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My experience with generating questions has shown me that learning activities that include my
developed questions allow me as a student to move beyond simply absorbing knowledge. Enhancing my
confidence regarding the subject matter, and developing a broader and flexible thinking. We frequently
ask and answer questions about the text while reading. This helps us become better readers. Due to the
fact that it makes us think about what we are reading. Questions are sentences that request information.
Many queries begin with who, what, when, where, why, or how. Before, during, and after reading a
book, you can ask yourself questions.

Also in generating questions, I can strengthen my ability to think critically, which can help me build my
reading techniques in terms of determining what the major point of the story or what I read is. Having
the opportunity to develop questions allows me to be confident in my abilities. Readings and
interpreting the information that the stories provide. This experience in producing questions allows me
to practice knowing how important it is to promote an engaging topic in the story. Readers utilize
questioning to engage with the text.

Furthermore, generating questions assists the reader in clarifying and comprehending what he is
reading. Struggling readers rarely ask themselves or the text questions as they read. It is important to
practice generating questions before, during, and after reading. We activate prior knowledge and make
predictions when we ask questions before reading a text. Both of these activities pique our interest and
increase the likelihood that we will connect with and comprehend the text. Additionally your goal should
assist you in determining what levels of questions you will ask in order to obtain the information that we
require. This is an excellent way to improve Comprehend the significance of what we are reading. You
might be wondering, before you read, who will Be a part of this story, or what will happen?

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