plants or are eaten by other organisms that eat plants, they are crucial to the
food chain and provide the majority of the oxygen in the earth.
Through my readings, all parts of plants are important and carry out different
functions. All of them come together to perform their respective functions for the
healthy life of the plant. First is the Stem, the stem have little tubes that carry water
and food to the rest of the plants, it also hold up leaves and flowers of the plants.
Second is the Roots, the roots collect water and minerals for the plant and hold the
plants in the ground. Third is the Leaves, the leaves make food for the plant. Lastly,
the Flower, the flower have many sizes, colors and shapes. Flowers makes seeds and
that seed grows into another plant.
Understanding seed structure is helpful in understanding seed functions. Seeds
have an outer seed coat that varies from thin and papery to rock-hard. Inside the seed
is the embryo plant and usually some sort of nutrition called endosperm. The seed
leaves, or cotyledons, can also hold a food supply. The food supply supports the
sprouting seedling until it grows a root and can make its own food. Seeds can also
have accessory structures attached to them that come from the ovary walls or different
persistent parts of the flower.
In addition, Seeds needs soil, water and sunlight in order for them to grow into
a fine plant. Seeds have a great use to humans because sometimes we eat them such as
oats, peas, beans and various types of nuts. We use the peanut oil and cottonseed oil
from seeds for cooking as well as pepper and nutmeg for spices. Seeds can also be
used for medicine, anise and flax seed are use to cure cold and cholesterol.
I’ve learned another topic which is the uses of plants. People have been able to
develop a variety of uses for plants throughout history, including fondness, medicine,
and clothing. Oxygen is produced by plants. Oxygen gas is one of the elements that
plants produce during food production. The gas that plants and animals need to
survive is oxygen, which is a significant component of the air. The oxygen that
humans draw from the air when they breathe is what keeps our bodies and cells alive.
In other words, the primary reason why plants are necessary for human survival is that
without them, we would not be able to breathe.

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