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Web Design, Sixth Edition

End of Chapter Solutions

Matching Terms
1. F 5. J 9. G
2. B 6. E 10. A
3. D 7. I
4. H 8. C

Short Answer
1. Discuss the processes of self- and internal-testing and target audience testing for a

beta website. What should you determine during each testing phase?

The first phase of prepublication website testing is self-testing or internal testing,

where testing is limited to those involved in web design. During this phase, you (self) or

your web development team (internal) test and evaluate your website’s structure and

page layout, color scheme, and other elements. If you are using a web design tool or

CMS, use the available tools to test links, accessibility, spelling, and responsiveness.

The second testing phase involves recruiting a small group of people to act as testers.

The testers should review your website and test its navigation, links, and other features.

Ask testers to complete a survey in which they can express their candid opinions. In

addition to identifying specific settings (such as browser version, screen resolution and

size, and device type) the tester is using, your survey should include questions that

address UX/UI guidelines.

2. Identify at least three options for acquiring web server space.

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Thousands of web hosting companies offer server space for a monthly fee. Your Internet

service provider (ISP) also might provide a limited amount of server space as part of

your monthly Internet access fee. If you are a student, staff, or faculty member, your

school might provide server space on its web server. Other web hosting companies

cater to e-commerce websites that require a more sophisticated level of server support,

such as shopping carts and comments features, as well as a larger storage space.

3. Describe methods for uploading and publishing pages to a web server.

To publish your website, you must upload all of the website files to a dedicated folder

on the server. If you are using a CMS, you will save files to the host company’s web

server as you create them. The pages simply need your go-ahead to publish. If you are

working with a web design tool, your files reside on your own computer. To upload your

files, you can use FTP, or the publishing feature included with your web design tool. File

Transfer Protocol (FTP) is the standard for uploading or downloading files over the

Internet, such as webpage files to a web server.

4. Briefly discuss why it is necessary to retest the pages at a published website and how

to perform retesting.

After publication, you must monitor your website continually to ensure that it functions

correctly and contains current information. Confirm that all images are displayed

properly. Make certain that no broken links exist. Ensure all interactive elements, such

as forms, function properly. Correct or update page file(s) on your local computer as

needed, and then upload the corrected page file to the server. Skim the content,

especially when it contains schedule or date information that may be time sensitive.

5. Discuss how you can use social media tools to promote your website. What are the

benefits of social media promotion and advertising?

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Establishing a basic social media presence is easy and free. You can use social media to

share updates, invite customers to an event, ask for feedback, and more. You also can

use social media platforms’ paid tools to create advertisements, promotional posts, and

more. One advantage of social media is that you can create targeted ads that reach a

specific audience based on information in the users’ profiles, as well as the users’ social

media activity.

6. Explain how to use affiliate programs and advertising networks.

The primary players in website advertising are merchant companies, called advertisers,

that want to purchase online or in-app advertising, and companies, known as publishers,

that want to sell ads on their websites or in their apps. An advertising network, brings

together advertisers and publishers to complete ad sale transactions. Ads provided by

an advertising network are stored on an ad server and “served up” when added to a

search results page or when a visitor requests a publisher’s pages. When a visitor clicks

an ad from a publisher’s webpage or app, the visitor’s browser goes to the ad’s link

target, which usually is a landing page for the advertised product or service. An affiliate

program is an e-commerce performance-based online advertising program in which the

advertiser pays a fee or commission on sales generated by links on the publishers’

websites. Affiliate program publishers place specially formatted links to advertisers’

websites on their webpages, mobile web pages, or within apps. When a visitor clicks an

affiliate link on the publisher’s webpage, the advertiser’s website (often a landing page)

opens. If the visitor makes a purchase at the advertiser’s website after arriving there

from the publisher’s website, the publisher receives a commission on the sale or a flat

fee, depending on the affiliate agreement. An affiliate management network, such as

Google Affiliate Network, helps affiliate programs by helping to establish the

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relationship between advertisers and publishers, by monitoring visitors’ click-throughs,

and by processing commission or fee payments.

7. Define the following terms as they relate to website promotion: geotargeting, spam,

and keyword stuffing.

Geotargeting determines the user’s location by the ISP, IP address, Global Positioning

System (GPS), or user-provided location information, such as ZIP code, and provides ad

content relevant to the user’s location. Spam is unsolicited email advertising. Keyword

stuffing is adding or repeating commonly used search terms in a website to increase a

website’s search rankings.

8. Describe different types of online and in-app advertising techniques.

Rich media ads contain multimedia elements. This category of online ads includes

floating ads that seem to float across the screen for a few seconds, expandable banner

ads that grow larger when clicked, and multimedia ads. A pop-up ad opens in its own

window on top of the webpage or app a visitor is currently viewing. A pop-under ad

opens in its own window underneath the browser and the current webpage. Mobile

web advertising is simply the placement of ads on a mobile version of a webpage. A user

sees the ad when looking at another webpage, and can click the ad to view more

information. Mobile web ads can include cookies, which can gather and send

information back to the host. In-app advertising refers to ads that appear periodically

while using an app, such as between rounds of play in a gaming app.

9. Define opt-in advertising and explain why unsolicited advertising is an inappropriate

method for promoting a website.

Opt-in advertising, also called permission-based advertising, requires that the message

recipient “opt-in” or formally agree to receive the email or text advertising. Opt-in

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advertising begins with a visitor submitting his or her email address and/or cell phone

number and other required information, and then agreeing to receive messages. This

arrangement is doubly beneficial—the recipient gets information he or she wants, and

the advertiser can send a targeted message to a receptive audience. Although you hate

to lose subscribers, you must always provide an option to unsubscribe. Many people

dislike receiving email or texts, even from websites they visit frequently. Allowing

customers to choose the frequency or type of advertisement you send them prevents

you from losing them as customers, even if they choose to opt out as a subscriber.

10. Explain the purpose of benchmarking and web analytics in evaluating website


Analytics can determine how much a website can charge for advertisements, for

example. Typically, large websites follow a formal evaluation plan that includes

analytics, benchmarking, and web server log transaction analysis. Developing web

analytics, sometimes called web metrics, involves combining various types of visitor

data—server log analysis, eye-tracking studies, tracking cookies, page tagging, sales

data, and so forth—to discover information about who visitors are and how they

interact with your website. Typical web analytics reports contain a variety of

measurements, such as unique visitors, repeat visitors, page views, click-stream analysis,

and, for e-commerce websites, conversion rate.

Benchmarking involves using a defined standard to measure overall performance, or to

evaluate a specific aspect of a website. For example, a benchmark goal for an

organizational or e-commerce website might be to increase the number of visitors by 10

percent per month over the next 12 months. Comparing the goal with the actual growth

in the number of website visitors each month can help a website’s owner determine

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what, if any, changes to make at the website. After evaluation against actual

performance, you might need to adjust a benchmark goal to make it more realistic.


1 In-App Advertising

As a website designer, you can use in-app advertising to monetize, or earn money to

support your website. Research costs, methods, and effectiveness of in-app advertising.

Find services that help you create messages and reach your target audience. How do

these companies match user profiles with a company’s products or goals? How would

you use this approach as a website designer?

Essays will vary. Students should describe the reasons why in-app advertising is effective,
and give examples of services, costs, and examples.
2 Third-party Analytic Services

Research companies that offer web analytic services. Choose three to research further.

Compare the companies to determine what services they each offer and the costs of

those services, and obtain client reviews. What type of reporting do they offer? As a

web designer, would you find this type of reporting helpful?

Essays will vary. Students should provide three examples of analytic services and details
about each.

1 Data Gathering

Web marketers use a variety of advertising techniques, some of which enable the web

marketer to identify website visitors’ actions and then analyze these actions to develop

the web metrics or analytics necessary to evaluate website performance. Some of these

data-gathering techniques might be considered an invasion of privacy by website

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visitors. Research the ways in which web analytics data is gathered and analyzed. Create

a presentation for your class that describes data-gathering and analysis methods and

related privacy concerns. Discuss the effect of data gathering from two perspectives: as

a website visitor and as a website owner.

Essays will vary. Students should describe security issues surrounding data gathering.
2 Security Issues

Search the Internet for articles that deal with security issues surrounding rich media ads

and other online ads. Find recommendations for your browser settings. Check the

settings in your browser. Summarize what you have learned about security concerns

and recommendations. List the steps you took, if any, to protect yourself.

Essays will vary. Students should identify security issues surrounding rich media ads.

Students’ responses to HANDS ON, TEAM APPROACH, and CASE STUDY

activities will vary.

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